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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Dude in 3 months we will be laughing about how stupid we were with all of this bitching we're doing trust me.. By March this will be a distant memory Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. Well you guys are reporting not seeing anything going on over there but I have to believe there is at least a few sites that have panels up..
  3. So the panels are up at the one Tux has been talking about. Tower was still rigged but it looks like the lines have been run..
  4. Can someone that has a EVO LTE tell me what exactly has to be done to get it to connect to LTE? Is it just one toggle of the airplane mode? multiple toggles? is it the switching back and forth between LTE/CDMA and CDMA only? I'm curious based on the number of sites in my area that appear to be complete. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
  5. Where do you live because I'm seeing the same thing.. It's sporadic but it's strange Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. I didn't mention this yesterday but a site I visited 2 weeks ago that failed a county inspection had panels going up on it yesterday
  7. I don't know but I would say yeah
  8. So we have gone another 2 weeks with no sites completed yet. We know that work is being done with at least 5-6 sites in Pinellas that look to be done. We also know from the sites we have looked at, nothing looks to be done in preparation of the deployment. So anyone want to make a guess when will see something? The original date Robert had has passed. So first sites in Dec?
  9. Its really amazing that the EVO LTE has all been forgotten about. Its only been 5 months? They love that SG3 though
  10. Are the panels up yet Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. I don't think Robert is done with the update yet but I'm surprised we don't have sites done yet in our area.. Maybe we will see something. It been a few weeks since we spotted the first towers Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. You noticed that too? I won't say they are always the lowest but definitely never at the top. I know why my signal at work is always abysmal I'm sure it's not the only reason though Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. I know Wildman mentioned a tower off 275 awhile back maybe the same one where he saw people working..
  14. Tux, someone will chime in if I'm wrong but the site itself has nothing to do with ehrpd. Its just the road for the data. Check your phone to make surre it is in CDMA/LTE. When I first discovered I had ehrpd I would lose it now and then but its constant now. Can't tell you the last Speed test that I took that didnt have it for the network
  15. I need to go back and re-read the ehrpd thread I started. I guess I thought that if you had that showing and data was going thru, then the core was ready..as much as I love this site, I hate it because it shows me how much I don't know I guess back to the drawing board..
  16. I have gone by all of the sites with panels up.. At different times too have not picked up a signal yet.. On Thursday I saw some trucks at the one near your wifes job but didn't have time to stop it looked like it could have been Ericsson based on the trucks but when I came back they were gone.. I'm expecting that one of these sites will come alive any day though Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  17. I reported that last week lol.. Do they have panels up yet Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Tux. I know where this is I had to wait until l I got home though to look at the map correctly. You are in the area but this is not the tower. There is a few towers in this area one of them brand new just to the East I believe. I pretty careful about info I give out that I gain from the sponsor maps and I believe that I got this info from there. I can tell you though its not that one. The one you are looking for is one I went to last week that had the slab poured for the cabinets and when I went back again this week the cabinets were set. You are close but its not the one you are pointing to. In fact there are two towers on Ulmerton that are completed I believe (panels and cabinets) that's why it makes sense for the one in this are to be completed soon
  19. Have no idea but if it's Ulmerton Rd it would fit in with a couple of others that look complete in that area Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. Yesterday I saw people at the site near my house. Looked like electricians and possibly the inspector not sure though. The other sites that look done (panels and cabinets) I have been testing but not broadcasting yet. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  21. Thats not the Sensorly App. Thats you having your WIFI on and set to connect to open networks. Turn off the WIFI before leaving the house
  22. And with what he said I would run to the SGIII lol
  23. This may seem like a gripe, but I will call it a intense observation instead. I have been to quite a few sites in Pinellas County. Some based on permits and some based on the sponsor maps. What I find varies but the one issue that sticks out is how much isn't done. I'm not sure if its Sprint, Ericsson, or the Tower Tech/General Contractors fault but I'm amazed that I see NOTHING done at some sites and just the beginning stages at others. I know that the nesting season ran smack in the middle of deployment plans here in Florida (which in itself should have moved deployment either forward or back its not a new thing with the birds) Every site is going to be different I know but at the very least in most cases you needed the backhaul run, slabs poured/built, cabinets set, and power run to the cabinets . Slabs alone could be about 3-5 days with the weather we get here in these months, which then holds up the cabinets being set, which prevents the electrician from doing his/her thing. I understand that towers can't be climbed during the nesting season but there was plenty of ground work to do and from what I have seen nothing was done. The permits I have seen were pulled starting in June. I'm not sure who is too blame or even if it was preventable. I'm not sure if it was an equipment thing or possibly a money thing but it does seem odd that of the 20 or so sites I have looked at a good portion of them are sitting there untouched. If the ground work had been completed, hanging panels and cable is the easy part and deployment would have been quicker in this area. I'm speculating of course and this is by no means a "lets pile on Sprint" thing but I'm curious about the other contractors besides Ericsson and how the deployment went for them, and what other members saw when deployment started for them
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