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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. The engadget comment sections is, as usual with Sprint, a sweet hot mess. Sprint: The carrier that trash can mouth web-trolls love to hate.
  2. 0. However, using my "big words" as a punchline in the tmo thread is priceless. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  3. Legere's jabs at Sprint are indicative of his style: Bolshy and Brash. Car Salesman. Rent to Own Furniture manager. I applaud Tmo for finding a marketing strategy that resonated with 1+ million Americans. However, tmo's growth doesn't mean a network strategy isn't flawed, nor does it mean Sprint network is "just a big turd". The kindergarten mentality of those words is the tone of the message Legere exudes about his company. I would challenge him the same way I challenge the undergraduate organization I advise: Stop talking trash about your competitors when you recruit and just focus on your competitive advantage. For T-mo users who pry deep enough into S4GRU to find this thread, resent the obvious Sprint slant inherent in THE NAME of the site, yet continue to come here for "information" .... These would be less "intimidating" places to get informed http://www.tmonews.com/ http://www.howardforums.com/forumdisplay.php/52-T-Mobile http://support.t-mobile.com/community/community
  4. Yes, more than 1mil organic customer adds, if accurate, is fantastic growth, especially from a % perspective. I dont think the "no service contract" thing is an option for sprint, but the growth its caused certainly charges sprint to be a little more creative with plan offerings Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  5. I have zero pity for a company who files bankruptcy. Lightsquared filed bankruptcy to run away from debt obligations, but believes their debt should be prohibited from changing hands? Ergen's motives are always a bit insidious, but that is just his nature. As much as I want to see Ergen eat shat, an entity who doesn't need to file bankruptcy to escape its debt should own this unusable spectrum.
  6. Softbank is taking advantage of cheap stock. They clearly believe the stock will take a massive jump in the future and Son believes he will make money. There isn't much to gain in increased ownership other than minimization of opposing voices should they decide to chase some big endeavor with Sprint. Still, doesn't much matter. Sprint's NV schedule has always poured into 2014. This is an industry that will use the word "summer" when talking about August and September. Anyone who thought Sprint meant "January or February" of 2014 when they said "early 2014", well, they got you. I would expect to see them working through the entire year just to get through NV 1.0. Even then, we will still have customers who wander here to ask us why there is no 800mhz voice or LTE on their nearby site or ask why they haven't gotten the super fast data sprint is talking about on TV once they start marketing Clear's deployed spectrum. There is no panacea of network glory waiting for sprint , no giant red button to push and announce "we're done!" When you consider the active number of LTE devices on the network in comparison now to the number of 3G only devices and then contrast that against the time it will take to get tri-band device saturation, the NV relief is even more metered. My point is this: I don't like ambiguous expectations that press releases about being "finished" at any point in the next two years set for customers, the media, competitors, or care/sales people. Ahhh... and Dish. Charlie can't possibly believe that after his xenophobic, anti Asian rants against Son that Son will for some reason be CALLING HIM to discuss a deal that is slanted in Charlie's favor (the only one he would sign) and offers Sprint peanuts? I suspect the Captain has sent some vague memo over to Hesse "lets discuss our mutual goals" and been absolutely ignored, else Ergen wouldn't be saying such rosy things now. Hell, he wouldn't be talking about Sprint at all since he has such an aversion to admitting failure. The ONLY reason a deal with Ergen would remotely make sense is if it keeps him away from Tmobile, should that really be where sprint's eye is in the future. If Charlie becomes fuhrer of Tmobile, he becomes Captain Wacko and enemy #1 for Sprint. He would probably even keep that magpie Legere just to work the crowds. Now simmer on that duo.
  7. Very few of us work for Sprint. Even fewer are attorneys. None of us can speak on Sprint's behalf. Basically, the legal opinion of every person on this site means piddle when convincing Sprint to let someone go ETF free. Unless Sprint admits its an out, the best way to answer that question is to contact care, executive care, or consult your attorney. If we tell them "its an out, run!!" and Sprint flat out refuses, who's credibility is on the line?
  8. AJ, The general discussion section has definitely become a catch all. Even in the grey, I champion S4GRU as remaining pro-sprint. It is something the company itself should even be proud, if they care. Strategizing about how to use the T&C's to cost Sprint a contract is no different, in my eyes, than upgrade fraud, vpn abuse, etc. Some of us may choose to use our personal experiences as justification for doing such, but S4GRU doesn't need to become another info machine to crank the wheels of vengeful sprint users. There are already two very welcoming havens for them. "Nests" actually describes those places quite well.
