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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. Would love to see "nokia" on a sprint phone.. nostalgic. Also wish sprint could get them to build the basic phones and SDC phones instead of kyocera
  2. Honestly, id tell him to stay put with that unlimited 3g and tethering until he either has to upgrade or gets a bitchy letter from verizon. There is no safe haven or cheap option anymore for that kind of tethering.. so enjoy while it lasts. the day that verizon gets him, he will probably look lovingly towards sprint.
  3. Does anyone else have any feedback about the gorilla glass 2? I never ever had a screen protector on the GS2 and never felt like I needed one. Years ago, I laid a hard damaging scratch into an HTC touch due to having a grain of sand or dirt on my finger when I swiped to unlock.. it devastated me and scared me into keeping a screen protector on all my phones up to the GS2. On Friday at work, I noticed the GS3 is more of a finger print/residue magnet that the GS2 was. It had a heavy, dry, sticky residue that almost fooled me into believing it was scratching or the screen was defective. I got my glasses cloth and buffed it down and eventually away. All I could think was that the hand sanitizer I keep at my desk and use all day (yes, I'm OCD about germs) disagreed with it. Since then , i've noticed all weekend that the screen seems more susceptible to any oils or residue on my hands than the GS2 and tends to seem "dry" to the touch. I gave in and used some reward zone cash on a zagg HD screen protector for the GS3 I'm a little sad that I'm using one, I just don't want to end up with a scratched screen.
  4. Seen "Ted" yet? Saw last nite.. was awesome. There was an awesome teddy ruxpin reference ... i busted out laughing while all the youngsters sat clueless
  5. Haha my taste then was as bad as it is now....i loved those stupid color panels... id switch between red and turquoise... I still miss those sanyos... including even the bastard katana
  6. Ive long thought cspire may one day forge a relationship with sprint that looks like the prior alltel agreement, with some areas of their footprint reading as native sprint coverage... however, talk of any sprint or cspire customer ever getting to enjoy unlimited lte on the other carrier is nuts. Cspire has forced its customers into a " pay extra for streaming or get no upgrade discount" scenario and given the fact they will be bringing high speed internet access to very rural places, you can bet on the lte being metered or throttled. They will surely be a roaming customer of sprint's network outside of their footprint. In addition of that, I expect nothing. 300 mb of roaming on lte would be almost worthless, as stated. Robert, a fraternity brother of mine is a senior network tech at cspire. Next time i have some face time with him, ill pick his brain
  7. word! I still lust over my Sanyo 7400. A god of a flip phone, IMO. Those TP's can rot in H%LL. They made me hate them.
  8. Im excited to get inductive charging whenever samsung rolls it out. I absolutely adored the touchstone with the palm pre
  9. I do realize that one person's experience isn't going to be ubiquitous of others, but I'd like to share positive and negative as I continue to use the GS3 where I had specific memorable experiences with the GS2. Here is a screen shot of my battery life on yesterday's charge. Didn't do much talking, but I've got the eye movement detection turned on and spent more time than usual digging around the UI and changing settings. I probably sent 20-30 texts in the last day. I had been having issues with losing connection at my gym, which is in a cinderblock building, with the GS2. In the back area , away from the windows, my streaming from spotify would hiccup and often stop. I chalked it up to weak signal. The GS3 worked like a champ today, holding connection. Also, I didn't notice the same rapid discharge while streaming spotify that I would so often notice with the GS2. The auto brightness on the GS3 is making me nuts. I disabled it completely. I am interested to use in weak signal areas and see how quick it is to jump into roaming.
  10. Got an GS3 today !! My gut feeling to cancel that Best Buy preorder on June 23rd paid off. Saw over on Android Central about the $149.99 price at Radio Shack.. .despite the 2 shacks here claiming they "lost their contract with Sprint" (all the phones are strangely gone outta 2 stores here that have always sold them) , I asked nicely and gave my sweetest sad puppy dog face to an effeminate young man and got my $149.99 price match at Best Buy Mobile in the local mall. Together with the $50 phone freedom coupon from earlier this year, not feeling bad at all about paying $100 for this beauty. Anyways, no regret about leaving my GS2 behind. The GPS functionality is night and day. My data connection also seems more consistent. I carried the GS2 and GS3 around the house and compared the RF strength.. at no point did I see a discernible difference. In fact, the GS3 held lower dbm in many places, more often, than the GS2. I also believe the wifi radio is much better. On the GS2, I can barely pull a signal in the back part of my house and lose it in my garage.. the GS3 picks up and works just fine in both of these places without significant speed degradation. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't see how someone who is in a moderate to good Sprint market could really have issues with this phone.
