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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. Yep, i was wrong. Cspire would also only net roughly 1 million or less customers, hardly worth parting with cash for right now.
  2. The question is :what do they both think they are worth? You could argue that metro's cards were on the table as soon as news of their failed merger with sprint broke. These two? I suspect they will drive a hard bargain for as 20% or more stock in sprint and 3-5billion. But who knows.
  3. ..............to be a fly on the wall in Hesse's "war room" today.....
  4. Sprint's only real fault here are those coverage maps on the site...take those down or get them right tower by tower that comes online, and you shut this super critical judgement down.
  5. Whatever, Solinc dont need at' used mess, theyll just build a factory and make more
  6. Its the same with Cspire here.... Cspire is the "alternative to Verizon" network wise and has convinced many of its loyal (budget crazed, mind you) users that "we are the only super rural option you can afford, sprint and tmobile are trash". Not only would Cspire want a wild premium on its value, but seeing the giant yellow logo erected on the stores would drive many of the hicks in these parts screaming and running, no matter what you told them the future coverage would be like. ALTHOUGH, Sprint plans are now cheaper than theirs and Verizon's data share drives a hard bargain, I can't even convince my tech minded friend who is upset about the plan price increases to give any other carrier a shot "Cspire is da best network" is seared in their routine like sunday cookin'
  7. Agree. USCC has (hearsay of course) rebuffed prior attempted acquisitions. Regardless of quarters of net customer losses and debt, USCC is going to want to be paid a big premium on their value, I suspect. Sprint would basically have to convince them that "verizon wouldn't be able to get approval to buy you", I believe. The tone at Metro and Cricket always seems more dire and , raw customer numbers, a better deal anyway. Culture wise, USCC is the "verizon alternative" for its most loyal customers (in a network sense) and I'm sure a big chunk of those "Loyal Customers" have a lot in common with Sprint's legacy plan holders (cling to cheap plans, budget concerned). I'm curious to know how many of those 5.8 ish million customers are carrying a Smartphone. I think it would be harder to convince many USCC customers to carry Sprint phones and plans than it would be to convince Metro and Cricket customers to carry Virgin or Boost phones. What I'm saying is I bet Sprint would shed more USCC customers post acquisition than they would shed Metro and Cricket customers.
  8. I harp on this, but pandora is not the most data efficient app for consumption or uninterrupted audio. The better experience is on pay apps... although asking someone who is $$ sensitive to pay for something else isnt easy
  9. Nova46, if you used 5.5GB's of 4G (and I'm assuming thats wimax) then either your home or your work is sufficiently covered, no? Sprint users who use a big chunk of data monthly but complain and/or debate moving to other carriers due to slow data, patches of highway or insides of buildings where they can't jump on the net, etc. can be (and I'm not calling you out) very comical to me. It comes down to whats worse: Going a few places where the data is 1x or monitoring all data usage to avoid exceeding your caps and spending more $$? If you were a 2GB and less or done user, I'd say go for it.... but if you aren't , then cough up the $$ or rationalize with the fact you always have a mobile phone that , roaming or not, works as a phone. I notice your profile says "HTC Evo"... some might say it time to upgrade and even that new devices would work better in fringe areas... The Sprint.com coverage maps show 2 new towers in the Cary, NC area, so I'd say Sprint wants to be better there. Tmobile unlimited is also back... If you could deal with the lack of voice roaming in places where theres no native network, it looks like they have deployed HSPA+ there as well. My concern is that many users will hold their breath for 800mhz lte/voice and when it finally arrives (later than expected, because impatience and on-time go hand and hand with users) people will make flash pan judgement if its not absolutely amazing and tear off into the night screaming "screw sprint".
  10. Hes clearly trapped inside that "speed test whore off" bubble of speculators who perceive there to be a notable advantage in an average mobile users experience on 2-5mb vs 10 or 15. It reminds me of the pc market years ago... "more more, faster and faster is what you need" was sold to so many average and below average users who do nothing but browse the web. Screw this lunatic.
