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Everything posted by irev210

  1. Interesting thought. Sprint essentially opened up SERO to anyone and everyone. Call it whatever you want, even today, the current SERO program is advertised by the famous russ mcguire. I don't really call that a loophole. It's like saying the semi-hidden t-mobile prepaid 30/month plan is a "loophole" because it isn't a standard plan offering. Sprint, at any time, could have terminated or restricted the SERO program but they decided to change it instead. The true "SERO" program is a much better deal and it was one that was never open to the public to take advantage of. The real sprint employee friend plan is called the "wireless advantage club". http://www.sprint.com/landings/advantage_club/?ECID=vanity:advantageclub You also seem to forget that sprint has almost doubled the price of the original SERO plan. What started off as 30/month has now been increased to 50/month. I find it surprising you just want sprint to churn loyal customers. From a financial perspective, you are somewhat off the mark. Today's SERO plans are only marginally (~8/month) cheaper than other discounted plans that are available to everyone (with no loopholes). Just like Verzion, Sprint has bean counters. When it becomes more profitable to churn customers that will leave as a result of increased prices, sprint will do so. Until then, it seems like a silly thing to be upset at sprint for. They are trying to max out value from their subscribers. Asking them to lose money just seems pretty far out there to me.
  2. Probably went back to the office, told someone and got yelled at, then given an example of how if something fell on you and you got injured how they would be liable.
  3. so my maps finally seem to be working again after this. LTE speeds are still the same
  4. I think this is a great opportunity for Sprint. I think Verizon will spend the money to keep overall speeds acceptable but Sprint has the opportunity to upsell VZN and offer not only the coverage (ESMR) but the capacity with clearwire. I could see a great commercial "everything you can do, I can do better" theme song. shot of the "can you hear me now" VZN guy next to the old sprint dude in a basement saying "no you can't" "Yes I can" on a cellphone. shot of them downloading a movie and the sprint dude downloading it faster "no you can't" "yes I can" shot of them talking (sprint talking with HD voice) and surfing at the same time texting and saying "no you can't," garbled "yes I can," crystal clear shot of them taking photos, uploading a picture that says "no you can't" and "yes I can" (with the photos loading on sprint much faster) shot of them trying to do something at an airport where Verizon is over capacity. ending with: With the brand new sprint network, Sprint now offers unlimited HD voice, unlimited data, and data speeds that are now faster than all other carriers combined and doesn't get bogged down when you need it the most, blah blah blah.
  5. Well given their past performance addressing capacity issues, I doubt it will slow to a crawl (ala sprint) but it's not the verizon die-hards who post up screen shots of 73mbit. 3mbit low latency will satisfy 99.9% of their customers. I am sure they will continue to add capacity around existing sites as speeds slow down. It will be interesting to see if they add a PCS or cellular LTE carrier and offload iphone 5 users onto it. edit: update to reflect AJ's solid point about VZN's cellular holdings.
  6. When wimax was first released, I signed up for clear with an at home wimax modem. I had probably the best signal possible (-30dbm or so, if I recall correctly). I tested the max stream (multiple connections) at 16mbit in Boston. I never saw anything higher. Some people reported higher speeds elsewhere...
  7. Well, Verizon is the standard for under promising and over delivering. It was an interesting choice that they decided not to go with RRU's. It seems like they don't need the extra coverage and don't want the extra capex/opex. I think the true test for Verizon (which they nailed with EVDO, relatively speaking) is to see how they add capacity as load increases. Their first step was coverage, second step will be adding capacity. It truly is amazing to see VZN LTE speeds take a dive though. But, as you say many many times, the average customer doesn't care about 3mbit or 30mbit... they just want it to work wherever they are - and for that, verizon scores points.
  8. If I had to guess it is about the sales guys own personal commission. Probably no points for selling an iPhone 4 but double or triple points for selling a GS3.
  9. irev210

    LG Optimus G

    So both sprint store manager and customer service over the phone told me that I need to sign up for insurance, wait 24 hours, and file a claim. I feel like that's scamming so I called LG directly and they told me they couldn't tell me how much to replace a cracked screen. I mean, this wasn't a complicated issue... I am hesitant to send my phone in for a repair without knowing at least an estimate. What are your guys thoughts? What would you do?
  10. Just a small update on my LTE speeds. I think it is my phone. I had RSRP of -85dBm and I was still only hitting about 8mbit. I'll retest when my optimus G gets its screen replaced
  11. I would love to get a general sense. Can you share general sense of sprint's top markets and lowest markets? Any markets where sprint has more share than verizon or at&t?
  12. He is writing a report as we speak about how damaged sprint was that they needed an ignorant foreign investor to try and save them. Headline: Sprint - unable to go it alone gets in bed with Japan's Softbank. In a last act of desperation, Sprint, on the brink of bankruptcy... I, Moffett-head called this. There was no way Sprint could keep going. They failed and I told everyone. Muahahahahaha!
  13. Independent and not subject to any sort of pressure from Sprint would be ideal.
  14. That's pretty hilarious. Thanks for posting. Robert should be flattered!
  15. ? I am just talking about the comically low breakup fee.
  16. It's hilarious, isn't it. It's about as close as you can get to zero. There are no other buyers @ 2.2B+debt.
  17. Clearwire hosted a tech conference back in June or July - said that the handoff between TD-LTE and FD-LTE was in the milliseconds and was "seemless". I've referenced it a few times.
  18. Looks like they only need 1/2 of non-sprint shareholders to approve, I thought it was 2/3rd. Should be interesting to see what happens.
  19. This is softbank, not sprint. Apparently, softbank wouldn't go higher.
  20. Filing lawsuits is one thing, getting somewhere is something else all together. Why? No other carrier is seriously interested in clearwire. Clearwire just needs approval from 2/3rds of the floating shareholders. If that happens, it's a done deal.
  21. Lawsuits? It's about the votes. 2/3rds of the float have to approve the deal. Obviously, they think they have the votes.
  22. irev210

    LG Optimus G

    The worst part is the service. Sprint won't fix it, LG won't fix it, nobody will fix it. I was told by the store manager at my local sprint store and when I called sprint to sign up for insurance, wait 24 hours, file a claim. Just sounds very scammy to me. I just want to pay for sprint to install a new screen but they said they have no parts yet. There isn't a single scratch on the phone, the screen just imploded. I am guessing I got defective glass that was improperly made and now I am just stuck with a hunk of worthless phone.
  23. irev210

    LG Optimus G

    Well, reception wasn't all that different and I gently placed the phone down on my counter and the screen cracked. Sort of disappointing
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