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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. The way things are right now, Sprint does not own enough spectrum to have anything bigger than a 5x5 carrier. So to answer your question, no, Sprint won't be expanding to anything larger than a 5x5, at least anytime soon (sadly). -Anthony
  2. Your statement was that it is "Not exactly an Airave... but nonetheless, does the same thing". It doesn't do the same thing. It does something completely different. -Anthony
  3. But that is not made to be a signal booster. It's a home router with its own service plan. You can't connect to it with your Sprint device that has unlimited data and expect to be able to use unlimited data. It's completely different than an Airave. -Anthony
  4. There isn't any way to change the LTE scan timer on the iPhone. It's really something that Apple needs to change on their own. This problem will probably go away for you when you have ubiquitous LTE coverage, which will most likely be when you get Band 26. -Anthony
  5. And look at where the site is now. It's amazing what Robert and the other staff members have been able to achieve with this site. I'm glad I've been able to take part in some of the ride. Here's to S4GRU, Sprint, Robert, the rest of the staff, and the rest of the members here. And here's to many more years! -Anthony
  6. The Sprint variant of the 5s is the iPhine6,1. Also, sorry to hear about the problems you were having. For me, beta 5 has been the least buggy, but that's just me. Also, you don't have to put the device into DFU mode to restore to 7.1.2. You just have to download the IPSW and do shift+restore (or cmd+restore on OS X) and navigate to the IPSW to downgrade. -Anthony
  7. There isn't an "Only while using" option on every app because they haven't been updated for iOS 8 yet. "Always" is "Yes, this app can use location services" and "Never" is "No, this app can not use location services" when it comes to non-iOS 8 updated apps. When iOS 8 GM comes out, and the developers update their apps, you will begin to see the "only while using" option. -Anthony
  8. Have you looked at your Location Settings to see if anything is the culprit? -Anthony
  9. Good idea. I try not to assume; that's how peoples' feelings get hurt. -Anthony
  10. He is asking if Sprint will have to do another "rip and replace" project in order to do VoLTE. And to answer his question, no, they wouldn't. -Anthony
  11. That didn't happen to me. Had it unplugged for 4 months. Is that not long enough? -Anthony
  12. RAM? Yes. Processing power? That's a little complicated. I recently found an article about the A7 chip that says that it can actually hold its own against the Intel i-series processors. When Apple says the A7 chip is a "desktop class" processor, they're not joking. -Anthony
  13. Well the iPhone's/iPad's/iPod's all have a specific portion of the Flash Storage partitioned off specifically for the OS. I think it's around 2 GB, at least on the 5S. iOS 8 beta 4 is around 1.8 GB on the 5S, so 960 MB would be more than is partitioned, which means less user storage. -Anthony
  14. Oh crap, yeah, you're right. Not sure how I got that confused. I guess your brain gets all messed up when you're sick :/ -Anthony
  15. I wasn't trying to think of you as a noob. I was trying to be funny haha. I apologize if it came off that way. -Anthony
  16. Before all of the propaganda posts, yes, actually, we were. -Anthony
  17. It doesn't ever say what beta version you're on. It should always just say "Version: x.x.x". And it seems odd to me that you downloaded beta 4 and when you go to the "Software Update" section that it doesn't say "iOS 8 Beta 5". There might be something wrong... -Anthony
  18. Guys plz -Anthony Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  19. He is saying "How committed to updates is LG?" "With the nexus 5 I'm spoiled". He is stating that LG isn't very committed to updates, but google is very committed with the nexus 5 so he is spoiled. -Anthony
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