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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. I personally take very good care of my devices... Sell them on eBay/Craigslist and use the proceeds to discount the full price purchase. Sold my gs3 for $375, picked up note 2 for $535. After eBay fees , I'm in something close to the $249-300 price it was going for in December. I'm not going to get too excited for these multi band phones just yet. All in time. It's not a reason to delay a purchase you were about to make, say for a note 2. If sprint said "late 2013" I would expect that mean an oct-nov launch. Then u have to wonder, what will it be? Prob not the galaxy 4 as that will already be out. The new evo? Doubtful that we get past the summer without a new evo. Maybe the next note or a Flagship "re-released" .Maybe a Motorola given the time frame we usually get those. Then comes question of when your market gets smr LTE and if it gets 2.5LTE..... If you're in a fringe area, you will enjoy smr voice with all the current phones....so if LTE is your reasoning to wait, we'll I guess..... Just think the waiting game will cause irritability and anger if you waited for that perfect device and it turns out to be a battery or signal turd or you don't see the other spectrum used in your area until late 2014
  2. Probably. I wish sprint would have just let its minority ownership stay as it was and let this albatross sink
  3. (Remembers when roaming wasn't free and once you had it, it seemed magical) You could try switching it to "sprint only" short of getting roam control to work. It will still use battery trying to hold on to the sprint signal, but it might not go as fast as bouncing between networks. What u doing on the phone in the club anyway? Haha
  4. I read that... Claiming that workers are regularly forced to work overtime and never given holidays off unless it happens to fall on a typical day off. There's also this...the writer claims a recruiter openly stated they "preferred Hispanics.... Because they don't complain about pay" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/liz-ryan/dish-network-the-countrys_b_1790994.html It also seems management is encouraging new reviews on glassdoor, as there are a number of new reviews in the last few weeks with positive spin. More than would show up without encouragement.
  5. Sprint started showing the MRC on line 1 as 110 when they stopped applying employee discounts to 2nd lines. The plan amazon is showing you is the same plan you have. Amazon is just advertising what sprint advertises outside of how they do itemized billing. As for the free airrave, is it set up as a line on the family plan or a separate line? If separate, no worries. As long as you are telling amazon youre a current customer who is upgrading, the discount will be fine
  6. If the $50 talk/text plan included some voice roaming , its not a terrible option. There are still some consumers who refuse to go prepaid on mvno's due to perceived status
  7. Exactly. Retailers and businesses have adopted processing solutions that run the check as soon as immediately and as quickly as 24 hours or less. Gone are the days of the checks being carried to a bank to process. The "float" was previously the gap between the time it took for the retailer to carry the check to the bank, bank to process, other bank to respond, process and return funds. Not only are processing simplification solutions more prevalent, but checks that are carried to banks are also being run more quickly. My employer use to only guarantee funds processing prior to 2pm (I work for a bank)...however, given competition in the marketplace and software upgrades we did, checks and funds are now processed the same all day. How? They previously shipped all check via mail to a central processing location for final processing. Now? They do 100% in the branch. More work for employees, less waiting time for customers. So anyway, you might pay by check to a retailer that doesnt run check processing on the weekends, holds the check a few days, or works with older infrastructure to save money, but time is numbered for them in the future.
  8. You can thank all the subprime deadbeats on sprint in the past for them using telecheck. JK....people really still pay with checks? You can't float checks like you could back in the day, so what's the difference between check and debit? I use auto draft with my discover card...make 2% cash back on utilities and pay it off when it comes in.
  9. Hint: they're going to announce they are "our LTE network has touched all markets" in the same time frame which they've always planned it. Now whether that's at the percentage originally planned or it requires longer for them to fill in than originally planned....only s4gru.com will know. Sprint is bent on LTE being a marketing darling. All you can do is stay the course given the funding secured. Now once SoftBank is calling the shots officially? Who knows
  10. Unless a neighboring site will broadcast 1xa /smr and compensate for the potential coverage gain, in areas where iden was deployed, this is really baffling and unfathomable. Not carrying nv to iden only areas makes some sense, but not carrying smr 1xa to cdma markets is... I dont know. Sorry for the sour grapes. I hope we get some clarification and rejuvenation of the plans once softbanks investment is approved.
