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Everything posted by leozno1

  1. Wow I didn't know the increase would be that dramatic going from legacy 1900 to NV 1900. I have seen some numbers such as a 10% increase in signal strength but I didn't know it would result in a 20% increase in the distance the signal could travel. I learn something new everyday on this website. And thanks for responding in such a timely fashion.
  2. With additional signal strength that will be experienced due to the new equipment and RRU's on the towers, how much farther would the signal travel compared to Sprint's current coverage? (With both 800 and 1900mhz)
  3. Well you also can take into account that the tower you are connected to is the only one in that area that has been upgraded so that tower has to take on all the connections by itself, once they surround that tower with other network visión towers they will be able to better distribute the bandwidth between the towers and you will see better speeds... I hope.
  4. By the way I just downloaded it, and the answer's heck yeah!!
  5. Does it fix the multitasking?
  6. Well I drove by one of the new Network vision towers at the edge of Maryland, just north of Manchester, MD and I consistently got between 2 - 2.3 mbps and Pings between 87 and 94ms. I can't wait for that to go nationwide. Sprint's network is going to be awesome!!!
  7. Finally Robert is back! So if this is the last market for the deployment update schedule, what do you have on deck for us next?
  8. Yea I know exactly what you mean Robert. Its gotten to the point where I wish S4GRU had not gotten so much word of mouth around mainstream tech sites just so we wouldn't get an influx of ignorant, ungrateful trolls flooding the site.
  9. Hey I forgot to ask, even if York is covered by Shentel, would you still happen to know where the Sprint Towers in York are located? That would be awesome. Thanks!
  10. So Sprint is blocking LTE connectivity until they say so but are users still able to connect to the upgraded 3G and voice network as sites come online?
  11. You sure do have a way of getting my hopes up =) I'll try to get my hands on an LTE device and see if I start picking up some LTE here in York. Thanks Robert!
  12. Woah I had no idea. Its no wonder that on network.sprint.com there are no upgrades listed for York or Harrisburg areas. Man that just makes it that much harder to know if or when my area will be getting any upgrades.
  13. Wow I didn't know that the Philadelphia Market covered Reading and Allentown as well. Darn If only it would have extended a little further west towards York and Lancaster
  14. Doesn't SVDO connectivity mean that the device is capable of using Data and voice simultaneously over 3G?
  15. I don't think it would be considered roaming. If Sprint can form an agreement similar with what is happening with WiMax that is. 4G WiMax is not considered roaming but it is Clearwire's network. It would be wise for them to do it that way.
  16. Something I would definitely enjoy and can probably be done before this device launches is put in the MSM8960 Pro with the next gen Adreno 320.
  17. I ask that question my self all the time. Especially since Sprint is in such a cash crunch right now that they can't afford to spend more money than necessary. Instead of spending millions on these little patch jobs they're doing, they should have used those resources to speed up NV a little more. Also I have a question for S4GRU... We know that Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson and Samsung are currently building out NV but what I want to know is if any of SPRINT's engineers are also out there building out NV in other markets?
  18. Thanks a lot runagun, has anyone been able to run a speedtest in any of the markets that are already underway?
  19. lol you're right. But usually when a manufacturer makes a device that will get slightly different variations for each carrier. Sprint somehow works some magic and gets the best iteration, like the Samsung Galaxy S and the Galaxy S II. Also the HTC EVO 3D was an HTC Sensation internally but had a larger battery and more RAM. Hopefully Sprint can make this phone perfect and add a Micro SD card slot and a bigger battery. And I have to see how I feel about the 4.7 in screen. It depends on how much bigger the device will be.
  20. I think it would be an awesome idea for sprint to get all 3 of these devices and start market it as the next generation of EVO devices. The High End HTC EVO One X, mid range HTC EVO One S and the budget minded HTC EVO One V. What do you guys think?
  21. Oh I had no idea. I didn't discover s4gru until about a month ago and it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I would say that you should try to make your website easier through google. Because even with very specific google searches this site is hard to find. I had been looking for any details I could about Network Vision updates for over a year and was only able to find small articles and occasional updates but this website exactly what I was looking for. I wish I knew what kind of 3G speeds we are going to see with Network Vision tho. Keep up the great work and keep the updates rolling!
  22. York is considered to be in the Central PA area because Philadelphia is about an hour and a half away from here. But we are only about 25 miles south of Harrisburg PA, so hopefully one of your future updates includes the central PA area =)
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