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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. It's pretty odd what is or isn't going on there regarding SMR spectrum on the island. According to the quarterly progress report: http://www.800ta.org/content/reporting/QPR_06.30.12.pdf they seem to be making excellent progress in regards to rebanding. Hopefully their 800MHz plans for Puerto Rico will be revealed in the near future.
  2. http://finance.yahoo...-155200145.html Having funding rocks it would seem as Sprint is paying off some debt early. This is the last of the debt that came along with Nextel as part of the merger. All vestiges of Nextel are thankfully being wiped away in one form or another. After this move, Sprint should be pretty comfortable in terms of debt with only $981M ($481M of which is from their iPCS acquisition) in debt due between now and December 2016. At that point, the iDEN network will have been long gone, Network Vision will be finished, their Apple contract will be fulfilled so they *should* be sitting pretty then barring any unforeseen calamities.
  3. Sprint isn't buying US Cellular. They're buying spectrum and customers in several markets from US Cellular.
  4. As a follow up, reading the 8-K concerning this deal, the costs cap mentioned in the quoted portion of my previous post is $200M. So the absolute most that Sprint may spend from this deal is $680M. http://yahoo.brand.edgar-online.com/displayfilinginfo.aspx?FilingID=8900072-917-24076&type=sect&dcn=0001051512-12-000064
  5. Transcript from US Cellular's earnings call: http://seekingalpha.com/article/987591-united-states-cellular-s-ceo-discusses-q3-2012-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single Something related to the deal that I thought was interesting:
  6. Mount Kellet gets some backup from Crest Financial: http://www.bloomberg.com/article/2012-11-07/aaCd1AKKQFE8.html
  7. Ah I see, USCC reported their Q3 today as well. They lost 38K more postpaid subscribers and missed the mark on revenue and earnings per share. Yikes!
  8. Wow! Yes, indeed this is likely the precursor to something larger. Granted USCC is getting nearly half a billion dollars, but when you're a company that small that's already been losing postpaid subscribers for a while and you decide to sell well over half a million subscribers, including those where your headquarters is, things aren't looking good for your company imho.
  9. *If* I'm understand correctly though, the technolgy that enables MOTOtalk/Direct Talk actually has nothing to do with iDEN itself. If that's the case, why not buy up some old Nextel handsets and issue them out since they don't require the iDEN network to function as walkie talkies. They should be going for a song as we get closer to 6/6/13. Interestingly, I saw an article that made me think about this topic: http://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=226725&
  10. Time magazine Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  11. I've never gotten a representative in India in all of the years that Ive had Sprint. I know that Sprint has had a call center in the Philippines for a while, but since I never use telesales I haven't gotten that call center in many years. Every time that I call in, I get someone here in the god ole US of A.
  12. Used to be a big time console gamer, but I can just never find the time for it anymore. Even if I did still have the time, no M$ products in my crib, so no Halo for me.
  13. The round table format ate hairy spiders when drunk. Its towers became bloated after swallowing a mouthful of baby formula. The baby ate his poisoned barbeque chicken ribs without A1 steak sauce. Fix the chair leg before somebody trips and breaks their sister's glass. It peed shards of
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