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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Anyone want to chime in here? based on Wildman, Sloppy,and someone unknown who should be part of this site this may be one tower lighting up this area likely where the darker shade is located. I do wonder about the blip at the port though. There is a site in that area but I'm assuming the port blip would be a darker shade even if just one sector was working. If Sprint were being strategic I would have that one on full blast so people from other parts of the country that were leaving for cruises would have a taste of whats coming soon. That's why I'M surprised Disney or Orlando isnt lit up
  2. What I would like to see is Sprint use the information to do something about the network..Heck I'll go even further. I would like to see Sprint pre-install it on devices and have customers opt in. Hell give them a credit on the bill to use it. Engineers are useful of course but nothing is better than real world testing and use.
  3. I'm not sure really.. Don't get me wrong I'm not mad at Sprint 90 percent of the day but I swear Sprint has never had good data in the places I spend most of my time.. Work and Home. If Sensorly had been around 10 years ago I would have never had Sprint service.. I do think Sprint has a very very loyal fan base that the other carriers can't claim though and I believe it has to do with more than the pricing plans. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. Ours do too.. But in most cases here at least it will be part of a 6 gang meter base so you know who is there but not where on the tower. Nextel panels I can usually ID because I damn near climbed, installed, or tested every site I come across in my drive during the day. I wish I had paid more attention or cared then like I do now about mobile phones. Even back then I had Sprint but data back in late 90s wasn't something that was big, people mostly wanted to be able to make calls. That's all I care about. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. I gave up my EVO willingly so I knew the deal coming in about not having Wimax, but in general the 3G in this phone seems weaker.. Usually at work I may take a few strolls around the complex. I can't even stream music for the 15 min walk.. That gets frustrating. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. Well I know Sprint is there, it's just which of the sites that share the tower is Sprints.. The one near my job is easy because it's only Sprint, but when I compare those panels to these they are definitely different. Doesn't mean they aren't Sprint though. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  7. I'm with you believe me.. You know what I wish for me than anything is coverage where I work. It's not that my speeds are bad but coverage in the area is just horrid Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. All of us over here can't be in all places at once but I think it may be safe to assume we might not get in sites accepted in this week's update.. It will be disappointing but not unexpected.. We do know from permits, tower techs, and Roberts talk with Ericsson last week that we are close though. Hang in there we may be a month from really seeing anything Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. So I drove by this site again hoping to see new panels, but I didn't. I almost just drove by but when I looked I didnt see that the tower was rigged anymore. That didn't make sense so I stopped and found that the winch line was gone. Thats didn't make sense either to spend 45 min rigging the tower to come back today to take it down. So what I did find was this. Took a min to actually SEE it. http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j47/Franchised1/IMG_8049.jpg[/img]"]http:// It looks like they have run the lines to the antenna they are going to install, but I'm assuming they don't have the panels yet. Still not sure this is a Sprint site though unfortunately
  10. So a site that was on the permit list I stopped by today. No antennas but a new slab has been poured for what looks to be Sprint equipment. This is in Clearwater. It was a monopole and you could tell where the lines will be coming out to the slab. I gleaned some other info that may or may not help me but it will have to wait for the time being. Speeds in this area were avg about 1.5Mbps pretty good actually. I'll be back in my area in about an hour about that other tower.. I also ran into a Metro tech while I was was there funny guy worried about his job of course but said they were going with a 6 sector at this site I have an idea what it is but if someone could chime in that would be great Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Thanks man good stuff today on Sensorly. I kinda figured that area would be lit up with goodness glad you rode Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. The could have been testing when you passed the first time..Make sure you flip your phone into airplane mode and then back to LTE just in case when you are searching
  13. No harm no foul..good to have you onboard..Did you get a chance to run sensorly? If you don't have it make sure you get it from the Market, see a signal? run the app.
  14. Thanks guys. The tower by my job has panels that look like those in the first pic and I know that is a Sprint site. I can't wait to get home because the panels are probably up by now. Looks like they were just rigging the tower to get it ready for work today. Which means they were likely somewhere else finishing up before I saw them hopefully doing Sprint work ..HMMM sweet sweet LTE is almost mine
  15. So if one of the towers on the NV site map is a current Nextel site will they take down that site and put up Sprint panels? I went by a tower the other day that is due for upgrades and was surprised to find it was Nextel?
  16. Honestly, I don't care where the tower is he picked up at. Just map it on sensorly so we can get a look at where the area is. Other than that welcome new members until they can get thier feet wet, then we can attack them
  17. Probably not.. I spend literally hours looking thru permits and I'm like wtf am I doing.. Then I go right back to it cuz I'm starved for Sprint not to f' this up Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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