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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. I noticed the same thing on my Note 4. It must be a bug in it. Sent from my Note 4
  2. Aka: Grandma who never actually mastered the flip phone and now has a smartphone because her grandkids talked her into it. Sent from my Note 4
  3. I finally got around to doing a factory reset on my Note 4, the first since I picked it up on launch day last year. What a difference! I should've done it long ago, but last night was the first time I actually had a few hours to do it. If you haven't already, do it. Battery life is much better today and it's much smoother too. It's well worth the few hours it takes to do the reset and set your phone back up again. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  4. Winchester also had pretty poor speeds lately near the mall. I'm excited things are starting though. Hopefully Shentel's deployment will ramp up quickly. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  5. I have the Sprint Wifi Connect router which has the QoS built in for wifi calling so the problem wasn't in the router.
  6. Up until a week ago, I had the fastest wired Internet that I could get from my ISP, 10/1 DSL. Wifi calling was kind of OK. It seemed to lag more than I wanted it to though. Last week, my ISP (Shentel) finally rolled out cable Internet to my area. I got their slowest cable plan (15/3) and what a difference. Everything works better, including wifi calling. Just for reference, I have had the Sprint wifi connect router since it first came out, so my router wasn't the issue as to why it was lagging. It was the crappy DSL connection. (Off topic) The only downside is that 15/3 costs $80 per month. Hopefully the costs will come down over time because it's crazy compared to what others pay around the country. Here's the other tiers so those elsewhere can just be thankful for what you have: 25/5 - $100, 50/10 - $140. Their fastest speed available is 101/10, which costs $200! Crazy, I know. There are many benefits to living in a rural county, but Internet costs are not one of them.
  7. Does the spot show both while looking at it on your screen and on a computer or another device? If so, it sounds to me like a camera sensor problem. If the spot goes away when you look at on another device, it could be a screen problem. Does the spot show up when not taking a picture? Sent from my Note 4.
  8. It should be, and as soon as Shentel completes the purchase of ntelos, it should end up being a great network. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. Ntelos hasn't activated LTE for Sprint customers everywhere yet. There's a few places they have, and it keeps getting reported in this thread, but I haven't heard of any LTE for Sprint customers in C'ville yet. Sent from my Note 4.
  10. Are you a Sprint or ntelos customer? Sent from my Note 4.
  11. That would be the case if other phones in the area are experiencing the same thing. If they aren't, then it's a phone issue. Sent from my Note 4.
  12. That is plenty quick. I wouldn't say it "sucks." Remember, some people stay don't have LTE yet at all. Ntelos and Western PA come to mind. I would be pretty happy with that. Sent from my Note 4.
  13. The same shows up for B25 second carrier if you are lucky enough to have one in your neck of the woods. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. I'm pretty sure we need some pictures of that... Sent from my Note 4.
  15. Try a different speed test app or a different server and see if it changes. Sent from my Note 4.
  16. I drove by Cabelas (Hamburg, PA) yesterday and had a strong B41 signal. I don't remember that being there a few months ago. I'm guessing it's a new install. I come up this way every few months and see improvements every time I come, which is a good thing. Sent from my Note 4.
  17. I have noticed that too, but more so with one battery than the other. I just thought my batteries were losing life. Sent from my Note 4.
  18. I sideloaded it too but I just received an official update for it yesterday. It also updated on my work phone on its own yesterday. Sent from my Note 4.
  19. I'm sitting in my living room with 5 bars of B26. Sent from my Note 4.
  20. My wife connected to this about 5 miles south of Weyers Cave today. She actually connected to the same tower and same sector twice, once on her way to her destination and once on her return trip. (She sent me both screenshots but I just chose to post one). I was in the Weyers Cave area yesterday (all day) and didn't connect to anything but Ntelos 1x and EVDO and a distant Sprint (Shentel) 1x800 signal so this must not reach quite to the area around the Weyers Cave exit, which is where I was. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Looking at the Sprint NV map on here, does anyone know if Sprint is going to give that lone site near Logan, WV to Shentel once the transfer goes through? It would be interesting to know the history as to how one lone site ended up there in the first place, but it seems pretty out of place to me. Edit: I just checked Sprint's coverage map and the area around Logan shows as off network roaming (for voice & data), which makes this an even greater mystery to me.
  22. I just looked back to the screen shot of what I connected to. The plmn is different but the first three characters of the GCI is the same. Maybe something has finally gotten started. Hopefully we will see more and more LTE popping up around ntelos-land. Sent from my Note 4.
  23. It looks like Google just updated the Hangouts dialer app to use your phone # when dialing outbound calls through Hangouts. This is for non-integrated users. I think it's a step in the right direction. You can choose to not allow this if you prefer your caller ID to still show as unavailable. There's a setting in the Hangouts app for it. This will be great for times that I need to use data and make a phone call. Sent from my Note 4.
  24. It almost looks like you're connected to a prepaid provider. Maybe someone else can confirm that. Sent from my Note 4.
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