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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. Just keep moving forward, announce sprint/Tmo/dish merger, give this company spectrum, unwanted towers and some subscribers.. Doj has 4 players sprint gets What it wants and Comcast is out.. If Comcast enters the game they will be an expensive problem.. Those WiFi hotspots are all over my area.
  2. Yes exactly, for a limited time only something to gain momentum.
  3. Please just offer $25 ul talk n text With 1gb $30 ul/text/talk w3gb $40 ul/txt/talk 8or10 GB $50 simply unlimited Have add on options from there Hotspot +$10 on bucket plans Etc etc
  4. Seems like sprint responded to atts bucket deals and this is tmos way of responding to sprint and att. 10g plan that drops to be slightly better than the framily plan. Tmo competing with both.. Then some will argue if sprint buys Tmo these type of things will disappear.
  5. Sprint - tmo-dish is the end game.... Whether or not masa gets it remains the ultimate question. Dish and sprint partner, masa buys Tmo Comcast picks up the pieces
  6. It hasn't been announced yet, the longer it takes the more one has too think masa has a plan...
  7. Not really related but interesting read... Seems everyone wants to go big...bigger http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jul/20/rupert-murdoch-21st-century-fox-time-warner-game-thrones Taken off the net
  8. I think so... many thought dish would be the new #4, I am starting to think Dish/tmo/Sprint all together somehow... Comcast will be the 4th.... They offer TV/Broadband services.. phone services.... Att/Directv same as Comcast....Verizon... almost the same as the other 2... Its not just about cell phone service anymore.. its about mobile options or solutions however you want to put it.. Dish/tmo/sprint together puts them in the same ballpark as what the other companies are doing... Consolidation.....
  9. Prolly be SprinT-mobile...something where people still see the T-Mobile
  10. These new trials might just be a way to target certain carriers in certain markets.... $50ul where Tmo is dominating... Boston, another market where att is hot so double the bucket... Etc .etc
  11. dFramily should start $55ul ... The bucket plans should be for those who want to connect multiple devices... Like hotspots and and tablets $35 bucks for a hot and $15 for 2g tablet plan ... Just give me a bucket that both can pull from! Imagine paying 25-35 ul that would shake everyone up! Limited time only lol
  12. Tmo should continue on as they would and if it doesn't go through ... No break up fee as Tmo never had to stop or change any thing.
  13. http://www.wirelessweek.com/news/2014/07/sprint-t-mobile-stocks-jump-nikkei-merger-report Here we go again
  14. got this off of hofo but still positive proof of 800 lte https://plus.google.com/100566062990321750433/posts/RNSfpbeZano http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1841106-what-s-the-worse-that-you-can-USE-sprint-s-service-compared-to-any-other
  15. That was an awfully low blow wasn't it? Especially here! Lol
  16. Partner or get its hands on Tmo or the Tmo sites that sprint wouldn't need... Charlie must have some big plans to keep buying spectrum and not deploy
  17. The tmo/sprint could be the biggest thing of the year... The longer it takes to announce the more I think sprint is actually taking time to do it the right in all places of the deal.
  18. In my neck of the woods comcast has been doing this for well over a year. As much as I hate it--- I love it! everyone has comcast cable so there arent many streets where there isnt at least 1 wifi for me to log into. The great thing is it connects by to any comcast wireless router. I thought my sprint speeds had increased until the speed test showed i was on wifi.. The best thing is its included with my service - not an add on feature. THis really helps when my cell signal doesn't cut it. As more people return the old comcast modems and get this new wireless one coverage will only get better. They have access to VZW to sell phone service without using vzw name. So i can def see them rolling out some hybrid lte/wifi service in a couple of years, maybe sooner.. Even if they only offer it as a bundle, VZW lte/coverage and offload to wifi? If they can somehow make it work without the hard drops they could instantly make a big splash.. This may help sprint purchase tmo, if comcast has plans whats all the crying about only having 3 if comcast will be 4th? Maybe sprint/dish have more plans then what we know of
  19. http://www.businessinsider.com/comcast-massive-hotspot-project-takes-on-verizon-2014-6
  20. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/inq-phillydeals/266263391.html
  21. I agree, and if the do that $50 unlimited plan... with great service and such people will come!
  22. Lol, many here won't care about his tweets, outbursts and so forth- but many others completely buy into his "work" Maybe its only temporary but he is doing something to get tmo customers and attention.
  23. What about Comcast? They are supposedly going to launch WiFi/cellular network. Using some of vzw network I believe. If the merger goes it could be Comcast that lands the infrastructure... If the merger fails it might be Comcast buying Tmo... It may be possible because of Comcast masa Is really trying to get Tmo. Comcast could enter and have big impact from the start with bundling.... Just some thoughts As far as sprint goes if they can do this 8t8r and 800 LTE to 200+ by summer 2015 it would be huge. I do legere keeps posting #sprintthings to keep Tmo fan base motivated and take the air out of whatever sprint may have to say... - Smart tactics on his part
  24. Except 2xs the data Compared to ATT?? But yes until Sprints coverage expands I don't have high expectations of people running to sprint. But if that CCA becomes native....
  25. Here we go! This could be Sprint turning the corner!! although they are only a few bucks cheaper than att because the T charges $15 a line and sprint would be $25 so its really $110 for Sprint and $130 For T but hey I love the fact sprint is now trying!
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