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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. It will come down to who has lined his pockets or best fits his alliances. "the wifi's aren't making jobs... someone get me jobs, pls"
  2. Perhaps a 3g only device
  3. "Come pay us 3 billion for our spectrum and let us keep our customers"? Nah.
  4. Robert hit the nail on the head! Whiny babies who would have already lost their investment completely if sprint had not been there. Blame the legacy clear folks and all the refuted opportunities presented for them to have more synergy with sprint. Its the very mindset of this "hidden value that shouldnt be shared with sprint" that has driven the company into the ground. So yeah , keep it up.
  5. Ive resigned to the fact that i just miss much of what is said when i talk to friends on verizon and att around here . Its not enjoyable or easy and usually makes me want to hangup as soon as possible. Friends with sprint? Could talk all day long. The codec / rate sprint uses is second to none
  6. So many people would abuse 50+mb speeds in broadband starved areas.. data caps would have to be placed somewhere in the dozens of gb or less, i would think
  7. Upgraded... little snappier. Samsung + Sprint are rocking it this year.
  8. Thats what i read. But didnt the fcc also originally mandate that the network built with the 700mhz spectrum be " open"? . Verizon twists everything beyond what one would assume
  9. I crave the day nextel has finally died and we can look at a quarter of cdma only growth and losses. Other thought.... they did a great job burying that the company , overall, is serving approx ~420K fewer subscribers on 9/30/12 vs the prior quarter
  10. So proud of samsung and sprint . Theyre listening
  11. It may be my imagination, but it seems my battery has gotten a little better since i noticed ehrpd here and started leaving in cdma/lte mode.
  12. I finally caught the Eherperderp. LTE is coming!! Ermmaagherd!
  13. Awesome! They're using the same $350 subsidy to arrive at the retail price as they did for the GSIII. Sure its all just marketing numbers, but I appreciate the consistency from Sprint and Samsung.
  14. Its funny to me that ATT can say out of one side of its mouth that softbanks actions with sprint is proof of a competitive wireless environment and then out of the other side of its mouth, voice concern over softbank having access to clears spectrum . They are literally terrified of competition. What, would they have us believe softbank is gonna build a fantastic mobile broadband network and make it more expensive than att's offerings? Please. Theyre terrified of competition driving down their preciously priced tiered data. ATT (especially mr. Stephenson) wets his knickers everytime he dreams about a future filled with singularly priced gigabytes being gulped down by 100s of millions of data junkies with no other option.
  15. With Sprint having full control or not, nothing here disproves that clear's goal may be to continue to sell wholesale access to LTE. Its baffling to me that Clear hasn't thus far been able to get more wholesale clients. I wouldn't doubt the fact that Clear success benefits Sprint has thus far kept the big players away from it, but when you consider how many clients Lightsquared was able to sign up in a short period of time, I think the saving grace in these holdings for Sprint is to continue to fashion the company (regardless of how Sprint uses it for its own customers) as a wholesale LTE messiah. Where was ATT's WCS spectrum aspirations when Clear was out there looking for wholesale clients? Oh, thats right... ATT doesn't spend money on anything that has the possibility of ever benefiting anyone else and would rather be on a spectrum island than have to share. Its really childish for Sprint's enemies to throw their emotions around when Sprint finally finds the cash to take advantage of their assets. And in the event of a complete buyout of Clear, who's to say that Sprint won't offer to divest some of that spectrum to another company or back to the government to hold and resell? Sprint clearly doesn't need ALL of Clear's spectrum to accomplish its own personal goals.
  16. Thankfully. Having to hear Clear executives act and speak as though the company didnt answer to sprint always irritated me.
  17. Do we have a full retail price yet? Didnt see any reference in the press release
  18. I would like a toilet made of solid gold.. a free phone every year and unlimited 100mb a second lte 10 with unlimited data roaming on every other carrier (until sprint finishes building a bigger network than every other carrier) so I can stream mines pandoras, youtube, and wifis all at the same time ... maybe sprint will finally beat verizon and att then so I will have something to brag about. Did I miss anything? Oh and somebody please get me a sim card. Please. I am dying over here without it.
  19. Yeah, I really just want Tmo to shutup and start working WITH Sprint. There's no reason they cannot work together on mutual LTE roaming plans among other things.
  20. I would think this is all incredibly exciting and liberating for Hesse. He has survived the majority of the board. His ideas and disciplines with sprint have clealy impressed Son. Ive always thought Hesse dreamed bigger and brighter for sprint than they had the means to accomplish alone.
  21. I'm so thrilled for Sprint that I don't want to speculate at all as to what will happen! Its pointless to ask "Does this mean that Sprint will .....". For now, Sprint will "stay the course" and attempt to hit all the metrics it has projected to hit until the deal is finalized. I now wait with baited breath to hear about their revised and refreshed plans to improve our experience as this will touch all aspects of the company. 8 billion is a lot of money, but when you start talking acquisitions or expansive network growth, it could go quickly. Next up: 3rd quarter reporting. Like someone here hinted, we might be in for a net profit. The overhead saved on the iden shutdown that already occurred could have very easily pushed them back in the black. Would be fantastic news for the stock.
  22. With your statement, you prove yourself to be part of the rational portion of sprints customer base who appreciate sprints value proposition and temper its shortcomings with reasonable patience. My statement is not an attempt to make a broad generalization of an entire customer base. However, Do you think its just a coincidence that many of the most vocal sprint haters flee for tmobile? Further, ive noticed a phenomenon over the years that i believe is noteworthy: many users are less likely to complain about a more expensive/better perceived service, regardless of the flaws they experience, than a service for which they pay less and has a lower brand perception. I have countless experiences of talking to verizon users in my area that drop calls, have phone issues, and slow data or hiccups. Yet none of them want to leave verizon. Part of that is perception of it being "the best" , but i believe that part of that relates to a consumers desire to appear satisfied with a product that costs them a significantly higher amount vs.a less expensive product. Side example: who is more likely to complain about their vehicle experience: a jag owner or a hyundai owner? Which one is more more reliable?
  23. Folks thinkin its a good idea to rename the company "nextel"... Lte must be coming....
  24. Why are people impatient with sprint? Because theyre american. We live in a society starved of education, patience, and rationale. A "me, me, me" mindset drives the actions, thoughts and opinions of the majority..... sprint and tmobile get the worst of it because they tend to attract budget minded customers and within that subsect you find the least rational, most poorly educated and impatient people in our society. Many expect a premium product at a discount price and are irate when theirfacebook wont load or they cant watch da utube. Theyre handing over their precious hard earned (or entitled) dollars and have high strung expectations.
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