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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. Since I got the update, I had one random restart, but haven't had any other problems. Maybe the next update will get rid of the spinner. Sent from my Note 4
  2. Waynesboro is ntelos' headquarters. It would be like asking why Sprint had LTE live in Overland Park, KS before (insert city).
  3. I wonder why the upload was so sluggish? I would've expected that to be a bit higher than it was. I know the upload doesn't get doubled with CA, but that's still pretty low. Sent from my Note 4
  4. Again, ntelos or Sprint customers? Sent from my Note 4
  5. I can't wait. I go to Weyers Cave a number of times per year and it will be nice to have good service there. Sent from my Note 4
  6. I wish people would include what provider they have when they post that info. That makes a difference for the rest of us who follow this thread. Sent from my Note 4
  7. AJM, Do you know if Shentel will have to sacrifice some CDMA to accommodate the larger 10x10 carrier, or do they have enough spectrum to just add to it without sacrificing CDMA carriers? Sent from my Note 4
  8. If you haven't already, try a factory reset. I know it sucks to do, but my battery life has greatly improved on my Note 4 after doing so. Sent from my Note 4
  9. For the first time since I found out 10x10 is live on my "home" tower last week, I noticed my work phone was on the primary carrier (5x5) and my personal phone was on the secondary (10x10). I took the opportunity to compare the speeds. I just did this at 8:30am so the towers are under some load, but I wouldn't say this is peak usage time. 5x5 carrier: 7.44 down, 5.75 up 10x10 carrier: 18.39 down, 18.85 up. It is quite a difference. Interestingly enough, I noticed as soon as the speed test was done, my work phone then bounced to B26, then to the B25 2nd carrier. I've noticed both my phones seem to prefer using the 2nd carrier since it was made 10x10, which makes sense. The carrier balancing seems to take that into consideration. Sent from my Note 4
  10. Sprint's CDMA is really good at handling calls. I am in no hurry to use VoLTE. Sent from my Note 4
  11. I can't remember if I hit "export" or "backup" logs before I reset my phone, but it saved a ".csv" file. I go to import log and find the file on my phone, and when I tap it, it does nothing. Sent from my Note 4
  12. I'm hoping someone can help me. Before factory resetting my phone, I saved a backup of my site logs. I'm trying to load them back into SCP and it doesn't seem to be letting me do so. Am I missing something? Also, will the log that I saved include my site notes? That's really what I'm hoping to get back on my phone. Sent from my Note 4
  13. I had my engineering screen active all the way from Woodstock to near the Winchester Hospital area today. I didn't find any other 10x10. I didn't get to check that other tower you mentioned yesterday, but I should be able to get there sometime tomorrow or this weekend to confirm it. Sent from my Note 4
  14. Winchester has been brutally bad lately. I had to switch to 3G at the Apple Blossom Mall to get usable data. Edit: I have an appt in Winchester tomorrow so I can check a couple more towers up there. Sent from my Note 4
  15. That's pretty cool. Is this the first known tower to have 10x10 in the Shentel metropolitan area? Sent from my Note 4
  16. My engineering screen says "BW:10MHz" Does that mean 10 total or 10x10? Sent from my Note 4
  17. I haven't played around with the engineering screen in a long time. I guess I could see if I can figure it out. Sent from my Note 4
  18. That's my "home" tower. I'm only a few blocks away. I did a speed test early this morning and got about 20 mbps down. What have you noticed? Sent from my Note 4
  19. There was an update today for the "Samsung Push Service." I wonder if that fixed it? Sent from my Note 4
  20. After factory resetting it last week, it's like I have a new phone again. Even though Sprint is tempting me with a $10 a month lease on the Note 5, I think I'm going to hold out for the Note 6 next year when my regular upgrade is due. Sent from my Note 4
  21. My Note 4 running 5.1 has never had the issue so I don't think it's all phones running 5.1+ Sent from my Note 4
  22. I noticed the same on my work phone too, a Galaxy S4T, so I decided to call Sprint. I got transferred to tech support and was told that app comes from Samsung, not Sprint. I guess it's possible, but it sounds odd to me. Anyway, she told me there have been no other reports of this that they have documented. She gave me a phone # to Samsung (1-800-726-7864). I will try to call it later, but I thought if more of us call, maybe the quicker they will get it resolved. BTW, the version # of my voicemail app on both phones is T. Sent from my Note 4
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