  11. At least they are talking licensing. Theres a difference between asking for licensing rates and demanding your competitors' products be barred from store shelves
  12. What really kills me is when people make up their own explanations in blatant ignorance of the easy and obvious documentation, explanation, and educational resources available to them. I don't have the advanced network understanding that so many of you here have. However, I refuse to make up with imagination what Im too lazy or distracted to learn.
  13. Yes, absolutely. That is the only solution for cash strapped Sprint. They could probably borrow a couple billion to go along with the equity, but you have to ask where or how this solution factors into DT's goal for Tmobile? Tmobile has not , to my knowledge, actually posted a "loss" financially in a very long time. They just aren't as profitable as DT wanted them to be, hence the urge to sell and be done last year. Taking a giant stake in Sprint just gives them a seat at the investor's table of a company that has been writing its value down for years. Not beating Sprint up, but becoming part of Sprint in no way gets them off the hook for effort or involvement. They would simply become part of Sprint's pursuit of profitability and whatever value their standalone company had would now be subject to Sprint's risk. More specifically, if you look at merger costs, you have to ask what synergies would be gained and how do those synergies offset the typical costs each company experiences. Outside of merging call centers and consolidating the retail and corporate overhead, you have little to no immediate network savings. Re-branding is also very expensive. The networks would be run side by side and billions of additional funding would be need to consolidate/overhaul the towers (to cut costs) but also increase capacity in markets. Needless to say, the merged entity would not be profitable for quite some time, farther into the future than sprint currently believes it will return to profitability. So again, how does that fit into DT's goals? At this point, I think they're focused on charging ahead as a viable competitor as they wait for another buyer who has copious amounts of "cash on the barrelhead" to send to Germany and release them from the trouble.
  14. Collaboration has always made sense. Will it happen? Prob not
  15. Hindsight infers his statements were little more than positioning to fuel the potential buyers' lust or worry and increase the sale price.
  16. I have a nasty feeling that this little trick will win Verizon approval on the SpectrumCo purchase as the FCC will see some increased competition from the little guy. We can only hope for roaming and more strict buildout requirements (as stated), but I'm afraid we won't get that either. Many of those cable companies (Comcast being my kicking stand) already have inflated their pricing in markets that have no ISP or cable competition. For markets where Verizon isn't as popular, it will be a piece of cake for them to strategically cross sell and undercut other wireless competition . If a customer stays with a carrier thats not Verizon due to $15-$20 monthly savings, offering to discount their cable @ $79 or their ISP @ $59 a month by $20 may just be the straw that brings them over to Verizon. I just don't like putting so much spectrum in Verizon's hands without excising some control of how they 1)build it 2)price it and 3)allow roaming on it.
  17. I surely hope the FCC will consider the merit, if any, provided by tmobiles case against the spectrum swap in their own concerns. Id ideally like to see some roaming mandates placed on aws spectrum as a whole, as it seems a great deal of lte will be deployed with it and it will offer higher capacity with density
  18. Will verizon offer its other opponents anything? Hmmm
  19. Thats awesome!!! Proud of u dude. I was once a 29 waste in HS.. come summer 2007 a job had taken me up to a 35/36. I hated it but had a great friend who coached me back down to a 32, where ive stayed for a few years. I would argue occasional fried chicken and pork bbq isnt the devil. Like digiblur, if you can drop soda alone from your intake, diet or not, you will lose weight. Avoid sweets and high sugar things like suggary cereal or donuts in the morning. Breaking my dependence on cola actually made me unable to tolerate artificial sweetener in my coffee or tea. Soda drinkers statistically crave more sugar in everything they consume. The double cheeseburger at mcdonalds is actually not the end of the world, but the fries are. Eliminate french fries from your diet altogether, everywhere. Have that fried chicken breast or pork with a vegetable on the side Sorry for continuing to derail this thread. Perhaps a "you can do it" thread needs to be opened in the off topic area
  20. Watched a prior episode. Was very interesting.
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