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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. My wife just installed it, but won't get to test the dropped call issue until later this evening. She was experiencing dropped calls quite often on tower handoff. Sent from my Note 4.
  2. Everything you bought before should be available again. You shouldn't have to repurchase it. You may need to contact Google to try to get that fixed. Sent from my Note 4.
  3. I have been using that app for a long time now. It is a great resource for that purpose. Sent from my Note 4.
  4. It sounds like such a great idea, just doesn't seem to work well in practice. As I said earlier, I separated the bands because it wouldn't let me pick a channel and it self-selected to occupied channels. I thought routers were smarter than that but I guess not. Sent from my Note 4.
  5. Patience is a virtue. I would also feel the same way though. Sent from my Note 4.
  6. Looks like the second carrier (B25) is back again at the tower closest to my house. It disappeared when they added B26. It's now back online and is very noticeable. Speeds were around 3-5mbps during peak hours. I just did a test and had around 9. I mostly use wifi at home but I do use this same tower when I'm out of the house quite often. Sent from my Note 4.
  7. How far are you from the closest Sprint Tower? Sent from my Note 4.
  8. I don't know. I don't recall seeing a setting for that. My linksys didn't have a setting for bridge or AP mode either and it works just leaving it in router mode. My linksys is my secondary access point which I won't use as much. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. Just got mine set up. It appears there is no way to prioritize internet access by device. I know wifi calling is highest priority but I was hoping to be able to prioritize my Fire TV and Chromecast just below the wifi calling. If I'm missing it and someone figures out how to do it, let me know. Edit: I download the user manual for the ASUS RT-AC66u, which this router is based on. It appears Sprint removed the QoS options, which is why I couldn't find them. I have my home network completely set up now. It looks like the whole house now has good wifi, with one router at the front and one at the back of the house. I put my second router in 5GHz only mode. I also connected my PS3 directly to that router so now I literally have only one device that needs 2.4GHz, and that's my Chromecast. Maybe Google will release a new one this year at I/O and I can shut off 2.4 completely to free up more bandwidth in my neighborhood. 2.4 is pretty full around me. One setup tip. If you leave Smart connect on, which is where it will automatically switch wifi bands, you can't pick the channel you want to use on either band. I had to disable that feature to be able to pick which wifi channels I wanted to use. The auto feature put my 5GHz band on the only occupied channel in my neighborhood. I guess auto doesn't work to find empty channels.
  10. It would as long as all of your phones are wifi calling capable. Sent from my Note 4.
  11. I wonder if anyone outside of s4gru ordered any of these routers yet? Sent from my Note 4.
  12. I had that pdf already, just hadn't scrolled down far enough. Thanks. It appears we do own it after a year. Sent from my Note 4.
  13. If you have decent broadband service at home, it will probably be better than LTE. Now that more and more people are getting 4G phones around where I live, the tower closest to me is at around 5-7mbps. I get 10mbps from my ISP so I just use that, along with wifi calling. Seems to increase battery life too when just connected to wifi. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. Have anyone found anything relating to ownership? Do we own the device or does Sprint still own it? I remember seeing a post earlier in this thread about the user owning the device after a year but don't recall seeing anything to back that up. Sent from my Note 4.
  15. I just got my shipping confirmation. Sent from my Note 4.
  16. Mostly good news in there. Thanks for the post. Hopefully they clean up that transcript later. It was hard to read in places. (pulls instead of poles, etc) Sent from my Note 4.
  17. Not sure if you have an S6, but that is a problem with that phone. I haven't heard of that issue with any others. My wife has an S6 and has had some issues with dropped calls. Sent from my Note 4.
  18. I just called and spoke to an American call center (first time in a while). The guy had it ordered in less than 5 minutes. That has to be my quickest call ever to Sprint. He said I should have it in 2-3 business days. Now that is service. I'm sure most here are competent in setting up a home network but just a reminder for those who are getting this to use a second wifi router in your house, this router needs to be the main router (the one that is connected directly to your modem) in order to take advantage of the wifi calling prioritization. I have some wiring to do, but I plan on using the new Sprint router as my main router, and then use my current router (Linksys EA6350) as a secondary access point on the other side of my house. I also have a Netgear Extender (EX6100) that I will probably use as an access point in a bedroom in our basement. I wish I could run 5GHz only but with the Chromecast I have, I still need to use 2.4GHz for that. It's my only device that I need it for. As soon as Google comes out with a Chromecast 2, I might be able to retire the 2.4 network, which is highly congested in my neighborhood.
  19. (Off topic) I wish I could do the same. My telco requires a phone line along with their dsl. I pay about $20 for a phone that I don't use. It's my only option for broadband (other than wireless) so I'm kinda stuck. I hear they might possibly offer cable Internet later this year so I'm hoping I can drop the phone line if that ever happens. Sent from my Note 4.
  20. Find an app in the play store called "Refresh Customization." I had that problem on my S4T last summer. Once I ran the app (both steps) I had roaming back. Just one note, it will reset your home screens when you run it but it won't delete anything. You just have to set up all your apps and widgets again once you're done. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Do you have a phone number for them? Sent from my Note 4.
  22. I figured I would try. The guy had no idea what I was talking about. It's apparently not in their system yet. As a good salesman though, he still tried to sell me that netgear router that connects to the cellular network. Sent from my Note 4.
  23. Not sure how you missed it, but there's a huge thread already about Project Fi. See link below. http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6767-Google-announces-Project-Fi:-Partners-with-Sprint-and-T-Mobile-for-Network-Access-(previous-title:-Google-to-start-it's-own-Wireless-Service;-using-T-Mobile/Sprint-for-it's-Network-Footprint.) Sent from my Note 4.
  24. Samsung kept it the same way it was in 4.4, in 5.0, at least in the Samsung phones that have 5.0 now. Sent from my Note 4.
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