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Everything posted by irev210

  1. BIG difference between setting it up as "WCDMA only" and "LTE/GSM/CDMA auto (PRL)" I think one connects to DC-HSPA+ and the other lets you connect to PCS HSPA+. In downtown boston, t-mobile's AWS DC-HSPA+ carrier seems loaded, speeds are 1.5-2.5mbit down or so. The PCS HSPA+ carrier seems completely unloaded - I can hit 12mbit down, ~1mbit up. DC-HSPA+ is faster in other areas (15-25mbit down, 1mbit to 3.6mbit up).
  2. Well, you could also argue that it was an implicit cost of acquiring AWS. It is highly unlikely that they would have been able to acquire AWS from SpectrumCO+COX if they didn't preemptively offer to divest their lower 700MHz holdings to the FCC as a condition of acquiring more AWS. In a way, they basically showed their hand to AT&T (and others) that this spectrum would be coming on the market. If Verizon just sat on it, when AT&T became spectrum constrained, I imagine they could have profited nicely... but at the same time, if VZN Wireless was spectrum constrained (you can sort of argue they already are), AWS would have cost them more as well. I think the bigger question is - was acquiring the AWS specturm for $3.9 billion+ lower 700MHz sale losses worth it? Would Verizon been better off with the lower 700MHz licenses and the extra cash? I think they needed to get the AWS deal done.
  3. Talk about highly optimistic maps.
  4. Updating your profile/PRL doesn't do anything (other than forcing a rescan, which you can do via airplane mode). What is happening is your phone scans for 4G in regular intervals (say 30 to 60 seconds). If you drop down to 3G, it won't rescan for 4G right away. When you toggle airplane mode, you are forcing the phone to scan for LTE. The way sprint is deploying LTE is putting up sites as soon as they are ready, so you have coverage gaps. As time goes on, coverage will continue to get better and better. As Sprint has 4G LTE installed, some sites go live, go back down for some maintenance, come back up, etc. It's sort of annoying but at the same time, wouldn't you rather have some LTE vs. no LTE at all? I think Sprint is doing a great job in PR.
  5. the galaxy nexus has the worst reception known to man for sprint. Samsung used a VIA baseband for some strange reason instead of qualcomm. GS3 and Note2 are NOTHING like the galaxy nexus.
  6. The 2.5 officially does. Why it rocks: AIRAVE 2.5 covers up to 5,000 square feet – you can tweak the coverage size to fit your needs. Calls automatically transfer to the Nationwide Sprint® Network once you leave your home or office. http://shop.sprint.com/mysprint/shop/phone_details.jsp?ensembleId=AIR25ACQNG
  7. I would be curious to test. The latency to setup the DC-HSPA+ can be annoying (and I've had it fail many times in low signal areas). Pure HSPA+ with PCS might help some of my issues.
  8. Where they have DC-HPSA+ the speeds are just fantastic. I was getting almost 30mbit at dallas fort worth airport. Any way to force PCS only for HSPA+?
  9. So far, my experience with T-Mobile isn't going well... can't even activate. We’re sorry, we’re still working to process your activation. Please wait a few moments and then try navigating to another web page. You should receive a text message to your device when your activation is processed. Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... All agents are currently busy. Please stand by. You are currently at position number 113 in the queue. An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience. throttle after 250MB? seems like a pretty bad value.
  10. You should consider doing what I am doing. You can put your sprint plan in seasonal standby @ 8.99/mo and do prepaid t-mobile (starting at 30/month for 5GB 4G/100 minutes, ending at 70/month for unlimited everything)
  11. Agreed on Bill - Bill did do some pretty ruthless things back in the day however I've expunged his record based on who he eventually became and what he has and is doing with his wealth. B&M gates Foundation is amazing and the fact that he isn't turning his kids into mini billionaires is also impressive. He goes against convention - for better or worse. It would be interesting to see how much more profitable the company would be if he had happy employees. However, other companies that are "best places to work" don't really ooze corporate responsibility. It's an interesting case study, that's for sure. We could discuss at length the positives/negatives - it would be a good conversation. I personally view that happy employees = more productive which = more profitable company = good for everyone.
