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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. I hated att voice quality when i tried them... i also struggle understanding people on verizon...
  2. Pardon my candor, but all I have to say about this is BYE, B***H! ( apologies if this offends any lurking nextelians) Jokes aside, I wish them the best with migrating the remaining customers over to cdma. Hope they can provide some small incentive to the boost iden customers as well. Is the DC feature going to show up on boost cdma devices?
  3. This. My e4gt gets hot hot hot on its car charger when i use nav. Valuable question to ask anyone that has adverse experience on a car charger would be: is the car charger being used htc oem or appropriately rated for the phone? I would be more cautious of this if I end up owning a phone with a non removable battery
  4. OP, Have you travelled away from this area where you are experiencing the lack of 3g? Its not impossible that the two sites you mention have problems, but travelling elsewhere would answer the phone vs network question. If you go elsewhere and the issues replicate, it could be an account provisioning problem.. its been years since ive heard of this, but something on sprints end use to occasionally go awry and cause issues similar to this
  5. Maybe im a cold hearted bastard, but for $10-$11 an hour, theres just no way id be free climbing. Ive no pity for folks who forego safety training theyve had and free climb. If the payout was irrationally high, then it would be atleast slightly more rationable to bend the rules. To be fair, these death rates should be compared to deaths in the construction and maintenance industries, etc. Im just not shocked.
  6. You're talking about a budget sheet that doesn't have room to bring 1000 nextel towers in iden only areas into Network Vision..... I'm not slamming them, but Sprint definitely isn't in a position to build any new 2.5GHZ only towers in the short term... maybe they will look at it again in 2014/2015? I do suppose they could throw it on tons of network vision towers, create islands of high speed service and sell to the covered islands. If you envision using the spectrum depth for broadband, the market cap of the current build has already been tested with wimax... I don't think it can get much cheaper than the prices clear is offering. If you're talking cable television, then you may be able to explore a whole new customer base, but it would have to be budget and could only be sold to folks in well covered areas... Would probably need to mount an external antenna to ensure service that isn't going to irritate people.
  7. If they continue the double data promotion for lte, I think people will go for it. Theyre going to continue to sear into their customers mind, like no other carrier can, that their network and their lte are their only option for reliability. My mom (a technological dumbass) has a razr maxx. Sent her this story today. Her response? "If they try to take it away from me ill leave.." no, no mom, theyll take it when you upgrade"oh... well verizon has the coverage we need and we like it... we will stick with them"
  8. If sprint has its focus set on running a 38,000 tower network and getting its income statement positive, the only use that spectrum will ever be to them is additional capacity for spectrum strained markets. If sprint became owner of clearwire tomorrow, what would they do? Make plans to throw cards on towers in densely populated places on their nv towers and sit on the rest of it until they can start decommissioning sites. Then be more scrutinized because they have a plentiful supply of cost prohibitive spectrum the next time they try to get other spectrum. I agree that clear is a liability as long as they dont own it, but Im not sold on the idea of cash strapped sprint "outright" either. Just seems even more risky that what theyre doing now. Both need a sugar daddy! If money is scarce for buildout, clear isnt a great buy.
  9. It seems like Apple believes it invented the majority of the features on the modern smartphone... I want to be able to click something in a text message... Apple patented the idea before it was integrated... so they should be paid every time a device is made that can click something in a text? Or are they even willing to take money in exchange for use of the patent? I understand some of their patent arguments, but many of the claims of infringement were virtually worthless when they filed the patent... I see the posts on engadget every few weeks about them patenting absent of ability. My favorite recollection is the "self cleaning touch screen".... They filed that and will now, under the current environment, want to sack anyone in the world who is able to accomplish it. It won't matter if they use a method different than apple describes, they'll still want to argue it. Apple is arguably stifling innovation by filing patents like this. Who is driving software innovation on smartphones right now? Not Apple. Sometimes when I lay around the house and dream up crazy technology I hope to have in the future, I think about drawing pictures and filing patents on each and every idea.
  10. Remember: Dan & Co. aren't looking to "unload" Sprint..... they'd prefer partnerships and mergers. A complete buyout would only be accepted if they were offered a huge premium.. similar to the huge premium ATT was willing to give Tmobile. I don't mind these kind of articles though.... even poorly vetted rumors have potential to drum up a buzz from other parties... I don't see what motivation Century Link would have in paying a huge premium to inherit sprint's current hurdles.... Money , and only money, will ease their hurdles. There was lots of chatter about century link interest last year... a search would be informative...not sure we have any reason to think any diff since then.
