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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. Cancelled my online BB preorder. Best buy still treats online preorders with lowest priority. Ill take my chances finding one in store next week or just wait for the next big thing
  2. Time is way overdue for some wide written policies on roaming with 3G/4G , especially unlicensed spectrum. I'm still baffled that both ATT and Verizon have been allowed to lock their 700mhz spectrum down the way they have given the restrictions the FCC set.... On one hand, you have sprint who's willing to resell access to any and everything they've got, even in capacity constrained places... then you have Verizon demanding its business partners refuse business from a distant wireless competitor ? It just stinks.
  3. Of course, the fact the user was driving tells us that he was behind the wheel, probably hooked up to a $2 Ebay charger. Anyways, about Sprint, I can't help but wonder if they aren't just a little bit aggravated with this whole supply ordeal. Samsung: "not gonna give you a personalized variant, you're going to sell this phone in June if you want to stay in step with the others". And then Samsung can't keep up.
  4. Okay other forums are speculating the entire retail launch will be the 28th now? Its baffling to me why sprint would delay just selling what they have on hand and letting the 3rd parties sell theirs... part of the original evo's fable of greatness was how hard they were to find for weeks on end. Oh well, those bed sheets need changing again
  5. Is att going to be willing to do anything amiable with sprint in the near future?
  6. Roflmao ... my new favorite saying. Cant stop laughing... my childish sense of humor and vivid pictorial imagination.. whew.
  7. The livid anger is so irrational!!! I once got mad with best buy once for not shipping a product for 3 days after it launched and showed up in store, but I didn't curse them or go ALL CAPS on them. The general public can be such irrational babies sometimes. Its a phone. Its not getting you laid this weekend, or next.
  8. I sometimes think things would be simpler without promises to deliver on or before the launch day. Just send the darn thing to retail and ship on launch day. Save the masses anticipation grief and unknown
  9. ATT wanting to deploy on high frequency spectrum? Quick, someone make up a Clear rumor and drive up their stock price.
  10. I've long believed that "any press is good press" but I don't like this article. Specifically, the last paragraph But not knowing when LTE is coming is a big problem for Sprint customers. The carrier's 3G network is the slowest of the major wireless providers, and even high-end phones like the new EVO 4G LTE are stuck on 3G for now. Sprint has to provide more clarity quickly on where LTE is rolling out or risk losing high-end smartphone users to LTE networks that actually exist. This attitude is resonating with multiple tech outlets. It clashes completely with the "under promise and over deliver" mindset they want to take with NV. This article should have ended with "sprint continues to upgrade backhaul and connectivity at 1000's of sites, coast to coast as well. Check network.sprint.com for expected improvements in your area" This article will cause many pissy customers to conclude "The only thing that can help me is LTE and they're not going to do it here soon enough"
  11. Ha!! Sweet. While I have zero belief BB will ship mine prior to launch, they did go ahead and run my credit card yesterday for my june 10th order
  12. Eh , I guess the writing has been on the wall for a long time. The civility and tone over there just sort of encourages you to be nasty. I've done my share of complaining there as well, but I feel like a fool for acting like that. In the days where sprint had the most cohesive, best price national network of all the carriers, it was enjoyable. In the merger days and freebies bonanza, it was a place to share and brag about how hard you could stick it to sprint and how much you could get for free.... Nowadays, its more or less like Sprint's facebook page = "I clickz like cuz i needs to tell evrbody how much I hatez sprint"
  13. Change in direction.... Is it ironic that the most positive / pro verizon discussion ive seen about the data share is on sprintusers.com?
  14. All software has bugs. That cant be helped. 9 months with this e4gt.. never experienced the multi text bug ( did experience that on og epic) , had los 1 time while walking in a crowded downtown area, never had even one "random reboot", failed call in a sprint service area, or any other android complaint. Devils advocate, I could go on for days about the bugs ive seen exhibited on the moto droid 1, 2, 3 and razr. My family are verizon sheep and experience things that would really piss me off. Now is that an android problem or a moto blur issue? I do in fact sit my e4gt in a chair right outside my bathroom door and stream spotify every morning while i shower. Sounds fantastic, though im no audiophile. Now apps? Apps do malfunction, hang, or just plain suck. Certain apps can cause any problem and some phones with less sufficient memory ( og hero comes to mind) are crippled in everyday "stock" use by that. I have a general complaint that many android apps that are likely to be downloaded (free ones) are pure garbage... but lots of casual users arent nearly as vigilant as they should be about deleting them. Anyways, satisfied android user and ipad owner here.
  15. Yeah, we seem to be in a "chicken vs. egg" debate.. except Sprint has to decide which it is? People being able to connect to LTE or sprint officially announcing LTE is available? If true, the fact that Sprint is willing to block network availability due to a manufacturers issue is evidence of just how good of partners HTC and Sprint have become. Yes, it will be fixed one way or another eventually, but I would think they could just as easily flip those LTE switches and contractually send any EVO LTE phone in launched markets straight back to HTC . There is argument to be made that they're looking after HTC's bottom line, which is evidence that HTC has also catered to them immensely. If LTE is made available and no official announcement or admittance from Sprint is made that any market has been launched, how long will it take EVO customers in markets where other users have connected to realize that others are holding a connection? Robert, I wouldn't want to be the one that declares "The network has a problem: Its your phone" either.
  16. HTC has been very proactive in the past with fixing device issues... perhaps they will have a fix by the time the gs3 launches? I mean, if three out of four devices can connect without issue, is it really gonna make sprints network look bad if one cannot?
  17. Haha... long as you dont have to be the middle of the human centipede, most apple sheep would be more than happy to bleed for his grace
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