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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. There are atleast two other boards about sprint soaked with miserable, uninformed belly achers who cling to each bad network experience as a panacea to declare sprint inferior. Also plenty of ringleaders who no longer have service. The beauty of this place is 1000x more is known and taught to even the tech dumb members than anywhere else. Stay awhile, donate a few bucks, and get informed. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  2. I still dont understand why Ergen didnt push those blockbuster self service kiosks like mad as soon as he got control. Of course, that would have required him renegotiate movie studio contracts and invest heavily in infrastructure... Nightmares for a penny pinching lunatic who cant stomach anyone else making money Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  3. I think I have come up with a great compromise. Let's have Softbank purchase both Sprint and Dish ($17.5b current market cap) for a combined $39B ($21.5b for Sprint and $17.5b for Dish) and then send old Captain Howdy packing his bags for good as CEO and Chairman while having his shares bought out from under him. Man, I wish!! Not sure Dish is worth that though Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  4. I wonder which one of Ergen's lemmings got to Egan -Jones and what they promised them... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-31/softbank-sprint-deal-opposed-by-shareholder-adviser-egan-jones.html Ergen is that villain that makes big promises to get you to give him what he wants..... and when he gets his way, he laughs and shoots you in the face Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  5. Robert's psychological analysis of Ergen is the best ive ever read. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  6. Im starting to think that this whole mess could have been minimized if sprint would have simply postponed their initial bid for clear until right before Ergen's offer came to a vote. Had Ergen expected all along that he would get Clear, I do not believe he would have made an offer for sprint. This would have also made the timeframe for him to get a sprint bid together less plausible. Many of us reacted to sprints initial bid for clear as "wrong timing" and in hindsight, very very true. Robert was , if I recall, also very much of that opinion! Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  7. All this money being blown... substantial buildout , device development , etc is still needed for clear's assets to be put to good use. I would love to know how charlie envisions that playing out when he has no majority control of the company. Separating clear's assets from sprint's infrastructure and spectrum reduces their value. Further, a hosting deal between sprint and dish as a minority owner would still require a separate financial agreement. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  8. Softbank buys Dish and kicks Charlie to the curb. Think Crest is greedy? Ergen would want a mint for that pig. Everything is personal for him. If he liked you, he might just want a mint. For Mr Son? He would want the GDP of a small country Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  9. Read the letter. Charlie wants to buy as many shareholders out as he can @4.40. Basically, "why sell to sprint @3.40 when you can sell to me @4.40? His ignorance about wireless, leverage, and lunacy makes him a rancid and poisonous part of sprints future. Sprint and Softbank may prevail in the end, but it wont be without spending far more money than should reasonably be spent. Im really sad for sprint. They just cant catch a break. This is also evidence that he doubts his offer for sprint will be successful. Regardless of what happens, im sure he will also be right there bidding everything hes got when the PCS spectrum comes up for auction and later whatever else. Everything is personal for him Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  10. With the approval from CFIUS, Uncle CharChar might as well take his asian fear mongering roadshow to the house and try to retain some amiable composure. Considering his hostile rhetoric towards softbank and obvious irritable demeanor with Sprint prior to getting their non-public info, its baffling who on the board of directors or in corporate management would actually want to work for the man. Instead of swooning them, he chooses to brood and beat his chest as though choice is forgone and hes trying to scare a pack of animals into submission. He's so charming.
  11. He most certainly is shaking. His offer will soon be left to contend only based in its actual merit. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  12. On NV 3G, I've observed some painfully slow Google store downloads... areas where I was able to test and verify sufficient speed but crawled at less than 50k a second. Figured it was just my phone, but good to know thats not the case.
  13. I believe the 180 day clock is nonbinding. I have a bad feeling that we wont have an answer for the FCC for a little while longer
  14. You know, the Samsung Galaxy S 2 Epic 4G Touch Unicorn Fantastic... was a running joke here or somewhere, i'm just nuts.
  15. Toshiba 4050 Sanyo 7400 Samsung a920 LG Fusic LG Muziq HTC Touch Touch Pro Palm Pre Samsung Galaxy S (Epic) Samsung Galaxy 2 (bla bla unicorn ) Samsung Galaxy 3 Samsung Note 2
  16. "What .... AT&T has the fastest LTE ? Screw that, I'm gone!"..... said no one ever. Sprint is a value carrier. I don't quite understand how or why anyone would get a pantie bunch about Verizon or ATT being faster.... T-MOBILE is the competition, front and center. Until they can top Sprint's geographic high speed coverage, sprint will continue to be painted as "the loser with a 3-4mb average" that I'm too cheap to leave. I've actually lost interest in the speedtest whore-offs. If it works, i'm happy
  17. BINGO! There are more activated Iphones in America than there are Sprint customers total. Even post CIQ, the carriers are still selling their "less specific" user data. Wanna go on a "everything Asian" witch hunt? Fine. But EVERYTHING has to be up for consideration, not just what Captain Howdy is paying gophers to chase you around DC about.
  18. I wonder how many lobbyists Ergen has in DC right now chasing senators and begging for statements...
  19. CharChar wouldn't vacate his throne and turn over the keys to his empire for any reasonable price. Despite sagging subscribers and the cannibalism by streaming over broadband, the captain would expect an insane premium over Dish's value. And why would anyone pay it?
  20. Its also absolutely essential to remember that only sprint's offer deals with clear's debt. Verizon wanted spectrum and Dish wanted spectrum+ strategic partnership. Neither of those transactions provide a clear trajectory for how clear would survive as an independent broadband reseller, given their track record. In a Dish/Clear parnership, I would also be shocked if Dish allowed clear to re-sell in markets Ergen felt "belonged" to him
  21. She is a beligerantly delusional sow if she truly believes Dan Hesse is the reason Sprint's stock price plummeted. To be the expert she purports herself to be, she clearly knows nothing about sprint's culture or the financial or cultural challenges it has faced. She can't be trusted and she's not worth the clicks or comments from any of us. It will clearly just entice her to be even shitaeous.
  22. Sprint has a fantastic record of not only waiving overage charges, but for customers in areas with no service, waiving charges altogether. It is compassionate and fantastic. We never even had to ask for credits after the hurricane in 2005.
  23. Let us pray the next big smartphone launch is triband. The tit tugging and whining will be unbearable if it isnt.
  24. In theory, its not a bad idea. The problem is shared costs =/ equal consumption. When it comes time to renegotiate contracts or pricing agreements, there will always be a hot head on one side or the other who doesn't think its fair. And should someone be acquired or bought out, shared resources are always an invitation for the other party to "drive a hard bargain"...
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