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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. I have two phones that are tri-band (work and personal) and I haven't seen the second pcs carrier on either since B26 went live. This is just on the tower closest to my home. I've picked it up elsewhere. Sent from my Note 4.
  2. I have noticed something lately now that the towers are load balancing. The closest tower to my house had two PCS carriers live prior to B26 being lit up. Since B26 came online, I never see the second carrier anymore from that tower. I'm curious as to why I never see it anymore.
  3. Take it easy guys. We can disagree with each other's opinions without being somewhat hostile. That's what I enjoy about this site. Sent from my Note 4.
  4. You need to listen to some of the more conservative / libertarian members of Congress, such as Rand Paul. He speaks about it all the time. You are right though that most Republicans have stayed quiet about it, unfortunately. The federal government is completely out of step with what was originally intended. If you haven't read the Constitution lately, read it again. It's pretty amazing how limited the federal government should be. Over time, more and more powers have been usurped from the states. I just wish more elected federal officials would abide by the tenth amendment. Sent from my Note 4.
  5. I understand there's still time before it's enacted but it's amazing to see how many people are willing to back this without knowing what's even in it. On other sites the "t-bagger" term is being thrown around for those being cautious (like me) about new federal regulations, but I think everyone should be cautious about this due to the far-reaching potential of this action. The Internet is the last bastion of freedom in the world. I'm just super cautious of any new government program, as should everyone else. Just remember that this is the same government that spent almost $2 billion on a website, a WEBSITE! I can't wait to see the costs associated with this new regulation. And remember, all costs are eventually passed on to the consumer. Sent from my Note 4.
  6. I just don't understand how anyone, especially the most ardent supporters here, can support something that only 5 people had any idea what was actually in it. If you can blindly support something like this, it's sad. At least know what's in it before you throw your support behind it. Most people point to the banning of throttling as to why this is so great. What about the other 300+ pages? It didn't take 322 pages to ban throttling. What if it turns out the regulations include massive fees that will ultimately be passed on to the consumer? What if, as Mark Cuban predicts, regular television starts to buffer because TV stations' Internet streams can no longer be prioritized? What about surgeons who perform robotic surgery on another continent? These are things that need priority. Bottom line, this is an unconstitutional overreach of the federal government. If it's that important, how about at least Congressional approval or better yet, a Constitutional Amendment that each State gets to vote on? Sent from my Note 4.
  7. I always forget about that sliver of Central PA in the Lancaster area. Sent from my Note 4.
  8. I was referring to the area around York and Lancaster when I mentioned the river. Thanks for the clarification though. Shentel's towers go to the beginning of I-78 in the greater Harrisburg area. Sent from my Note 4.
  9. I think I would prefer Shentel purchase the assets and Sprint purchase the spectrum. A perfect world doesn't exist and that may be asking too much though. Sent from my Note 4.
  10. To my knowledge, they will begin installing the B41 antennas this year. Nobody on here has seen any yet though. Also, Lancaster is in the Philly market. York is Shentel. If I recall, I believe the dividing line is the Susquehanna River. Sent from my Note 4.
  11. Gets the "go ahead" for what? B41? Sent from my Note 4.
  12. No, GCI isn't reported for neighboring cells, only PCI. It's the best he can do with the parameters that he has to work with. Sent from my Note 4.
  13. If I need both voice and data, I just use hangouts for the call. I think I did it twice. Other times it would be nice, like when I'm on an endless hold with a company, but not absolutely necessary. I take the trade off of having better data speed and coverage with a tri-band phone vs just having B25 on a single band phone. Edit: I also think Sprint needs to hold off on VoLTE until it finishes upgrading its network. There's no sense in dropping calls when the current 1x network (both 800 and 1900) works very well. Sent from my Note 4.
  14. As of now, only B41 will be used for CA. I read somewhere they may tie B41 and B25 together but not sure when that may happen. Sent from my Note 4.
  15. Correct, it's treated as native. Just slow 3G. Sent from my Note 4.
  16. You'll have 4G for about an hour after you get on 81S from 66. Then about 3 hours of ntelos. Sent from my Note 4.
  17. Is that near 100 and 309? I had friends that lived up that way when I was in high school. Sent from my Note 4.
  18. That makes sense. I didn't realize that. Sent from my Note 4.
  19. I had this phone personally until last Oct when I got the Note 4. I then gave it to my wife who still uses it. Just last week my employer finally got me a smart phone after 5 years with a flip phone and bought me the S4T, so I again have this phone. I, nor my wife, have received this update yet but it only looks to update Wifi calling, so probably not a huge update. Hopefully lollipop will come at some point. It's still interesting to me that the original s4 still hasn't received wifi calling. I really thought it would get it eventually.
  20. OK, so if they get 150 this year, that's a great start. Sent from my Note 4.
  21. Does anyone know how many total sites Shentel operates? Sent from my Note 4.
  22. What I don't understand is the tower closest to the Sprint store on MacArthur Rd (Whitehall) is still 3G, at least as of about 6 weeks ago when I was there last. You would think Sprint would at least want good service near one of their only stores in the area. Sent from my Note 4.
  23. Hopefully someone will post a summary of the call like last quarter. That was very informative. Sent from my Note 4.
  24. I thought VoLTE could be added to most any phone with a firmware update? Sent from my Note 4.
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