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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. Agree, its dead. But the wrecklessness shown by HP when they purchased Palm disgusts me. There were aspects of Palm that had a chance at a future if married to the right company
  2. Wasn't it you who created a tool to view in a better res?
  3. Wondering if there is a specific cause or logic to the more accurate coverage reporting. Cant help but think it has everything to do with sprint finally having money and needing to justify endeavors.
  4. That is good to hear as an indicator of more recent experiences. Ages ago, I had consistently maddening experiences with the LG Musiq, LG Fusic, HTC Touch Pro and Palm Pre. Was never motivated by wanting "another phone" but just couldn't keep one in hand that didn't have some nutty defect. My least favorite TEP replacements were the ones that had scratched housings and scratched screens. In this respect, Samsung has been a godsend for me. 3 Galaxies and a Note with no defects.
  5. Its odd to me how sprint doubled the deductible after increasing the monthly deductible by a third.... the retail cost of android devices, on average, is no more than it was a few years ago. If a high quality replacement device could be guaranteed, I could maybe stomach it. However, in my TEP / less reliable device days, I was given far too many poorly refurbished, heavily used, or just downright defective replacements.
  6. The pricing on this is a little nutty. 20gb are $10 more on a verizon business plan. 40gb are $25 more. maybe there are other perks sprint will put in place, but anyway... does this represent a cheaper entry point than sprints prior business offerings I wonder?
  7. Sprint is a value carrier. Can anyone provide feedback on how these business offerings compare to business offerings of other carriers? I do not fear shared or limited data if sprint maintains a value proposition.
  8. The article states that 1.3 million customers chose the "Value" plan in 4th quarter. The real question is how many of those were new customers? Is the no subsidy pricing actually attracting a considerable amount of new customers, or are current tmobile subs just switching over to it? You could argue that the value plans deterred them from leaving, but I'm not convinced that a majority of customers who decide to leave tmobile are going to be retained through a plan change.... the elephant in the room for them, just like sprint, is THE NETWORK. Hesse's epiphany that "if our network doesn't meet your expectations, we should NOT give you the farm to keep you" was a healthy decision. I would switch to tmobile in a heartbeat with a subsidy and contract if they would go after upgrading all the large rural swaths of edge. I predict the losses will continue once Metro and Tmo are one. Metro's combined assets will have little effect on the majority of tmobile's deficiencies.
  9. It thrills me that Sprint is willing to be aggressive with Samsung and Android with the Fruit in its stable. When sprint got the iphone, critics babbled that Sprint would have to become an "Iphone shop" to meet its agreed purchase. Well, this is proof that Hesse didn't see it that way and he was right. Would love to see Sprint score an exclusive on the S4....
  10. nybs31, it isn't so much a "decision to NOT provide service" as it is a result of the history of our market. We were originally Gulf Coast Wireless, a Sprint affiliate. The acquisition was a result of a lawsuit filed by GCW over the nextel acquisition. http://www.wirelessindustrynews.org/news-oct-2005/0260-100405-win-news.html But what else happened in late 2005? Katrina. Any funds that GCW or Sprint may have intended to spend in our market to expand (and areas of Louisiana) would have been an even less financially appetizing after fixing the site damage. I can remember some areas went without proper service for a very, very long time. Sprint notoriously neglected 3G upgrade and ignored the network in its former affiliate markets for years. So why now, still? Throw in an even smaller potential market share due to the presence of Cspire (do you think its strange verizon never pursued corporate expansion here at all? They didn't have native service here until the Alltel merger) together with this being a very sparsely populated state outside of the city centers , and you have MS at darn near the bottom of their priorities, if not the bottom. Sprint has moved Cspire up in many of the PRL's over the last few years and it would be assumed they also get a much nicer roaming rate from Cspire than Verizon, if not completely "Reciprocal" up to a certain point as Cspire roams on sprint outside native Cspire markets. And who can compete with Cspire's coverage? Its pointless. My recommendation? In 2007, I spent 3 months in a place called Boone, NC. Appalachian State University is there. There was zero native Sprint coverage. I actually sent Sprint a very well written (printed, signed ON PAPER! ) letter, explaining to them where I was, the population density of students there, the stats on the number of snow birds who influx there yearly, and the stats on the wireless competition there (No verizon, little bit of ATT, Alltel only carrier with substantial service) . A few weeks later, I got a call from someone in their corporate office who said they appreciated my input and he explained they had put the area on a "potential buildout" list... Guess what? Today they have a little bit of native Sprint coverage there. Was it all me? I'm sure it wasn't. However, the letter got me farther than any phone call could have ever. The "executive customer service" line has become an often ran avenue today... If there is truly a compelling reason for Sprint to establish service at the Stennis Space Center , write a compelling argument and present in writing.
