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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. That's good. It just amazes me how many people take such a thing for granted when it comes to turning in a phone.
  2. It amuses me to see how these other sites report on things that we been talking about for weeks here on s4gru.
  3. So back on topic(LOL), I can't wait to experience this HD voice feature. I am not gonna lie, the voice quality on my evo lte right now is pretty damn amazing(by far the best out of any phone I have ever owned so far) and honestly I don't see how calls can sound any better than what they are now.
  4. I don't know about anyone else but that sounds like lots of fun right there.
  5. When I am actually at home, an average of about two weeks at a time, I probably don't even accumulate an hour of actual talk time in those two weeks so if I didn't travel my usage would probably be the same as yours.
  6. This is the internet, anything more than 24 to maybe 48 hours max is considered old information. LOL,
  7. I hope you remembered to perform a hard reset before you took it to them, you don't want your personal information sitting in a draw at some bestbuy.
  8. I also enjoy svdo capabilities as well. I travel a lot so I spend at least 65% of my time away from home, so any chance I get I am on the phone with my girl talking. It is so convenient to send and receive emails for work or maybe even taking a funny picture and sending to her while we are talking. If you are the kind of person that really don't use that many minutes then I can see it not being a big deal but for someone like me who use about 4 hours of talk time every day when I am out of town then its a very nice feature to have.
  9. It's like someone handing you the keys to a brand new bugatti veyron and tell you to go and enjoy yourself, then they say "Oh and by the way, don't leave the parking lot." Where data caps are now is a total joke.
  10. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-274-miamiwest-palm-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-update/
  11. As you can clearly see, the galaxy note 2's screen could no way be as advance as the screen on the evo lte. I mean look at it, that is pure innovation. LOL
  12. Looks like in that general area there several sites scheduled to go live between now and october. If you bought an lte device right now more than likely it would be hit or miss IMO. You could always go to the closest sprint store and see if any of the lte devices are getting a signal.
  13. At this point in time I don't think any of those types of apps are gonna be able to give you the information that you are looking for. Let me ask you though, what is the closest intersection to you? Also keep in mind that Dallas is a first round market that is currently live and further lte expansion should happen very quickly.
  14. Sounds like a great idea to me. Like what Scott said, sprint needs revenues and they need it bad. It's all about cash flow and sprint needs more cash flow than what we the customers can provide without us being nickle and dimed.
  15. The note(which is considered a phablet) is 5.3" which is only .3 inches more than this so at what point do you consider a phone to be a phablet?
  16. With the same thinness of the evo/one x and more surface area I am sure they could cram at least a 2400mah to 2800mah battery in there. I think this phablet is going to a be a beast. I really hope they step it up with features because the note is one hell of a smartphone.
  17. Looks like engadget just reported something similar but more specifically for verizon. http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/06/rumored-htc-verizon-phablet-may-land-soon/
  18. Well that's good to know, me and my girl drove through there a couple weeks ago and didn't get an lte signal at all.
  19. http://www.digitimes...20806PD210.html I came across this article a few minutes ago while I had some down time at the office. If this is true, I really hope that HTC doesn't find some magical way to screw this up and lose even more ground to samsung. I was really hoping for a 1080p galaxy note 2 but it looks like htc may fill my personal void. I can deal with it not having a replaceable battery but it better have an sd card slot.
  20. I think its more of a network issue than anything else, so there really isn't anything you can do. I have had it happen to me on several occasions as well, I have also seen it happen to users on att.
  21. Don't worry, the average sprint employee doesn't know this either.
  22. Well it looks like you have the galaxy nexus and unfortunately the gnex is the only sprint LTE phone that does not support simultaneous voice and data over 3g, the viper, gs3 and evo lte all support it over 3g.
  23. Looks like I was wrong about the 3 dot menu button issue not being fixed any time soon. The one x got an OTA update today that gives you the option. Hopefully htc with hurry with the evo's update: http://www.androidcentral.com/htcs-fix-menu-button-issue-welcome-not-very-elegant
  24. I had some major battery life issues with my og evo a couple yeas ago and it turned out the battery was bad after they tested it. Sprint can test the battery to make sure there aren't any weird anomalies going with it and if there is then they will give you a new one.
  25. Even though I have a renewed attraction for my gnex since running JB, if the new WP8 impresses me(while supporting lte) I will ditch my nexus to get one for sure.
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