  9. I'm no mod, but breaking service contracts is about as far from the goal of this community as it gets.
  10. Awfully short sighted statement. Sprint is one if not the only reason "unlimited" returned to tmo when it did. Had Sprint let unlimited go, it would have permanently become something we talked about on of those "I love the 00's" shows. If a brand new phone with a debt commitment instead of a contract and a loud mouth middle aged man in magenta with a bolshy twitter assistant is "shaking up" the industry.... ehh, we all need to get out more. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  11. Buzzaboutwireless has been a rag for sore teets for years now. This isnt news. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  12. It is It was advertised that way, but at the account level the $10 fee is broken out. An Everything Data family plan will still pick up a $10 fee as those 3G phones grandfathered in prior it being required for all upgrade and as basic phones are upgraded to smartphones. If Sprint didn't intend on continuing to work with the ED plans (instead, just forcing the new plans) this wouldn't be part of his outlook I got the impression from today's call that Son really hasn't asserted his control in the operations thus far. I suspect he is simply observing operations right now before making any bold moves.
  13. Euteneur stated "we're going to get the benefit of the continued penetration of smartphones that gives us the $10 add on charge" which could be a mistake on his part in considering the new unlimited plans, but I'd rather interpret that as endorsement of the Everything Data plans, meaning they can still be sold and certainly still offer ARPU growth opportunity if and when standard phones are upgraded to smart phones. When asked about SMR network expansion, Elfman said "most of our roaming outside of our own footprint of courses with one major carrier and wherever I get an opportunity to do that, I shall. But with the rural carriers we are doing -- we are going to continue doing roaming with small rural partners" It sounds like 1) Organic network expansion planning is yet to be planned but 2) We should expect the first places favored for expansion would be areas where Verizon is the only roaming partner available. Makes sense, considering the reciprocal roaming relationships between sprint and regionals are far more financially favorable than the rates verizon gets while pushing the sprint network to the bottom of its PRL's.
  14. Side thought: It would be truly delicious if someone else will come along now and make a higher offer for Lightsquared. I desperately want to see him pay more, in spite.
  15. Considering Lightsquared's subprime situation, I think we all agree with The Special Man... LET EM HAVE IT!!
  16. Too many freakin people I knew had that stinker. After carrying 6 Fusic's and 4 Musiq's, I gave on on LG reliability. They were fine with RF, but were plagued with irregularity on just about everything else. Will be waiting with baited breath to read reviews and user opinions once in hand.
  17. Given the fixed broadband they're testing with Ntelos, I believe Charlie's intentions are to put the spectrum to use. As long as he stays out of Sprint's way (and to a lesser degree, Tmo) , then let him set his sails to his heart's content.
  18. Right, no uverse here, fastest att connection is 1.5mb. Comcast convinced my city to allow them to have exclusivity and has cranked our rates every year for the past 5. I pay $135+ a month for basic cable, 24mb internet and hbo. And I have a discount. It goes up over $150 in november. Hardest part is they charge even more for the net if you dont have a tv package, so the savings I could score with direct tv are almost always mitigated when I comp shop. They relish in their monopoly Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  19. Anything to distract captain howdy from meddling in sprint's future endeavors, im all for! Sold! Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  20. Comm-cast is the only love in these parts. Must be nice, whatever this 50/10 pricing is. They gouge your eyes out when they have not a single wired broadband competitor Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  21. Agreed. Sprint was one of the driving reasons he even has a job at the ole' deutche... Does he really believe Sprint is afraid to compete? Or doesn't want to compete? I would LOVE to jump on some Tmo pricing + high speed LTE. Unfortunately, I would have access to HSPA+ only, about 50% of the time, never when I travel, not at any of my family's homes across south MS. Its sort of a mystery why they even have Tmo stores in my state. But hey, bring on that competition.
  22. Who. Cares. Its still ATT, endorsed by the mouse or not. Disney wants every guest to have a magical , whimsical time. They arent going to cater to one carrier *in spite* of the others. They theoretically want your phone to quaff fairy dust and glitter, no matter who your provider may be. This is just marketing. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  23. I hate to be so cold, but ive never been able to sympathize with the "I can see it clearly, its destroying us" crowd. I wouldnt want to live within a few yards of the structure or have it literally on my property line, but a unison of NIMBY's are drawn together by sensationalism, not literally because they can touch it from their property line. Our "sensitivity" towards the topic is also baffling. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  24. Yes, Sprint's network has fallen to 4th place based on speed in several publications or lack of LTE availability. Not disputing that. It isnt objective, however, to associate a speed test ranking with usability. If the network is timing out on you, calls are failing, or you are trapped at 1x speeds, thats a legitimate complaint. But if sprint sucks because users 20mb/s > 4mb/s , comparing a limited to unlimited, well, its best to just pony up the $$ to go with the duopoly and remember to stay vigilant about free public wifi. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
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