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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. Have you tried setting the phone to CDMA only to see if that helps? Sent from my Note 4.
  2. Have you gone to known ntelos towers in the area and see if any of them are down for maintenance? Sent from my Note 4.
  3. Now to just get them some backhaul... Sent from my Note 4.
  4. In my experience, all cell signals have a tough time in IKEA. I think they use building materials that are hard on cell signals. Sent from my Note 4.
  5. I saw that too. I probably wouldn't normally have noticed but I was at Hungry Mother State Park last fall and the service was pretty poor when I was in Marion, which is part of that 4 tower cluster. In the park itself, I roamed on US Cellular but it worked pretty decent for calls and texts. Hopefully they get those 4 up and running with LTE soon. Another interesting thing about those towers is that they are Ericsson and the rest of the southern VA market is ALU. Kinda weird how that happened. Sent from my Note 4.
  6. After using the integration for a couple weeks I found 2 minor flaws that I hope may get addressed at some point. The first is that mms messages only go to and from the phone. It would be nice if they went to/from all devices just like sms messages. The 2nd is related to phone calls. When on a traditional call, my phone cuts off the screen using a proximity sensor. When on a call through Hangouts, it doesn't cut off the screen and I end up in crazy places with my phone from my cheek hitting the screen. If I remember to hit the power button after placing the call, it cuts off the screen, but I have to remember to do that. Anybody else have any other potential improvements other than what I just thought of? Sent from my Note 4.
  7. You're welcome. That was literally a shot in the dark. I was anticipating you saying you already did it when I originally posted but I'm glad it fixed it. Sent from my Note 4.
  8. I'm not an iPhone person either. I just assume there's a way to do it. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. I live in the Shentel market. I have seen calls switch from 1x1900 to 1x800 right in the middle of a call. I don't think I've ever seen it go the other direction but I assume it's possible. I often see it happen within the first 30 seconds of a call. This is when I have very good signal too, not just when I'm about to drop a call on 1x1900. Sent from my Note 4.
  10. I have mine set to sms. If I remember, it acted weird when I had it the other way. Sent from my Note 4.
  11. Group mms will only go to your phone, not through gvoice/hangouts. The same goes for sending. You can't send mms from gvoice/hangouts. Sent from my Note 4.
  12. No problem, just make sure you go into the settings and set it up how you want it. There's quite a few options on the Google voice website. Sent from my Note 4.
  13. I have my Sprint # integrated. I did it about 2 weeks ago. Everything works just fine. Text msgs show up on all my android devices and I can text from my tablet or computer. I can also call from Hangouts using my Sprint #, which is pretty cool. Same for my tablet and computer. I can also receive calls on my tablet and computer. There's only one thing that I hope they may fix at some point. MMS msgs only go to my phone, and don't come through to all my devices. That would make it perfect. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. New monopole is on the left. The old self-supporting lattice is on the right. It appears Shentel added new panels on the new tower but didn't take off the old ones on the old tower. In signal check, I was still "seeing" the old tower as a neighbor cell, even though my phone would not actually switch to it. It may have just been made inactive but still on, if that makes sense. A few things of note. I think the new tower is operating in low power mode as I couldn't get a signal better than -95 rsrp with a clear view of the tower. Also, the old tower never broadcasted B26. I did pick up a B26 signal in this area but the GCI didn't match the B25 signal of the new tower. I'm wondering if they forgot to match them or if that will be done when they return. Maybe someone with more knowledge could chime in here. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm fairly certain the B26 signal I was picking up was coming from the new tower because I have all the other towers around here in Signal Check and no notes popped up while on B26. Since the newspaper (NV Daily) decided to delete that article, this tower is West of Strasburg, VA in an area called Lebanon Church along Rt 55. Sent from my Note 4.
  15. This tower has finally been replaced with the monopole. I snapped a pic today. I'll try to load it if I have a chance later. It had to have been done it the past couple weeks. The old pole is still standing.
  16. True, but the only thing changed was the radio. It's otherwise the same phone that was released in Spring 2013. Sent from my Note 4.
  17. I doubt it will come before the S6 is released though. I would think they won't be in a rush to get it out since it is a 2 year old phone now. My work phone is the S4T though so I'm hopeful they will at least get it to lollipop before declaring it as end of life. I'm just hoping it's 5.1 but I'll take what I can get. Sent from my Note 4.
  18. Think positive thoughts. Sent from my Note 4.
  19. The Sprint lollipop update already incorporated the updates that article pointed out. Sent from my Note 4.
  20. Additional capacity will be added over time which will help increase speeds. 10mbps is plenty for 99.9% of the population though. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Harrisonburg is in the Shentel market. Sent from my Note 4.
  22. I live in Shentel territory and have only ever seen 09, 0A, 0B as the second carrier. Where did you ever see 04,05, and 06? Sent from my Note 4.
  23. I'm still going to try it for a while and see how it goes. I do have a question though. Since sms now goes over the data channel only, what happens when you are in a 1x area (native or roaming)? Will the sms just not go through? If so, I guess when I go to an area like that, is it best to disable the integration? Sent from my Note 4.
  24. I think I spoke too soon. I'm going to leave it be for now. I just found out I can now send and receive sms from my computer and tablet. That's a pretty cool feature. I should've done this long ago. Sent from my Note 4.
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