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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. The only thing that occupies the space between his ears is his insatiable molar grinding desire to make money at any cost.
  2. Its sort of comical to me that people fling poo at sprint and blame them for the demise of iden, as though iden ptt would have survived forever had sprint not merged with nextel. Right. Sprint's financial situation caused iden to linger as long as it has. Either of the big 2 would have shuttered it well before now. I do feel sorry for the nextel subs who have no cdma coverage available and never will. But nothing lasts forever... cdma will go away one day and surely, there will be people who have to have archaic handsets pried out of their cold dead hands.
  3. Considering the condition of sprints network in so many places, coupled with the extraction of the perks (yea its been awhile but og evo and initial wimax customers came off contract this year to a much different set of perks than they signed up for) as well as moving to 14 day return windows and shutting down a network, ILL TAKE 2ND PLACE ALL DAY LONG! The completion of network vision and sustaining unlimited data has the potential to take us to #1 in a year or two
  4. Press came out in june of this year that iden phones were offiicially no longer available for purchase. In the event someone signed a 2 year contract in early 2012, they would def still be under contract. Increasing the mrc would definitely be grounds for etf free termination, but so is the shutdown of the network. This fee is just going to cause the inevitable conversation to hopefully happen even sooner. It hurts but its unavoidable.
  5. Oh well! The way i look at it, theres still a "great unknown outcome" to the softbank investment. I would expect all plans to go into hyperdrive once Son is officially sitting at the table. Is money the key to a faster deployment? Not necessarily, but I fail to believe he will be satisfied with the status quo of the old cash strapped sprint
  6. This. Strategic expansion is ideally: 1)areas where a high amount of roaming cost is incurred 2)populated areas not saturated with cdma competition.
  7. Enjoy your week !! We will be fine without you. Less info here means i wont be tempted to pull my phone out all week
  8. Sounds like Charlie Ergen drives a very hard bargain and it may just all blow up in his face. If true, its better that the fcc be more inclined to bet on a carrier vs. a non carrier promising to get in the game....Spectrumco's cash grab considering
  9. Its so rosy to imagine sprint hosting... but given sprint and dish's beef and dish's now outed familiarity with metropcs, this one feels like it will land in tmobile's lap. I would think Son will see this potential new challenger more as a competitor than an ally. Who knows.
  10. Eh, I sort of wish the FCC would side with Dish but force them to guarantee a minimum build out, price points, and consumption allotments. Charlie Ergen wants to be able to offer ISP solutions for rural customers. I fail to believe he is interested in competing with wired broadband pricing (think:clear) in the populous areas of the country.... No, it's a game of getting to broadband starved customers before AT&T or Verizon do.... And once they are there, offer just a little more than they do.
  11. Fantastic signal strength with 800mb+ data in the bowels of a hospital? Jealous over here! Both cinderblock bandaid stations ( its mississippi, humor me) here have shoddy reception on all carriers. To think.. someone at this hospital said "let their cell phones work" and did a good job of it
  12. What kind of fringe signal do you experience? My family has been using the original since it was launched in an area that averages about -95 to -99dbm on a smartphone with no known or noticed issues with missed or dropped calls. I disabled voicemail though ( to allow an answering machine to be used) so a failed inbound call wouldnt be confirmed by sprint voicemail picking up I scratch my head as to why sprint isnt mass advertising these things
  13. I would want to see the hpc2 in action before concluding it wont work because your data connection is slow.
  14. Granted you're in an area of native sprint service, sprint's "home phone connect" is $20 a month, would have an assigned number, and is truly unlimited long distance calling. Just a thought ....
  15. Oh Randall..... Back when the t mobile merger fell through, you promised us higher prices, a smaller LTE network, and a spectrum choked future for AT&T. Now AT&T will cover 99% of the population and push data and network use more than ever? Oh, okay. Sounds like this was the plan all along and they just don't have to promise lower prices like they once were.
  16. It would be interesting to compare USCC's native coverage in the areas these customers are being acquired to Sprint's native coverage. I suspect USCC may have native coverage in some areas that sprint does not, which could create interesting churn. Of course, Sprint could also plan on matching or improving USCC coverage maps by the time the purchased customers end up native on Sprint. Or, perhaps Sprint and USCC have or will reach a network sharing agreement (similar to Alltel) where all Sprint customers will some some portions of USCC as native network and in return USCC customer get preferred roaming or usage of the forthcoming LTE network.
  17. Suppose USC wasnt in the mood to sell the whole farm or sprint wants to wait out closure of the softbank transaction before tackling anything big. Im glad sprint went after spectrum it really needs now, as someone else could swoop in and try to snatch up USC in the meantime. I think this shows aggressive prioritizing from sprint.
  18. The round table format ate hairy spiders when drunk. Its towers became bloated after swallowing a mouthful of baby formula. The baby ate his poisoned barbeque chicken ribs without A1 steak sauce. Fix the chair leg before somebody trips and breaks their sister's glass. It peed shards
  19. So I consider most of you here to be among the most rational of technology critics... I have a 5 year old laptop that , well... is falling apart. I've considered just buying a refurb or low spec device (like a chromebook) for word processing/paying bills (about all I do at home due to being glued to a desktop at work) and considering my tablet and GS3 get most of my attention.... but then I find myself wondering if I would love or hate windows 8. I used a pre-launch version months ago and left it feeling... indifferent. Then I catch myself at best buy last week trying to use a touchscreen with it.... and it feels about as foreign as a mac. I don't NEED a mac, either. Don't walk me down that road. Does anyone love or hate windows 8? Save my money? Do you expect it to take off, or do you expect the prices of these new devices will spiral down when/if sales are less than expected?
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