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Everything posted by irev210

  1. Looks like, by the photo, the 800MHz antennas are not hooked up. Just PCS with CDMA/LTE. Robert, have you seen any better photos? This is the typical AL config (i've posted before):
  2. Updated RRU? Seems like 1 RRU vs. 2 or 3 I've seen at sites around me.
  3. Robert has mentioned that the decommissioning of legacy equipment takes place a while after they install the new NV panels.
  4. Hrmm, this looks like a different RUU vs other AL stuff I've seen. Interesting...
  5. I've noticed that with the Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 4 - slow charging is annoying. OG Battery life and charging speeds are MUCH different vs. nexus 4 - which again, is strange, considering it's the same hardware. 13MP camera is a joke though - I much prefer HTC's approach going down to a high quality 4MP shooter. The LG overlay and just the way the device feels in your hand is way different - I much prefer the feel of Nexus 4 design and software. It's amazing how far Google has come with the bone stock android experience - I would even say, apple-like smoothness.
  6. I'll be curious to hear your take vs. the nexus 4. It's amazing its the same hardware, yet the nexus 4 is so much more enjoyable to use.
  7. I have low-E glass + bricks from 1935 + plaster. It's hilarious. I can go from having 10mbit of 4G until I close the window, then nada.
  8. I guess my question is - how does performance differ in terms of coverage/usability having the uplink segment at a higher frequency? In an ideal world, would you want uplink as low as possible? Say, 600MHz uplink, 750MHz downlink?
  9. Dumb question but why would someone want to have the uplink at a higher frequency vs. the downlink?
  10. Thanks for taking a look at the specs, AJ! I can't wait to get my paw on "One", har har har.
  11. Thanks for the info Howard! Any other info you can share? Most recently, clearwire said that they would deploy 20MHz TD-LTE channels and saw performance int he 60Mbit range. Can you offer any insight into this? What sort of backhaul upgrades are needed? Will clearwire be offering a pay-as-you-go plan to replace wimax? When does clearwire expect to hit commercial operation?
  12. Dumb question but if the sites are done what are they waiting for?
  13. My experience with the EVO is at night it shuts off EVDO, LTE, and WIFI and stops serving data unless you power on the phone. Phone calls still come through just fine, as the 1x network is still active, but is not used for data. It's an awesome power saving feature, I love it. Sometimes it's annoying when you are waiting for an email or a text and your phone is hibernating but that rarely happened to me.
  14. If I recall correctly, clear wire said they could do some things to save spectrum. I'll see if I can find the transcript from Dr Saw. I think the expected waste from the overlay was rather insignificant.
  15. "We're sorry, your call could not be completed as dialed due to too many people streaming radio at 128kbps. Please try again later."
  16. I know on previous calls/conferences, Clearwire has mentioned that they are all about 20MHz "fat pipes".
  17. Just seems like a rather large technical headache for a relatively small gain in total spectrum assets.
  18. I mean, with WCS, does AT&T really even care about S-Band? DISH's (and I mean Charlie) arrogance cost them a lot of money. I just don't see any buyers with T-Mobile looking for sub-1GHz, Sprint all set with clearwire, Verizon set with AWS, and AT&T den der got them some WCS. Who is the buyer?
  19. Sprint, from what I've seen over the years, has a great working relationship with the FCC and other various federal agencies. Maybe AJ can shed light on why/how that came to be. Perhaps all those days cuddled together working through the iDEN rebanding?
  20. I only base my assumption on where I've seen Verizon 4G LTE on 700MHz and the times I roam when I go indoors. Verizon's 4G LTE urban coverage in Boston is exceptional. Speed-wise, it's overloaded, but the coverage is great.
  21. I disagree. Indoor coverage in urban areas does matter. While all carriers will say no indoor coverage is guaranteed, when you compare carriers, it makes a HUGE difference when it comes to the user experience. Customers don't care if they are in a basement or behind brick and lowE glass, they want coverage. Sub-1GHz spectrum is the only realistic way to provide it.
  22. What a novel concept... linking compensation and long-term performance Better than getting paid to do a crummy job....
  23. I wouldn't be surprised if we just say a 3.5, 4, 5 inch iphones. Everyone has a different preference.
  24. Exactly! It's so frustrating. One second, I'll be flying at 25mbit and the next second I'll have 3 bars and no service... I just don't get how T-Mobile is going to be a serious competitor without some sub 1GHz spectrum.
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