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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. What device are you using? If it is the Samsung Galaxy Victory like it says in your Phones/Devices on your profile, then it is probably just that beautiful Samsung "enginerring". -Anthony
  2. First off, let me start by suggesting we make this its own thread, because I can see this new topic going on for a while, and we are WAY off the original topic. Now I shall give my two cents on this Wi-Fi sharing thing (or whatever you want to call it). I absolutely hate this idea. I pay (well, my Dad pays, but you get the point) for my home broadband connection. There is no reason that I should have to give someone else access to MY connection and use MY bandwidth and add more data to MY home data usage. I don't need to be getting slowed down by someone who is getting to use MY internet that I pay for (again, my Dad pays for it, but you should still get the point ) and not pay ME for using MY internet. If I wanted my network to be open to the world, I wouldn't have a WPA2 security password on it. We have over 15 devices all connected to our home network, and we need all the bandwidth we can get. I would rather join T-Mobile than let this happen. (Yeah, it's not really relevant, but it show's how badly I don't want this to happen.) Now, if my ISP wanted to come to my house and run a new COAX line to my house and provide me with a second router for this public Wi-Fi access point, then by all means, go right ahead! I would be 100% on board with that! P.S. - Yes, I do understand that according to the article AJ posted, a customer has the choice whether or not they want to have this public Wi-Fi connection on, but I hate the idea of what a user a few posts before this one said about Comcast providing people with routers that already have these public access points and that you have to jump through hoops in order to turn it off. Sorry about the rant, just wanted to throw this out there. -Anthony
  3. I could probably guarantee Band 41 support, but probably not carrier aggregation. We'll leave that to the Android devices so that I'm envious of them for yet another year... -Anthony
  4. I was actually just about to post about that. I would love to see Sprint announce that they will support Wi-Fi calling in iOS 8 also. -Anthony
  5. Well from the looks of it, the rack of panels that is just below the rack on the top is the Sprint NV equipment, and the very bottom rack is Clearwire. (As always, someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I wouldn't be surprised if I am ) But you probably already knew that. Do you know if there are any other Clear sites around you? I ask because you have a signal strength of -95 dBm, and if you are standing VERY CLOSE to the tower in question, then it could be possible that you are picking up Band 41 from a different site, because your signal should be much stronger from that close. And about your download/upload speeds, I wouldn't be very surprised if the reason your speeds are like that is because the site isn't running on upgraded backhaul. Now sure, they may have ran the new backhaul (like you said) but they might not have hooked it up yet. But if what I asked above is true(about whether or not this is indeed the site you are connected to), it's possible you could be connected to another site, that is probably not running on the upgraded backhaul yet. -Anthony
  6. Found another site with 8T8R on it! Sprint site along Ridge Road (for those of us who live near/frequent often to Concord Mills, its the road you are on if you take the back way to the mall) that is a freestanding site that only has 1 set of panels on it has 8T8R panels on it! -Anthony
  7. Found a site in Kannapolis that has 8T8R panels on it I believe. I was driving home from FoxFire lanes and saw it the site on Route 29 at Dale Earnhardt Blvd. Don't know if it is broadcasting, as I have a dual band device. I doubt it though, considering all our other 8T8R sites that we have found currently are not. I would like to go take pics, but I'm not too sure if I'll be able to get around to it. -Anthony
  8. I wish I had, but I haven't had enough time with an iPad to try. I wonder if anyone has tried using Signal 2 on the iPad? -Anthony
  9. There's your problem haha. If your booster is actually capable of boosting Band 26 (officially or unofficially ) it's probably getting such a weak signal that that it's only able to barely boost it. Either that or your phone is just barely grabbing onto it, and from 8ish miles away and getting 6 mbps down, a LOT of people on Sprint are going to be very happy with Band 26. -Anthony
  10. How do you know that the tower near you is broadcasting Band 26? And how close is "near" to you? -Anthony
  11. You can't change the PRL on the iPhone 5S, the files that need to be replaced are hidden and nobody has found a way to do it yet. Also, changing your PRL to roam on a different carrier is against the Sprint TOS and we do not help people do that here at S4GRU because we do not promote such behavior. -Anthony
  12. You are correct. No, you cannot. The airave can be considered a "legacy" site. -Anthony
  13. By the way, if anybody does use this new jailbreak tool, please make sure to look-up instructions on how to do it (or you could ask me ) . It is not as straight-forward as one might think. If done incorrectly, you will end up installing that Chinese App Piracy store and I don't think anyone really wants that. IF you happen to accidentally install that app piracy store, it can cause VERY BIG PROBLEMS down the road, because it installs its own version of "AppSync" called "PpSync" that can, and most likely WILL cause you to lose most, if not all functionality of the default apps in iOS. Good luck to anyone who gives it a go, and I will gladly answer any questions that anyone may have (my title isn't "Your friendly neighborhood iOS Guru" for nothing ). -Anthony
  14. Way ahead of you. It still hasn't been updated yet -Anthony
  15. That may be true, but I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly hard to reinstate those leases. It would also be a heck of a lot cheaper than having to construct a completely new tower. -Anthony
  16. That's what I had thought. But then when I saw all of the different Jailbreak developers' tweets about how after completely searching the program and the jailbreak itself, they saw that there was absolutely no spyware or malware in it what-so-ever, I decided to give it a shot. -Anthony
  17. This is my phone, an iPhone 5S. That is how Apple and other developers identify the device in iOS and other apps. It goes by generation, because the 5S is the 6th generation iPhone. -Anthony
  18. So, yeah... This happened today... -Anthony Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  19. I used: https://imzdl.com/udid.php I chose to just have my UDID registered to use betas (the 8 dollar option) rather than also adding certificates (the 16 dollar option). -Anthony
  20. If you are indeed using an LG Viper 4G as your primary device, then you definitely can NOT be connecting to 800 LTE, considering the fact that it was one of the first LTE phones on Sprint, and it only supports Band 25 LTE. If this is indeed the case, then you are probably confusing 800 LTE with 1x800, which is a 3G technology, and is NOT LTE. Unless you upgrade your phone to a device that has either better RF capabilities and/or tri-band capability, then you are never going to get a better LTE signal at your current location. -Anthony
  21. I would also like to know, because I can't seem to find anything that states this. -Anthony
  22. You could do what I did. Find a website that you can pay like 8 dollars or so to and they will register your UDID on a developers account. It's just a matter of finding the right site for the right price. I can go dig up the site I used to do it if you would be interested. -Anthony
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