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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Reason I ask is I'm trying to determine when I should start tryingto test sites in the area for a connection
  2. Does anyone have any clue as to what takes place when they test the new NV site. Do they do this at night? middle of the day? does 3G go down? what exactly happens?
  3. Here's your carrot to get down that hole.. CGC1504679 New Tech CGC1509188 TOWER COMMUNICATION SERVICES CGC060425 Atlas CGC1515461 BETACOM INCORPORATED CGC058267 GOFF Communicaions CGC1512288 HAYDEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CGC1518576 UCI CONSTRUCTION S CGC1505856 REGENCY COMMUNICATIONS
  4. Well I will give it until 7pm then I'm going back to troll talk lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. You have no idea how obsessed I am. I actually meant this morning to bring the list with me but forgot about it. The one thing that I have found that is funny about the permits is who is not included in what I found. The company I worked for when I first got here was Goff Communications. They have not pulled one Permit in Pinellas County. I know that occasionally these companies will sub out work to others they have relationships with. Those other companies I see having permits here in Pinellas. It leads me to believe that Goff is busy doing something somewhere but it isn't in Pinellas. I would bet they are doing work either in Hillsborough, Jacksonville area, SW market, or possibly Miami. If I want to make money from this thing SW and Hillsborough is where I would be. No extra expense of hotels out of town and per diem. Goff is a big player and did tons of Nextel work back in the day.
  6. If you can wait till I get home I'll post all the license numbers
  7. Only a little though..If dude hit a spot on Sensorly I promise I will apologize.
  8. I was able to get over to two more sites this morning. Neither had panels up, but one did have a permit box with Ericsson documentation should have taken a pick that would have been cool. This was also a site that I wasn't sure if the work was for Sprint or not but the Ericsson docs and the TX tower number on the docs confirmed that. This site also had a inspection that was failed because they couldn't get access. The second site did not have panels and I couldn't get to it in the lite that I had so early. As a result of going to these to towers I had to get to work a different way this morning. By doing that I drove by one of the sites I saw on Sunday that was in the shady ass neighborhood with the footers being prepared for the slab. This wasn't the case on Sunday but today it looks like the site is rigged and they are getting ready to install the panels now. This site is close to the white monopole that is complete, is close to the site where I took pictures of the trench line which looks complete, and Wildmans site where he said guys were on site and he posted a pic of the front of the site but no work has been started yet and a permit is pulled. This is starting to look like it will be the first sites they fire up, along with the Tyrone/Lealman area sites. Both areas seem to be little clusters they are putting together Other sites I have found permits for but no work done yet seem to fit inside of one of these clusters. I wish this was actually my job. In would really enjoy it Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. That's why I say it.. No offense but if anyone has spent even a second on this site they know that Sensorly is our best friend and proves everything not your word.. It's cool though.. I think I told you guys I found another site last nite and I'm gonna drive by another on my way to work in the morning. Permits show that it just passed its first electrical problem is I have no idea if it's Sprints permit. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. Don't feed the troll Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Thanks..Ok did some cruising of the site..The white monopole I was talking about over the weekend has been completed with a final inspection of the electrical. I would think that all it needs now is someone to flip the s/w. All the others show some activity with todays date but I'm not sure what it means. I'm trying to compare the notes on the white monopole with the other sites to see if anything matches up. Wildman the painted site you saw last week and took pics at is one of the sites with a date of today. What I think is the final electrical inspection has been called in maybe for today and the site will update tomorrow or the day after but that site, along with the white monopole, another up the street from my job, and the one I found last night all seem to be done..
  12. Over the last 2 days I have visited about 7 or 8 sites and of those I found that 4 of them were monopoles with now antennas on them. The reason I'm asking though is because all the coax and cabinets were there running in the inside of the pole but there was no actual arrays on the pole itself. Has anyone seen this? Where the hell are the sectors?
  13. I stopped at the site around the corner from the house and close to Wildman wifes job.. I was hoping the Ericsson guy was gonna be there he wasn't. I did get his name though. The electricians were though and said they were about and hour from being done with power to the cabinets. I was on my way out the site when it occurred to ask him what company he worked for. He said New Tech. He also said that had already finished a few sites already.. I'm gonna scan electrical permits tonite. Any site they have finished should have a completed inspection.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  14. The Tampa market does cover that area.. Do you get to the Oldsmar area at all.. I didn't get a chance this past weekend to check a site that had a permit pulled.. If you're close you could check it out if you get by there Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  15. Did you see any panels on any sites Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  16. I don't know if they are kicking our butts.. They are not that far ahead. I have said this before in a post but I believe when Tampa lites up its gonna do it big, with a huge area. Pinellas will be ground zero for the start and my guess is from South St. Pete to at least Pinellas Park. Of course if I'm wrong forget everything I just said lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  17. So I came over to harass my brothers from the south. You guys are not seeing any panels up at all? I have 6 sites over here that have them and I'm thinking that there might be more that I haven't found. The reason I'm asking is not one of the tower contractors is out of Pinellas County, they are from on your side of the Skyway. I gotta believe that something over in Bradenton, Ft. Myers, Inglis or somewhere else has panels Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. I thought you would be mad.. Would have gave you another chance to ride.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  19. Well you name does begin with Tro.. Lol I'm kidding kinda but if you're seeing it stop for a min get the signal and run Sensorly.. That would be great to map the first Tampa site that's for sure.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. Ok so I have 6 sites total that have panels on them, of those I'm pretty sure 4 have cabinets set too Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  21. And just found another.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  22. Congratulations Jacksonville. I know the Jags have been a disappointment but LTE will not let you down Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  23. Or he could be a troll.. Just saying.. Anyway I'm heading to the south side of St. Pete now to see if there is any panels up. Wish me luck and safety lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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