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Everything posted by Feech

  1. No I was on the Manatee permit site yesterday poking around and came across some stuff like this http://public.mymanatee.org/permitting_online/permit.pdf?permitnumber=12081217 I'm not sure what the setback is: **PROJECT INFORMATION/NOTES/CONDITIONS** REMOVE/REPLACE 3 EXIST ANTENNAS/ADD NEW REMOTE RADIO UNITS TO TOWER/07110927 1 OF 2 *EXSITING SETBACKS UPPER MANATEE CELL SPRINT
  2. We will see its too bad I work so early cause I won't see the panels until late today but I will bring my camera with me so at least I will be able to get a pic of what they put up.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  3. Just so you guys know I saw permits pulled in Manatee County while I was stalking yesterday.. Keep your eyes open. I think it was for a site in Myyaka city.. Know I'm spelling it wrong but give me a break its 5am Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. I honestly thought the 2nd pic looked more like Sprints panels based on a tower near my job where the only site there is Sprint. Thanks Digi, I have been meaning to ask you is that BTLS as your avatar?
  5. Long story short I found tower guys working around the corner from my house today. This company is doing some of the work for the Sprint deployment and the site they were at is on the list. A permit was pulled to replace panels and ground equip but because AT&T has been doing so much work in this area I'm asking for your help.. This first site is the one I believe they are doing the work on based on where they had the block set up and you can see that in the background, I didn't take any pics of the site above the block because that likely isn't where they they will be working.. And the last site is this one and like the first one fits more of what I am used to when seeing a Sprint site.
  6. I did find out that the company applied for the permit back on Aug 1st, and they are doing the work now..
  7. I would but I have run into this crew about 3 times now and it's starting to get pathetic. I will check permits then maybe visit the site tonight and see if they have left any boxes behind, usually it will have the site name and carrier on it
  8. I got three guys working on a tower up the street from my house.. Looks like the are working on the Sprint site but every time I run into a crew its for AT&T.. Guess it's time for more permit digging. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. That must be the site that went live in the update on Sunday.. Thought for a min us Tampa folks were have to come map it for you guys lol.. I think though now that I look at it Robert mapped a site that was a little further west Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. You prob right based on the dates. Looking at some of the Manatee County permits though there seems to be some movement where it was applied for a month ago, but payment was made just days ago. I think sites in Manatee are going to be going forward soon. I hate that each county has it set up different so its impossible to get ALL the info. I did talk to a friend that used to do admin work for Goff Comunications (they seem to be pulling the lions share of permits that I see in Pinellas, Hillsbough, and Manatee) She said it would be unusal to be pulling a bunch of permits so far in advance of doing the work because it could be upwards of $500 a permit and a company isn't billing until the work is complete. For example one site I saw in Manatee they applied for the permit on 9/26 and paid $118 but came back on 10/30 and paid the balance of $395 her take is that work is about to ramp up based on the money they are putting out and especially if they are coming back to complete payment.
  11. Well looking at some of the older completed sites maybe about 120 days or so things are done Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. I have been trying to figure that out Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. Here's what's going on in Clearwater right now.. Not sure work is active but permits are pulled . Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  14. Well here is another site that a permit was issued on in Clearwater on 10/22 page 3 It is for Sprint to according to the records,,http://www.pinellascounty.org/build/PDF/Permit-Report-2012/Permit-Report-10-22-28-2012.pdf
  15. Seeing that is just one part but considering there is work being done and sites are live in Memphis and Nashville it wouldn't be surprising to see LTE lighting up, plus Knoxville was one of the sites that was listed back in Sept to launch in "coming months"
  16. I wonder how long he kept the signal when he was going thru..I bet there is more than one site there, testing at least another or more..
  17. That's pretty dang good. Do you normally see slower speeds same time in the morning there? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Wildman, you are a nut.. In every thread trying to take a motorcycle ride I approve. I bet that area us lit up to, look at the maps bet there is at least 5 sites lit up.. I bet you could find them.. First one to map Orlando Market.. Hmmm did I talk you into it yet.. Glory awaits lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  19. Didn't think of that..Sometimes I hate that there are so many smart people on this site
  20. So the site at my job is getting backhaul done. Talked the the Verizon tech who was parked at the site. What was starnge though is he said he was adding T1's to the site. maybe thats not strange.
  21. This has potential... Just rolled by my lunch site and there is a Verizon van parked in front of it.. Backhaul? I'm gonna ask him worse that could happen is him punching me in the face and saying you must be from that S4GRU website.. Guy could be taking lunch too >_> Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  22. I kinda knew this but not the extent so something to talk about while we wait ..http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2368
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