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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. or a new phone that you can see the full hex id's?
  2. I wonder if doing that is possible. Seems to be a no brainer on how it should work.
  3. The huge tower 300 yards from my door has both Sprint and Clearwire on it. The next up the road is Clearwire on a large tower behind the grocery store and Sprint on a billboard in front of the store. Sounds like a chance to save some money there somewhere.
  4. Fixed one of the pictures, it had duplicate sector info.
  5. Yes,its here: NV Panels visible up top: Drove around it and got the short sector IDs
  6. Its live screedhots to follow Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  7. That's not far I will run over in a few and grab the LTE engineering screenshot if I get LTE.
  8. I'm not due until June but that will give the early adopters time to figure out which work the best. Hopefully I can get a Triband Note 3 or something then. Things are getting mighty slow at work and they already let 2 of 6 tech's go.
  9. I did said the ground gear, not the panels. The panels have 2 1900 Mhz antennas and a 800 Mhz one. I also think someone, probably AJ, said they would need new racks on the ground. I am just hoping there will be a fix so existing racks (cabinets) would be able to make the link to backhaul.
  10. Well cool. Sprint and the old Clearwire Wimax are both on the big tower 300 yards from my front door. Too bad I use wifi hooked to my cable while at home.
  11. What I am really wondering and hoping is Son will fund or find a way to use the NV ground mount gear and add something to it to do LTE on 2.5G. I hear mixing FDD and TDD is a pain but finding a solution would save money in the long run I think.
  12. I still kind of think the IDEN teardown will slow the roll out a little for a while. I know they are using different contractors but there are only so many people qualified to climb towers and take down panels on sites with live ones up. Taking out the other stuff wouldn't be an issue heck I could load a cabinet in a pickup.
  13. Wimax has to stay up for a couple more years I think. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. I agree with everything you said but one thing. Sprint is investing Billions. Son's biggest hurdle won't be making the network great, it will be making people think its great after the buildout is complete. I get the Sprint sucks why on earth would you use them all the time. A guy on a local radio station call in show this last week after getting a computer question answered just added out of nowhere "do yourself a favor don't go with Sprint". It was in response to the host saying before he took callers that he got a notice USC was ending his service in St Louis. That's why I feel when its time to expand the network footprint they should do it like everyone else does, block the signal while building an area and only allow connections when its mostly done (way more than 50%) after an official launch. Too many people will think it sucks if they can get it part of the time while they are building it with a fringe signal. Once they think it sucks it will take a lot more convincing to change their minds. Sprint rocks, not yet but soon.
  15. If you mean the current roll out of course it will. Expanding the network is anyones guess. Some say Son will push to be everywhere the big 2 are, some say just the best network where its available. IMHO (your mileage may vary) fix where its at and get the public perception is "Sprint Rocks, I wish I could get it here", then start adding footprint. And to keep the perceived performance that Sprint indeed does rock block access to new areas till its mostly fully deployed. I can't tell you how many times people look at me like I am a idiot and ask why when I say I use Sprint. Sprint Rocks, not yet but hopefully soon.
  16. Edit: My bad I thought you were talking about me not having signal at work when I first wrote this message. I didn't see what you quoted in the car on the phone. With the sunlight and dim screen and Tapatalk's color scheme that part was unreadable. 3 of us at work had same issue. The tower was working fine before the True North showed up Wednesday. Died while they were there. I hoped it was down to fire up LTE. I don't know if they went back or not but no one was there 45 minutes to an hour after the signal came back. Same ping etc, so I don't think its on the new gear yet. There should be a system that flags a tower/sector if it has no phones connected for an extended period. It was down over 24 hours when I chatted with Sprint over the PC at work. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. Chatted with Sprint about no service at work they were unaware of an outage so the turned it over to networking and it was back up about 3 this afternoon. Now noticeable change in speed no LTE. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. I never got service back at work. A few blocks away I could get 1x. No crew visible so no data or phone tomorrow too. I think they saw me complain and decided to give me something to complain about. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. Also some phones suck receiving LTE and if you don't toggle airplane mode it can take s long time befor it checks. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. The 3 North guys are gone and its still down. -110 in the parking lot when its up its -80. Rats no sigal inside for sur. Later. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. The Cottleville in progress site is off line while they are working on it today. It went down just before 9 AM. No service at all inside work now. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. I'm thinking first Missouri market 800 before August.
  23. I am hoping they are stalled waiting on an inspector to become available.
  24. I know you are right. I am just saying its going as fast as it can and I still want more. I fully admit its unreasonable to expect more, but I still would like more faster too. I would like gas at 50 cents a gallon too, also unreasonable. I am also expecting it to get faster and huge acceptance reports soon. The sooner the better I guess is all I am saying. Everything not just the roll out seems to take a long time to me. A couple businesses I know moved a small distance. It seemed to take for ever from getting the property to reopening in the new spot. I am just spoiled by todays order it in the morning and have it the next day mass produced consumer product availability.
  25. Cool! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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