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Everything posted by Feech

  1. This maybe what I'm seeing here in Florida I have come across a few sites that are marked to have NV/LTE done but it's not a Sprint site its a Nextel site Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. Well my idea is to look for permits that were pulled only, and visualize that on a map, color code the markers with the contractors, and mark the location were one of the known contractors working for Sprint/Ericsson has a permit pulled but it doesn't explicitly state that Sprint is the customer.
  3. I was thinking the same thing.. I feel conflicted about Robert and posts like that.. I want to choke him and love on him all at the same time :huh: Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. Ok. I will finish tonight and let you guys know in this link and get your info..we need a way to organize to so people are not stepping on each other
  5. Ok well right now I have a map put together but I need to somehow get my personal stuff off of it. I have gone thru the Hillsborough county permits for the last month and put them on the map w/ different colors for the different contractors. Its not that big of a map because I can't find where I can go back previous months in Hillsborough and look at those permits. I will send you guys a link to the map so you can go thru maybe different months, or counties so we are not stepping on each other. This way visually we will have a idea where work is starting at. I don't want to post the link to the map on the site because it will be ugly and I don't want anyone laughing at me and Robert works hard and even though this info is public knowledge on the county websites I just feel funny about it. Maybe I will post a link in the sponsor forum when I have it a little better put together.
  6. So since I'm bored I'm going to map where permits have been pulled in Hillsborough and Pinellas..I need to do something the wait is driving me crazy..Anyone want to help?
  7. I have done this same exact thing. Anytime you move from one plan to another your bill gets a little screwy so just expect that it will be prorated for some amount either in your favor or not. The only other thing that changed was that my billing cycle was changed from what it was to my companies billing cycle. Other than that easy..
  8. gamer but I have been back to PC since BF3
  9. Really? I'm not sure if something has changed but every time I called Sprint a few years ago it was outsourced.. Just recently have I have been getting stateside reps. I actually am surprised when I get an American on the phone.
  10. Too bad.. It would have been awesome to map that Tampa site. You know what I'm running into over here
  11. Funny enough I do believe it Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. Ok deep breath.. This roof top had a total of 3 sectors. Two of the sectors were identical (1 LTE panel, 2 smaller panels for a total of 3 panels per sector) the 3rd sector was different though no LTE panel and the panels that were there didn't look anything like than the other 2 sectors that were identical. Was that better? It was almost like there were 2 different sites on this rooftop for 2 different carriers Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. Waiting for Wildman to chime in since he was close and personal on Friday
  14. I will parrot what Robert said. Pretty soon its not gonna matter they will have to do something and neither option according to us so called experts is good..Sell it off or construct a new network. They may have money but they are not going to spend a billion on a new network either. If they were building a new network, then they should be starting to ramp up construction about a year ago
  15. So heres the problem I have though. The site is listed as a NV site on your maps but I specifically remember this site when i first got here because it was close to the house. At that time I looked on Google maps because I couldn't remember I place for panels, but I did catch them of the roof of this building with street view. When I came home today after taking these pics I was expecting to look at Street View again and see 2 panels with the one I took a pic of recently added. What I found instead was 3 panels on this building AND that the picture date was from 2011!! To be fair the pic from street view is not a good one so I can't tell if its the same. The other thing is when I look at Antenna Search (not sure how accurate it is) it shows this site to be Nextel, not Sprint? The other panels in the pic match the panels I took pics of earlier this week where I saw the tower crew rigging the tower and the next day they ran cabling to each sector and taped it off for a future panel and derigged the tower. On this tower I was unsure where Sprint was and still don't. Lastly, I went to another site yesterday that Robert has reported to get NV upgrades/LTE. That site as far as I can tell is a Nextel site as well. Oh, and one other thing. The site today with the alleged LTE panels is strange for another reason. There were only 2 of the big panels. Two sectors each w/ a big panel, and then a 3rd sector that had panels that were different than the other 2 sectors with no big panel. Hope that all makes sense.
  16. I have a few more but me and posting pics on this site are like fire and ice..
  17. Ok so here it is and I'm gonna ask you what you think. Is this a Sprint LTE panel? and then I will tell you the rest.. [/img] http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j47/Franchised1/IMG_8068.jpg[/img]"]http:// http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j47/Franchised1/IMG_8063.jpg[/img]"]http://http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j47/Franchised1/IMG_8063.jpg[/img
  18. The round table format ate hairy spiders when
  19. Guys I think I have panels up at a site.. I don't have my camera with me though and its in such a ball buster place but I think it's the real deal Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. dude I just found one that was actually labeled network vision,,awesome
  21. Make sure you go back far enough for the permits. I found permits that were applied for in Aug but we're just issued in Oct Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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