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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Just curious. Was the site a Sprint site and Nextel or was it only Nextel and the are putting Sprint equipment in? Can you find out? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. That was the AT&T crews working there.. If you go a little further south there was a site with a permit pulled I haven't been too yet Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  3. I like messing with you guys.. But honestly I haven't looked at the map yet but I hope one of you guys are close to it Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. I was gonna cruise some of the other deployment threads and see how long after seeing panels were they getting hits of LTE. The pic I took this weekend that showed the trench line looked like it's done but hard to say because the cabinets were facing away from me. Another yesterday had the slab with the footing ready and but looked like it had been there for awhile. The one by your wifes job I can't get a good look at because of where the equipment is. I have the Sprint and Nextel gate lock codes but I'm reluctant to use them but I have found if you have a camera and tablet people tend to think you are official.. Social engineering at its finest I guess. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. Wildman I'm gonna drive by that site in Seminole to see if anything is going on today
  6. Yeah they have been at that site for about a week now..Thats one of the ones I posts pics of
  7. Well are all of the panels the same? I believe there will only be one per sector.. If they are the same per sector then it's probably not Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. Apple bottom Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. Go to northern Pinellas.. If you need to be in Tampa a lot then the Oldsmar area is great Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. I meant to say this last night but since we have nothing to talk about so far today I have another thought. Here in Pinellas we are dense I mean you can damn near see from one Sprint tower to another. I'm not sure about Hillsborough though. I have a feeling Orlando may be like it is here but the difference is drive time. I have electricians I work with in Orlando and getting from one house to another that's only a few miles away can take a freaking hour and a half in the middle of an afternoon. That same distance here can be covered in about 15 min. I'm thinking that the build out begins on this coast, the east coast, and the SW market. THEN all crews converge in Orlando. I could be way off on that but if I was doing planning it could make some sense and possibly have Florida mostly lit up by Christmas Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. So I hit a few spots today..Didn't see anything but what we have already chopped up in this thread. Only thing was the slab that been prepared.
  12. Wildman, that's the tower I thought you may have been talking about. I drove by there Sat and Sun and a few times a week I haven't seen anything there.
  13. Well I haven't found any panels but did fund that a site that's near the others is under construction with a new slab being poured almost on top of the existing Sprint cabinets. You can see where the marking was done for underground utilities too. Glad I have my pistol with me some shady spots here in Florida lol.
  14. So I have some time today to ride out..Good camera in hand. Wish me luck. I reall want to look at the sites that are between the ones we have seen. There seems to be some gaps that make me believe that panels may be installed but I have not seen them. For example, site A, site B have panels, site F and site G have them too, so what about the sites in between? Thats what I'll be looking for today. I also better start scanning for LTE as well I guess. I'll post pics if you guys are interested of I find anything cool.
  15. That would seem to be good thinking. In some of the other markets it seemed to deploy from the inside of a city outwards though. I wonder why the difference
  16. I take that back about the network speed. I'm in Oldsmar right now and although not LTE fast it is about 1Mbps inside a building
  17. In this shot you can see the trench line for the fiber.. In this shot you can see the existing coax on the left and the new runs on the right on the cable ladder Sorry I don't have the camera today because of the wedding and the camera I did have the battery died.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Well it's getting a little ridiculous now.. Just found 2 more sites with panels up. It's like they popped up overnight. One is a monopole that Wildman may have seen yesterday but this was an all white pole I think that it would stand out in his memory. If that's not the one he saw Pinellas then that brings a total of what 4 or 5 sites? Also yesterday I saw another crew doing work down the street from me. I didn't think anything of it because I didn't think it was a Sprint site. Today I drive by and it looks like Sprint LTE panels that are putting up next to some existing panels. I will know more when they are done but it makes some sense based on where the others are that have panels now. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  19. My ex is over that way I hope her speeds still suck too.. Not bitter though Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. If I were gonna be honest then no I haven't seen any change in the network Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  21. That's funny I have been driving by that site the last two weeks waiting for something.. The day I didn't is the day I found them at your wifes job lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  22. Ok.. Was it a monopole by any chance.. Maybe one that in talked about with the permits? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  23. It also looks like Pinellas is ground zero for the Tampa market..
  24. Wildman, I just read your post again. You said two with workers in the air. I know one is near where your wife works, where were they working on another?
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