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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. I really wouldnt mind throwing down 10 a gig to tether... taking trips to hotels without free wifi comes to mind... id happily pay sprint an extra 10 to use a little data. Does the casual tetherer want or need 2gb for 20? Not necessarily. I think some home users with no isp could even be hip to a 10 per gb tethering price. Its not guaranteed arpu, but it would be cheap enough to lure some cheapskates Btw, had a discussion with my parents ( technologically inept verizon sheep) about the end of unlimited grandfathering. Neither believed me. " they let me keep it before, why would they take it away?" Both were certain verizon would come to its senses as they are both zombie eyes terrified of the "other" carriers not having the coverage they need in the 3 mile square area ( city) they spend 90% of their time. God knows how terrifying a little roaming or a dropped call in bfe nowhere would be.
  2. Someone at Apple starting screaming and throwing things when they found this out. boo-hoo.
  3. I wonder if corporate discounts will apply? And if so, to what?? The unlimited talk and text is the carrot they are hoping will bait customers away. This will likely cause the others to rethink their tablet plans and wifi tethering costs. For a customer looking for moderate access across multiple devices with tethering capability ( for example: a realtor comes to mind) there is some savings here.
  4. Id bet against that.... but it would be slick
  5. Random thought..... but I shake my head at the best buy preorder confirmation I got. It said "expected delivery date: june 11-12". Oh really best buy? Ya know something sprint doesnt? Oh well! Our wimax protection site went down this week... bring on that sweet svdo and gorgeous screen.
  6. Its become more financially sensical again to add a line and cancel your under contract line . Sure, keeping the number can require some skill, but integration with google voice eases that one.
  7. And the lunacy continues.... http://www.theverge....wedge-ultrabook They've patented the "wedge shape" profile of their macbooks. The macbook was a perfectly square slab ONLY for years while other manufacturers experimented with the wedge shape to manipulate the users perception of size. Apple did not come up with this design. They fine tuned it when technology (and the users willingness to forgo optical drives) allowed it. I owned a Sony Vaio 15.4 inch laptop from 2005-2009 that was a dead ringer for these mac book airs... (it was stunning and well built). I suppose they intend upon reigning terror on all the computer manufacturers now too? I don't give a rats arse what the new Iphone looks like or if Siri can wipe my bum and give me a hand job at the same time, I'm not going to own it. I've also taken the Imac off my list of considerations for replacing my aging dinosaur of a desktop. Not going to support a company that's got the world at it doorstep yet salivates over every opportunity it sees to troll and torture its competitors in court.
  8. Just preordered via best buy online... 50 gift card (after registering my line earlier this year) , used 10 rewards zone coupon, paid for overnight shipping. Just hoping they ship by the 22nd... ill be tortured with work that entire week so $5 to expedite is worth far more than squaring off with the jerktards at my local best buy
  9. I dont personally believe you should be allowed to patent vague ideas using as yet created technology. Apple is filing a patent these days on every wild idea anyone in the company has. If reform does not occur, apple is going to try to strangle thousands of as yet created products for decades to come. Considering they want to break into the tv market, expect them to fine tune all the features in the internet televisions on the market, come up with one new idea, and file a patent on every miniscule feature or operation. Then? We will have this very same battle on televisions. Why stop there? Apple should start building houses, cars, etc. File a patent on the shape of the house or the car and litigate anyone else away from being able to do anything remotely similar. Where does it end?
  10. Yes of course. Its not going to burn anyones britches to see a 4 or a 4s on virgin mobile any worse that it burns us to see them carrying wimax phones now......once the iphone5 arrives, the i-nation will scoff at the old models. This is no different than att hocking the 3gs fo 49 or free. There will always be low end customers wanting a cheap option....I know 3 virgin users who, despite complaining about lack of coverage, picked up new virgin smartphones in the last 6 months. Sell it sell it sell it Sprint! Give em what dey want!
  11. I snort laughed when i saw this!! Saving this pic..
  12. Ugh welcome to Mississippi. I live there, I can say that
  13. Could be my favorite Robert statement, ever! Someone get me a "love" button
  14. I couldnt get through it. The effort that some people expel in ranting among people theyve never met is astonishing. I absolutely love it also when people who are clearly "budget" customers think theyre shatting all over everything sprint by announcing " im going to tmobile". Its great for many people, but my nightmares of being stuck on a rural road with no service for miles are far less terrifying than having to wait too long for facebook to load. I use sprint because its easy on my wallet and provides some form of voice coverage everywhere. Its nice to use it as much as i want and can and never pay overrages. You get what you pay for though.... pay for verizon, get a little more. Aside, my employer recently delved into social media(twitter,fb, google+). I was opposed to it....and so far, the same, its been an outlet for social ridicule.
  15. As long as there are Nexus S's being carried by customers with insurance, you have a good chance of getting another Nexus S. Getting an EVO3D for an Evo is far more of an equal trade than expecting a Galaxy nexus for a Nexus S. In the event they have no refurbed Nexus S's on hand, they would try to exchange it for another phone of similar radios/build.... meaning you would probably be offered an Evo3D, maybe a Galaxy 2 or other wimax phone. Considering all the wimax phones sprint is rumored to have on hand, they're likely going to override and ship you a new wimax device, worst case scenario, before they ship you an lte device. Long ago, I got a "upgraded" of an LG Musiq into an LG Fusiq... And of course, many of us got traded out of our TP2's into others...was a palm pre for me. Your best bet will be making a friend at the sprint store who can either tell you if there are any others on the WEL list that the nexus can be replaced with or if going through asurion, poke around really hard with the rep to see what options may be available.
  16. Wish I had something nice to say about the old corporate store here, but they closed years ago. I actually applied to work there back in college and honestly think they purposefully did not hire phone/tech savvy people because the only people that ever got hired were tards. To be fair, the people working in my local verizon store knew bat shat nothing about the nexus earlier this year when I went shopping and acting like a noob. I stopped by the 3rd party store yesterday to see about the evo lte... they had none, but were excited and knowledgable about it.
  17. Probably makes the most sense to offer a rural affiliate use of sprint spectrum in return for native usage....the reverse auction description sounds like it favors regional and local carriers
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