  11. Regardless of the usability of LTE, i'd much rather listen to people complain about a delayed launch than complain about devices not working right. The whining across the blogs will be deafening if more than a few users experience software issues in the beginning.
  12. Thats right. Current network vision plans, per Robert and all the data here, show that when iden goes dark, sprint's presence in these areas is over. I had this question ( and my jaw on the floor) when I realized they would be shuttering 60+ miles in my home state of iden only coverage...... I still have hope that their plans will evolve, but yeah, for now, there is no other sprint option for iden customers in these areas
  13. Not me. I consider any mud that verizon throws at sprint, whether overtly or indirectly, to be flattery at this point. Anything either of the big 2 say or do in response to sprint is acknowledgement that sprint, in fact, is a competitor
  14. With all the interest being taken in buyouts/merger/acquisitions, the good news here is that investors/experts are seeing the forthcoming value of the network modernization that both Sprint and Tmobile are planning. As long as Deutche Telecom decides to keep TMO USA , there will be perpetual positive potential for Tmobile , whether acquiring large or small players, because of the parent company's deep pockets. Even if it became unprofitable, they wouldn't let their US experiment go bankrupt . Sprint, on the other hand, has to tread lightly. While I reallllly would have liked to see them acquire MetroPCS if for no other reason the customer increase, MetroPCS's profit was smaller than usual this last quarter. I would think sprint has to tread carefully if they plan on acquiring any other companies who's operations are unprofitable or marginally profitable. Its also dangerous to add more debt, as that affects sprint's investors opinions. I believe they can dig themselves out of the hole, as long as the hole doesn't get too much deeper. Could Sprint acquire Tmobile? I'm sure they could join forces... but where do we get the funds for consolidation of the networks? I guess they'd have to borrow it against tmobile and their combined assets. Its hard seeing the two of them having a future together without a sugar daddy. And Blackstone? Hope not.
  15. Agree. Im flabbergasted by his comments about "regretting ever offering unlimited". Really sir? So steve jobs didnt require you offer unlimited when your company launched that iphone that caused your massive growth? Right. Unlimited was a competitive mainstay in the infancy of the smartphone era, a key detail in convincing customers to pay $20-30 premiums over their recurring rate plans for data.... slow data at that. Had mobile data been limited from the beginning, we may not have experienced the explosive adoption of smartphones. In point, this race for 4g today may have only been a race for 3g. Funny how all of his statements end up harking back to slowing innovation....
  16. For people in strong wimax markets, this is epic pricing!
  17. I hope that 37,000 tower modernization includes more 3G... The press release on this mentioned, in the end, that Tmobile launched HSPA+42 in Hattiesburg, MS (my location). True? Yep. There are either 1 or 2 towers on the west side of town that have been upgraded. The truth? They deployed it to "midtown hattiesburg. I live in the "Avenues", the most popular historic area in town and adjacent to downtown. The upgrade is completely absent in downtown hattiesburg and most of hattiesburg proper. The fall from this to 2G is also pretty stark once you're 5 miles out of town. Tmobile has taken this approach in all MS cities where its deployed HSPA+.... Just upgrade a tower or two (3 in our capitol, Jackson) and add it to the coverage list. While Sprint's native network is by no means the best here, its all 3G in the areas I frequent and 3G roaming is enabled in most places. I wonder..... is the 4 billion pricetag of tmobile's modernization accurate?
  18. The GS3 that Samsung has readied for initial release is GSM/HSPA+. While Samsung confirmed there will be an LTE version, its not what has been slated to go on sale first. Samsung has not promised an LTE version for June and it would be naive to expect Sprint's version to arrive in June , considering its specs will be customized to Sprint's airwaves.
  19. Indeed, Hesse makes an admirable contrast to Stephenson. I had two very distinct immediate reactions to this: 1) Dan Hesse= a man after our hearts.... willing to offer up a portion of his pay to quell discontent. This demontrates his passion for the company and willingness to take responsibility. A far cry from the company's immediate history. 2) Its only fair. Many longtime, loyal customers were forced to sacrifice loved perks and pay higher prices upon arrival of the iphone. Its only fair that he give something up. I think Mr. Hesse is just about as "ride or die" as it gets in CEO land lol
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