  11. Anyone know how many towers they are maintaining? Considering the value of spectrum, is there anything stopping them from putting the network/ spectrum assets up for sale or just swapping them with one of the two major players in return for mvno access or just really good rates for their employees? att is hawking its new ptt solution in hopes they can get these kind of customers no doubt instead depending on sprint while in transition. My point is.... does bothering with a network modernization make sense for any small carrier in a carrier saturated market? ( cspire is a competitor in ms/al/some of tn) There is a southern linc store here... its a graveyard. Considering its location, id be shocked if it didnt cost more to operate than their operations profit here
  12. Good point. Samsung did resolve the gps issues with the 3 (at least best i can tell) ... i find fault in my initial statement however since lte connectivity is a mute point in my city/ state for the majority of my upgrade cycle anyway. Either would have served me well while in ole dirty. Pardon my thread hijack
  13. My 2009 minted old stable rule to "never buy htc again" hasnt failed me yet and still works out to my advantage. Loving these press releases from sprint. The other carriers have announced tiny towns and communities in "running list" order, so regardless of size, this is no different. Verizon announced its first lte city in my state last year. It was canton , mississippi... a town of 13,000 people
  14. Jamesinclair.... when did you purchase the Epic 4G and how many years/months have you had it? Samsung offers a 1 year manufacturers warranty. Good luck convincing them to send you a new battery. Are you paying sprint for monthly insurance? If not, its hit or miss with issues and the $35 fee will always apply, regardless of how minor you believe the issue to be. I owned that phone and despite it having solid build quality, its 1GB of on board storage and 512mb of RAM always caused a clunky android experience for me. It was great 2+ years ago, but its been eclipsed. Now, unless the upgrade bricked your phone, caused it to get caught in a boot cycle, or run too hot for extended periods of time, its likely the battery has simply seen better days. After 12 months of usage, I couldn't get more than 6-8 hours out of the battery no matter how I used it. Neverless, you've found S4GRU.com and I would strongly encourage you to use it and other solid online forums for answers, solutions or feedback about problems that you have. You're free to ask in store reps every question in the book, but they are largely minimum wage paid sales people who very rarely have the background with Sprint that many of us do. They also receive very little education. In a repair store, they may know a little more about troubleshooting. In a sales only store, keep stepping when it comes to anything involving troubleshooting. The front line reps, as you stated, are also the equivalent of a bean counter. They read to you what their knowledge base says and move you along. I know a tiny slither about anything network/spectrum/technology related in comparison to Robert and many of the awesome minds here, but if you treat them respectfully, reserve yourself from ranting, and ask nicely after searching whats already here, they're going to try to help you. Finally, if you ever have a grave Sprint issue that customer service cannot rectify, the online forum world would direct you to contact executive services for a final pitch for a solution. Your network issues may warrant a ticket or they may be upgrading in your area already, if you had good service at one point and no longer do. Also, if your battery on the Epic has seen better days... and it sounds like it has.... plugging it in and streaming anything for any other reason than personal enjoyment is just cycling and further deteriorating that battery. Here are two $5-$7 solutions, if you don't have an upgrade to use. http://www.amazon.co...+sprint+battery http://www.amazon.co...+sprint+battery
  15. Its also impossible to reason or change the minds of the buffet abusing crowd. They would rather reap it for all its worth as chances as they get , even if they know it will end. This crowd can also be the easiest ones to manipulate with pricing schemes and usually have a pretty short sighted collective memory. When Sprint's gone, they'll take what they can get elsewhere and eventually forget they ever had it better. Not trying to be overly negative here, but so much of this debate reminds me of the reasoning that the biggest schmoozes I come into contact with in my line of work exhibit. (Foreclosed Property Resale). Greed is a god given right in the mind of many of the members of this society.
  16. Now to see how much i can get outta this white 16gb gently loved gs3....... The last time i actually paid for a phone was the og epic. Got it for about $229, sold it a year later for $185 and picked up a gs2 for $149..... sold the gs2 a year later for $225 and picked up this gs3 for $150 plus a $50 best buy phone freedom coupon. I can stomach $200 -$300 out of pocket for a note2!
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