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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. doesn't sprint have enough high spectrum??? Can't sprint do small cell in the 25/2600?
  2. I wonder how long its going to take to catch up with the boys out east.. Starting to really second guess myself now that everyone else has again jumped ahead... Our "new" network will just be "catching up" once again smh....
  3. Charlie in charge.... Don't forget that.. No way he is selling to Softbank.. Charlie doesn't want to go anywhwere.. Spectrum swap I can see.. Charlie is waiting for Tmo/Softbank to get killed then he will go after Tmo for less. Is att/DirecTV mean lower rates by bundle? Or nfl ticket mobile exclusive to att?
  4. Be careful how you say it..... siri might ask if she should keep talking while "ibeatsOff" is active!
  5. My coverage in western mass seems to have gotten worse again. I am using a n5 and LTE is sparse. In downtown Springfield area its spotty. Actually spotty best describes it everywhere here in western mass. The network must be under a heavy load as speeds are all over the place. I know back haul issues are a concern but how long does it take? Anyone else experiencing the same or better here in western mass?
  6. lowering the deal is great but if it can't get approved by doj/fcc it won't matter... You could be on to something though, Masa might be playing chess... I just can't see where this is going though.. then again I am not Masa either. I just can't see how sprint/tmo/voda works out. Buying voda will help him in the US market how? He will still own sprint who needs a make over. Wait... Someone mentioned earlier... maybe Buy voda, buy tmo, sell off most of sprint to dish? That seems like a big mess though.
  7. smh.... wasnt att supposedly trying to buy vodaphone? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CD8QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloomberg.com%2Fnews%2F2013-10-31%2Fat-t-is-said-to-explore-vodafone-takeover-as-soon-as-next-year.html&ei=SQRDU4uBOImtsASulIDQAg&usg=AFQjCNHxQ8usby28ftK_UUUCatIDrbK7Zg&sig2=pm-OJmxRHiVUUyDoP2bgCA&bvm=bv.64125504,d.cWc https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDYQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloomberg.com%2Fnews%2F2014-01-29%2Fat-t-said-to-still-eye-vodafone-after-renouncing-takeover.html&ei=SQRDU4uBOImtsASulIDQAg&usg=AFQjCNFPaUP83tPInuv-cGIntvu4HFnfKQ&sig2=1ReinDScsaDZMFxd5j5KQw&bvm=bv.64125504,d.cWc What the heck is going on? What is the end game? They must see something down the road that we havent figured out yet.. Son will give up on tmo to go after voda, so tmo wasn't that important after all??? He wanted to bring competition to the big 2... Outside side of scale how does this help "bring" competition to the big 2? Maybe with the cca and net alliance he doesnt need tmo anymore???
  8. Hey Verizon and T!............ Can you hear Sprint now? CCA along with net alliance should help Sprint make some noise...
  9. I was thinking wth?... But I guess with mass you never know what he has planned.... I guess he wants to stir up the industry too. I am happy that sprint seems to have awoken and starting to make noise, makes me happy lol .. Hopefully they are getting rid of thinking like losers
  10. Found this on another site http://www.dailywireless.org/2014/03/27/dish-in-merger-talks-with-sprint/ Not sure about this one but I guess anything is possible. "Any merger between Sprint and Dish would result in an embarrassment of spectrum. Selling excess spectrum to other carriers in any merger between Dish and Sprint would seem to be in the cards. T-Mobile has also been mentioned as a possible partner with Dish. A T-Mobile/Dish merger might better match their combined spectrum needs. Both companies have large AWS spectrum holdings. T-Mobile has the AWS infrastructure ready to go."
  11. Apparently it was 2 towers. they said on the news that 2 towers were knocked down between 25-50 years old and each 100-150ft high. Wherever the wind was measured they only had gusts of 30-50mph But it is believed a gust of 90mph brought the towers down.
  12. When son mentions devices (net alliance/CCA deals) could he also be talking about the bright star acquisition? I get the feeling that Tmo will start losing steam with recent changes and that Son is starting to put all the pieces together... Net alliance, CCA, dish deal, network vision and possible Tmo buyout....that's a lot on the plate.... But I like the fact that sprint isn't standing still. I love how Mass wants to fight.
  13. Great idea. Super way for sprint to save. I wonder when an if the cable companies will start charging or figure out a way filter so they wireless companies can't "get over" by offering WiFi calling, I know Tmo has it already. The idea is great but if I am gonna WiFi at home I wish sprint would offer different plans with minutes again. That being said I guess I could cancel the VoIP line.
  14. We are witnessing plan b.. Tmo is raising prices and apparently getting rid of corp discounts (that remains to be seen) While sprint is lining everything up to go head to head with the big 2... Yes the end game is Tmo and sprint somehow. ** instead of plan b maybe I should say taking a different route
  15. If sprint can call this native or Sprint LTE coverage, its gonna look really pretty on commercials... We prolly won't see the Verizon one anymore with the maps...
  16. I believe we are seeing the start of plan b.....sprint realizes Tmo merger is too risky/won't be allowed RIGHT NOW so plan b is in effect. Masa is making moves! I think sprint has something with dish as well.. But the end game some how includes Tmo or a large part of it.
  17. Is the 700 as valuable as tmo people make it sound? Sometimes I think it might be a mistake for tmo when considering the issues that come with it. I would think sprint would keep 25/2600 but I believe dish (assuming they start up) would want some of that and vzw/att would be pushing real hard to make sprint give some of that up as well as aws.
  18. I guess the question is will it ever happen? If it does happen which spectrum/bands of Tmo or sprint would masa be willing to sell or get rid of? Should sprint keep all of the 25/2600mhz; would it make sense to keep a decent amount of Tmo towers for spacing the 25/2600?
  19. Do sprint/tmo have any bands close enough to share through software update? Or would it just be for certain phones... like the nexus?
  20. I understand you, but how much could they lose from all the "would be" apple upgrades, as well as new customers because the "new" iphone isnt up to date? If band 41 hasnt met a certain buildout point I would be ok with it not being in 6. But i would suspect a lot of people wont be happy if it doesnt come triband. How long was the contract with apple anyways?
  21. If the merger gets approved, that might put NV on hold.... I am sure they want to figure out which tmo towers to keep/get rid of. They might decide to stop tower upgrades in certain areas until they actually start merging because tmo has a better site location or whatever. That could make things painful for another couple of years for some of us. I wish we could get inside the war room and see what the plans are whether its successful or unsuccessful. I think the merger will give vzw/att something to worry about, It can force them to drop prices, wouldnt surprise me at all if they brought contracts BACK (att/vzw) just to be able to prevent people from leaving if sprint/tmo merged.
  22. If the Iphone doesnt have spark, Sprint made a bad mistake in signing the contract with apple. I would think it would specify spark in the contract by 2014/15 as thats when Spark should have a good footprint. Also, sprint has stated all new phones will be triband.
  23. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20140311-709233.html Guess they are getting some serious lobbying power.
  24. I am sure it has been brought up before but I didn't see it. Is it possible to identify what LTE band we are on?
  25. It never gives one just says error try again It funny though I remove the updates and it works fine
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