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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. I was in Ocean City, NJ the first week of July 2013 and had no Sprint service for a few days while on vacation there. I remember roaming on Verizon, then getting Sprint service back before I left. I'm guessing that's when they were replacing the old equipment with NV stuff. Sent from my Note 4.
  2. I noticed it was lower too. That's definitely a good thing. Sent from my Note 4.
  3. I'm in Central PA territory this week just a bit north of Stroudsburg, PA. I'm mainly line of site (with a couple trees in between) to a tower that has B25 and B26 active. I've had very good speed from it the past few days (about 20mbps down average). It switches band based on signal strength. As soon as my signal gets weak on B25, it switches to B26. Glad to see the network is working well in this area.
  4. I'm downloading it too. It's 615MB so it's fairly large. Sent from my Note 4.
  5. LTE was probably just overloaded. That's why 3G was working fine. Sent from my Note 4.
  6. It might just be a glitch in the system too. Sent from my Note 4.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn't screen shot anything so I don't know. I was on a motorcycle ride and just noticed the weird EVDO connection when we stopped on several occasions. Sent from my Note 4.
  8. I was on a lot of back roads but I do remember connecting to EVDO where SCP showed I was connected to Verizon while on Rt 50 between Parkersburg, WV and Clarksburg, WV. I was also connected to US Cellular EVDO (roaming) and ntelos (obviously showed as native) in that stretch too. I suppose it's possible I connected to US Cellular or ntelos EVDO while connected to Verizon 1x but I don't know why it would have done that instead of just connecting to the same provider for both. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. When I connected to EVDO, I was nowhere near any Sprint towers. Sent from my Note 4.
  10. This past weekend, I noticed when I connected to Verizon while roaming, sometimes I had 1x only and other times I connected to 1x and EVDO. At one point, I was within a quarter mile of the tower and was connected to 1x with a -56 signal strength and not connected to EVDO, so it wasn't due to being too far away. Any guesses as to why sometimes it would connect to EVDO and sometimes it wouldn't? Sent from my Note 4.
  11. Another thing I forgot to write in my first post was while I was roaming on US Cellular, my wifi kept coming on. I always turn off the connection optimizer so this was something different. Sprint must have it programmed into the phone to scan for wifi when in a roaming area. Sent from my Note 4.
  12. US Cellular EVDO roaming was live all across Rt 50 in WV. It worked fine. I was on my motorcycle and used Google maps for navigation with no issues. I also connected to ntelos for a small section of Rt 50 but I was on US Cellular for about 80% of the trip. I did not notice any loss of signal at all during my trip, which very much had me impressed with US Cellular's coverage in very rural areas. Sent from my Note 4.
  13. I had no idea it was that much. Hopefully they could negotiate something better. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. It would be nice to allow more data roaming for a set fee, such as $1 per 100MB or something close to that, just so you can still use data (and pay for it) if you need it, not just cut it off. Sent from my Note 4.
  15. Boost Mobile just announced a 10GB, $50 a month plan for a wifi hotspot. That's probably one of the best rates you will find. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/boost-mobile-launches-first-wi-fi-hotspot-plans-with-availability-of-the-netgear-fuse.htm
  16. It's very easy. Just follow the instructions and you shouldn't have any problems. If you do, just call Sprint. Sent from my Note 4.
  17. Mike, signal check got some exposure in an Android Central article today. Link below. What it's like switching between networks (and also Wifi) on Project Fi http://www.androidcentral.com/what-its-switching-between-networks-and-wifi-project-fi Sent from my Note 4.
  18. I've noticed in today's update my phone isn't bogging down like it did after the last update. I had to restart several times per day and keep clearing the cache. This seems to have fixed it. Not sure if anyone else was having that issue. Sent from my Note 4.
  19. Other than it rebooting more than usual during the install process, it seems fine. Sent from my Note 4.
  20. Looks like we're getting a minor update today. I'm downloading it now. OF5 is the latest version now. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Many stealth sites are GMOs. It may get converted eventually, but it'll probably be last on the agenda. Sent from my Note 4.
  22. Backhaul hasn't been increased enough to account for LTE. I'm not entirely sure why 1x800 hasn't been added, but it could be they only did a GMO install and didn't actually replace the antennas (only the base station). The legacy antennas can't support 800Mhz. It's hard to tell without someone going to the site.
  23. There are a number of reasons for that but mainly, increased backhaul. If it's not in place, they won't turn on LTE. If the NV1.0 upgrades were done, as soon as the backhaul provider delivers the fiber, or a microwave connection can be made to another tower, LTE will be turned on. Some of the comments above are also puzzling. How does anyone know the subscriber count for a particular market? I'm pretty sure I've never seen Sprint release anything like that. The only market that you can see those numbers is Shentel, as they routinely release their subscriber count for their footprint. I'll just remind you that anecdotal numbers don't really mean anything. Just because your friends may not have Sprint, doesn't mean "nobody" has Sprint in the area. I know it's frustrating at times but hang in there and the upgrades will get done. Nothing is ever fast enough for us, but it'll come soon enough. And if you can't wait, I'm sure there's other carriers that you can try to see if they're any better. Sent from my Note 4.
  24. They have a contract with ntelos for 3G/LTE in that area. The contract was resigned a year or two ago for ntelos to provide the service in the area. There is a date at which ntelos needs to have LTE, but I think it's still in the future. Someone else may remember but it's also probably earlier in this thread. Sent from my Note 4.
  25. Has anybody noticed any new features or bugs with the new update? My wife decided to give her phone a cleaning and dropped it in the sink a couple nights ago. We're getting a replacement today and I'm wondering how the new update is. Sent from my Note 4.
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