  12. The hotline is nothing... don't let them find out about Hello Kitty Hotel.
  13. I mean, look at Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. Who did Warren Buffett step on/sell out? Not sure what Charlie had to do to start his company from nothing and build it into a 16.6 billion dollar company, making himself rich in the process but... I'd rather see a self-made billionaire that is a douche vs. a billionaire that comes from money that's a douche. At least one of them worked for it. Considering I see lots of a-holes everywhere that are not billionaires... Either way, he provides a service that people want at a reasonable price. He saved many people a lot of money - he turned the TV industry upsidedown. To me, that's impressive... because cable co's love their monopoly. If you hate the cable monopolies, Charlie should be your hero.
  14. This is very helpful. I'll know more tomorrow and report back! I've waited 2 months to get a nexus 4... very excited to give it a whirl. Curious to see how different it is vs. the optimus g.
  15. The T-mobile maps are awesome. I am curious to see how exaggerated they are compared to sprint. Sprint says my area is well covered however I am lucky if I can even latch onto an EVDO channel.
  16. Marketing and, well, LTE will eventually replace their DC-HPSA+ network. T-Mobile has done a pretty good job of doing small incremental upgrades to their network (GSM only sites excluded). I FINALLY get my Nexus 4 tomorrow (WOOHOO!!!!) so I can't wait to try out the 30 dollar prepaid plan.
  17. I think AT&T is even more ripe for the picking. Both are in a position to be plucked at by Sprint. Sprint has done a rather poor job marketing its new network. I very much agree, Sprint did a fantastic job in the 90's and early 2000's marketing why sprint was different/better than competitors (pin drop for long distance, cellular static commercials for mobile). I suppose the real issue is, even if they marketed that a new network is coming tomorrow, in many places the network today is unusable. I had a friend from work try Sprint when the iPhone 5 came out. He ported two lines from AT&T and tried sprint out for the 14 days. For him, it was so bad that he couldn't take it and and ported back to AT&T, full well knowing (very knowledgeable about sprint's deployment plans) that Sprint would be better in the long run. His response was rather simple: I need something that works today, not something that might be better a year from now. I think the ESMR band will really help. I can't wait for LTE and 1x voice on ESMR - it's going to be a game changer for sprint. T-Mobile CEO making fun of VZN: Verizon has enough money to throw at their network that I think performance should always be acceptable, just never exceptional. From a reliability perspective, the overlay seemed like a solid plan. I think T-Mobile is making a lot of moves in the right direction. The new CEO seems pretty entertaining, to boot. Their price points are very compelling, they have a good lineup of devices, and I love how they are getting rid of subsidies and contracts. They need to work on customer service and coverage, though. Without having sub 1GHz spectrum, I don't know how competitive they can be against AT&T/VZN/Sprint.
  18. Perceptions take a long time to change. Just today I had Sprint LTE signal downtown and my speeds? RSRP -72dBm and I couldn't even hit 6mbit up or down. Point being, Sprint needs to roll out LTE on all of their sites, deploy 1x advanced and LTE on SMR and take advantage of clearwire's spectrum. Once they do that, they have something they can market and sell. At that point, it's up to the marketing and finance guys to put together a message at a price point that can lure people away from the duopoly.
  19. Yup, cellular companies want higher margins. Subsidies get in the way of that. A side effect would be cheaper phones for consumers, though the level of quality and rapid pace of development might change a bit... but in the grand scheme of things, worth it.
  20. Sorry, are you serious? Read the history of Ergen. He is Dish. He founded dish, he owns dish, he controls dish, and doesn't give two ($%# what anyone thinks. He did it his way, and ended up being extremely successful. Not too many self-made billionaires out there. You may not like his methods, but you have to admire what he has been able to accomplish. Randall Stephenson and Charlie Ergen are not even on the same planet.
  21. This is nothing more than Ergan messing with Sprint. Absolutely comical.
  22. It's about the user experience. People have microSD card problems and they blame HTC. Limit on what can go wrong on the phone and realize that yes, you will upset 1% of the population but get rid of a TON of service repairs and upset customers. Same goes with battery. The average person doesn't use microSD or change battery. Phone manufacturers cater to the 99%. Stop being an elitist, you 1%'er
  23. looking at a few reviews, the answer is no seems like the image quality of the 13MP isn't any leap over current 8MP shooters.
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