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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Lol I often wonder the same thing about California residents. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  2. I certainly wouldn't want to try and handicap the odds of a potential merger succeeding. However, that 10% number was floated by Craig (Muppett) Moffett. Needless to say, his insights and predictions regarding matters having to do with Sprint have been unreliable at best.
  3. The coverage map is interesting. It's odd that for the spectrum map they include Sprint's WCS holdings which are soon to be in the hands of AT&T, but they neglect to include BRS/EBS. I guess that would turn the entire map purple.
  4. If I'm understanding this SEC document correctly 'he' has around 42 million reasons to actually want to be sh*t-canned after any buyout of TMUS: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1283699/000119312514157312/d630442ddef14a.htm#toc630442_17 Page 48.
  5. They both support CDMA 800 SMR. Neither supports 800 SMR over LTE. The G doesn't support LTE at all.
  6. Exactly. Both companies successfully petitioned the FCC to set some friendly rules with regards to the 600MHz auction. Instead of flushing that down the toilet, why not get that out of the way and then see about making a move.
  7. If this deal does indeed get announced at this point I think it show's Masa Son's impatience. Not necessarily a good trait.
  8. Not at all mad at Cox here either. My 50 Mbps connection being bumped to 100 Mbps for no additional charge. Yeah I'm pretty stoked about that myself. Hopefully it'll come by July.
  9. I'm not in favor of the alleged merger, but playing along, since it's a new company then why not a new name? Ditch both old names and start fresh.
  10. That's the Cult of Legere for ya... I admire your patience.
  11. Right and that's why this would be such a bad idea. Both the DoJ and FCC have already expressed strong reservations about any such tie-up. So you keep pounding your head against a wall in the slim hopes that maybe you'll break through? I don't get that...If Son fails then he has to part with money, spectrum or both which only makes T-Mobile stronger and paves the way for Charlie Ergen or some other interested party to swoop in and pick up the strengthened T-Mobile. In the off chance that he succeeds, there are all kinds of integration issues to deal with and tons of redundant cell sites and, perhaps most importantly, the reserved spectrum for the 600MHz auction goes bye-bye. I actually wouldn't mind Legere staying on only because if at some point the shareholders decide that they'd like to see profits (and perhaps even dividends) so changes need to be made to that end, he definitely needs to be the one standing in his Twitter pulpit to explain why to his sycophants.
  12. If DT is planning on selling their ~67% stake in TMUS, why would they even care what the resultant company is called?
  13. In the areas that AT&T offers it, does U-verse TV not compete with DirecTV?
  14. Could you provide some specific examples of what you're referring to here?
  15. Nope, not really. That only addresses calling and texting from your Sprint phone to other countries while still here in the US. That doesn't address roaming on your Sprint phone while in other countries.
  16. My only issue with that thinking is how strongly opposed AT&T and VZW are to the FCC's proposal to reserve some of the 600MHz spectrum for Sprint, T-Mobile and other smaller carriers to bid upon. In general, if AT&T and VZW are against something I tend to be for it and vice versa. While there may be issues with the TV broadcasters wanting to relinquish spectrum, surely you have to concede that there's some legitimate reason why the Twin Bells want to be free to buy it all up for themselves.
  17. You can believe that they don't care if you wish. It's only common sense that at an auction you would ideally like to have fewer (if any) well capitalized competitors to bid against. Additionally, I'm not quite sure how Sprint will get 9+9 SMR, but even if possible, there are still border region issues to be worked out. I don't see how getting a couple of extra MHz of SMR is better than bidding for 10+10, 15+15 or 20+20 MHz of 600MHz spectrum. Going along those lines though, wouldn't it be better for T-Mobile to skip the headache of the 600MHz auction and instead use those funds to try and acquire more 700A licenses? In a merger there are always going to be those who don't get along. I'd wager that it wasn't all peaches and cream between T-Mobile and MetroPCS either. In any event, you're not really showing any actual acquisition issues with Clearwire. Nor have you been able to show this alleged "unmotivated" John Saw. Supposition aside, he apparently was motivated enough to earn himself a promotion. So what that brings us back to is Nextel. I don't really know if a single instance of integration issues a decade ago is enough to establish a meaningful "historical" trend, especially when most, if not all, of the executives and board members from that transaction are no longer with the company.
  18. I don't know that there's anything inherently wrong in looking at AWS-3 despite the consternation that others here have expressed about the subject. However, to bypass the 600MHz auction would be an abject disaster, especially if the FCC follows through with putting their proposed restrictions in place. While I'm sure the magenta contingent would love for Sprint to skip the 600MHz auction and allow them to gobble up most of the restricted spectrum unopposed, that doesn't seem very probable. This is likely to be the last auction for beachfront, low band spectrum for quite some time. Sprint must to be a buyer here. What specific problems are you referring to with the Clearwire acquisition?
  19. The rest of band 26 is the Cellular band so in most cases AT&T and VZW hold it. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  20. Earnings call transcript: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2173273-sprints-ceo-discusses-q1-2014-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single
  21. Nope. It's included in 3GPP2 Band Class 10, but not LTE Band 26.
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