  11. Sprint gives little care about mississippi. I bet you are eligible for employer discounts with att and verizon.
  12. More threats. He thinks sprint would partner with dish if dish gets clear? Riiiight.
  13. I got the update this morning... and yes, damnit, it seems to have removed or relocated the prl write ability. Digiblur, any idea if this feature is hidden elsewhere now or if a code on the dialer maybe exists to force it? I am mildly familiar with the non samsung method but not nearly as fond
  14. I find the note 2 size perfect, after getting use to it. I think the S4 spec rumors may be a little inflated.. they were inflated last year, just like the Iphone5 rumors. I think i'm content with the note 2 until late Fall 2013
  15. Teach your friend to wipe the phone himself..... save a trip to the sprint store.
  16. I thought Ergen had already committed to a build out schedule in order to get permission to use the spectrum? There are still ways, but I guess he dreamed of being in complete control
  17. I would think that this in part means the FCC considers the filing on the acquisition to be truthful, fair, and transparent in the review completed thus far. Contrast that to the wild claims made in ATT's filings for the TMo acquisition... it was filled with half truth
  18. I recall the intial network vision or "project leapfrog" public discussions to have forecast completion of the project in either 2014/15 or 15/16. At that point, the completion date was more a matter of funding than anything else....and the reaction of many was "too little, too late" A year or less later, a new timeline was announced... The positivity of that schedule no doubt assisted Sprint in raising the 4 billion or so in funds for the project. I don't truly believe anyone was being dishonest, but I do believe the original plans took no setbacks into account. It was a "best case scenario/if all the stars align" schedule. If things that sprint is supposed to have in place for the network vendors (like backhaul) isn't on time, you also have to wonder how that impacts the cost agreement between sprint and the 3 vendors. I do have a lingering fear that many of the rural, ground mount sites that are scheduled to be completed at the very end could end up falling into the trap that some of the very last markets to get 3G fell into years ago.... few crews, anemic concern.... But i've resigned myself to being happy if I get to use LTE here in 2014. Anyway, stuff like this makes me appreciate Hesse. I don't recall hearing any embellished or lengthy excuses or "not my fault" nonsense in the 2012 reporting last week. That means he accepts responsibility for Sprint. Meanwhile, Gary Forsee is somewhere with his feet up still collecting his check.
  19. The bull$### Americans willfully and adamently ingest every day is more harmful than any amount of radiation from communications. Carbonated beverages cause far more health issues, but the same looney nimby who fears "cell tower brain fry" sucks down a couple cans of diet coke every day. Most americans who are obsessed with the radiation topic will feed themselves to death long radiation gets them. My favorite misnomer back in the early 2000's were the gas station attendants who would refuse to turn on a gas pump if they saw you talking or using a phone. I remember the first time this happened to me, 2004. I was out in no mans land, had swiped a credit card for gas, but the pump wouldnt come on. The station attendant came on the speaker outside and said "sir, you gotta turn off dat phone if you want gas". So I walked in and had a toothless wonder look at me with the conviction of jesus in her eyes tell me that the phones "comucatin" around gas pumps cause fires and explosions and I was to either follow the rules or get out.
  20. I would like to see how Hesse would interpret handset financing.
  21. I'll go ahead and beat that dead horse... I hope this newfound monetary optimism leads to reconsider shedding iden only sites in iden only areas. Yes, i'm selfishly advocating for them not to concess 60+ miles of site infrastructure near me on a highway to "cdma roam forever"..... 243k+- "wholesale and affiliate" customers" were lost in 4th quarter 2012. Anybody know what affiliate or wholesale agreement held that many customers? With more than 2 million postpaid+prepaid nextel subscribers still, I can only guess that the offers to them to move to Sprint will get better than ever. It would be nice to see sprint recapture 50%+ of them. Its a little concerning to me to see the Sprint platform postpaid churn increasing. It would be calming to see if those losses geographically plot out areas where NV had a temporary effect (Chicago, for example) but without that, its further evidence of increased competitiveness in the market and despite Iphone+unlimited data+best rates in the industry, the network or the data speed is meeting fewer current customer's needs than it was a year ago. More could also be going prepaid. Sprint platform prepaid churn increased at about the same % as postpaid. I'm proud of Hesse for sailing this ship into 2013 with all this positive stuff, regardless. Soooooo many haters claimed Sprint would die years and years ago.
  22. Truly exciting. Hesse has known for a long time that sprint needed consolidation to be the contender he dreams of being. I love that Hesse drives a hard bargain... and I am sure that "fundamental value" comment is Ergen.... would love to be a fly on the wall when he found out about softbank and when he found out about clear.
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