  11. If "no touch" means no network vision panels, doesnt that also mean these sites get no 1xA / smr voice?
  12. Since Florida makes all public records available online expediently and for free, that will be the easiest place to compare filings. I will be on the lookout for online filings in the city of Hattiesburg, but the site I visited this morning was not in the city and the county filings in the state of Mississippi are ....haha somewhere in a filing cabinet forever. I don't think sprint would admit what is being implied here, but I wouldn't put it past them to have already realized they won't get LTE network wide for many years to come due to site design or whatever. They don't have a track record of throwing money at their network in my neck of the woods. It doesn't scare me ...it's just more the same. Whether sprint gobbles up cspire or ends up in a relationship with tmobile in the next five years, either direction would deliver them a better tower infrastructure than they have now in my entire state.....and perhaps they'd rather take their chances with a few spots of LTE and better 3G than spend gobs of money in the "short term". I'll be happy to continue to scope out sites around me and keep my eyes open for site filings in my city
  13. Yeah I didn't see rru' s either, at least not what I'm accustomed to seeing from others photos. One panel looked like it might have one , but none of the rest.
  14. True. I love though that they were willing to lose anything though, especially for those of us who are already customers
  15. Here is a picture of the Hattiesburg site. I wasn't able to get close to the cabinets because they're down a dirt road that is gated. This was from an apartment parking lot. No ehrpd . Best speed I could pull. Most of the speed tests pulled 400-800k. The upload speeds were often higher, so I'd assume they're still tinkering with it. The site looks like its probably using microwave backhaul. I drove to Jackson this morning and on the way back, tried to visit the site just south of star, ms. Unfortunately, it was quite a ways down an ill maintained dirt road. I drive a 2 door accord, so that's a no especially given the rain we have had lately and this being bfe Mississippi. Speeds were fantastic and consistent but again no ehrpd.
  16. I still cant believe they gave them away! Have a package on the way to me, apparently, for the note2. The last time the fruit gave away bumpers was because, well, you know...
  17. Agree. Sprint's pcs voice quality is already the best in the industry. HD voice wouldnt be a vacuum for sprint, competitively.
  18. The thing about apple... if someone has become a fan or if someone has sewed it into their skull that theyre going to get an iphone, the encouragement from other fruit fans is deafening and trying to reason with the person is next to impossible. Sales are so much fun when someone cant make up their mind or is truly open to multiple platforms...if I were selling phones and someone came in wanting the fruit, id tell them all about it and put it in their hands as soon as possible and get them out the door. Better to give them what they want than end up being the asshole in the sprint store who "doesnt see how wonderful apple is". And I can appreciate telling an older person that their iphone isnt as versatile (because its true) but my technological experience with older people has always inferred that most of them prefer familiarity over versatility. If they can see the screen (haha) the older user will have the smallest learning curve with the fruit once they understand how to use it.
  19. Big picture: Verizon has an advantage Retort: sprint is just lazy and or incompetent Big picture: No, not the same thing Retort: wahhh. Big picture: You will get the precious lte you lust about quicker this way. Trust us. Retort: rabble rabble waaahhh. Me? Ill take your word about it guys. Merry christmas.
  20. I watched and interacted with an S3 and IP5 for a few months when I had the s3 and my roommate had the new fruit. The setting threshold for roaming is definitely much higher on the fruit than the galaxy. The gs3 is very quick to roam...and the svdo seems to also play a role in that because my gs3 would jump to roaming even in decent signal areas if I was , say, streaming music and sending texts at the same time. My service was never interrupted and I dont talk enough to care if im roaming or not. Flipside, my roommates ip5 will resist roaming well beyond the sprint signal usability. So its a bit of a trade off.... ip5 may save you roaming in some fringe areas but is going to make you wait longer for a usable roaming signal... the gs3 is going to jump to a usable roaming signal as soon as it sees questionable sprint reception. Which one frustrates the average user more?
  21. Ive slapped myself a few times for buying an ipad 2 when they came out. I lust after the galaxy tab 2.0 every time i see it. Merry Christmas. All I want for Christmas is a prosperous new year of employment. Too much talk at my job of downsizing.
  22. In regard to the title of this thread, finishing in 2014 has always been the plan. In fact, when network vision was originally conceived, sprint predicted it would not finish until 2015. They accelerated those completion estimates when the other carriers started announcing their 4g plans and sprint saw ways to secure funding to pay for an accelerated schedule. The current projection has always had them finishing in 2014.
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