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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. Dish operates with the same fluffy financial cronyism that ran the old pre-Hesse Sprint Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  2. Has CharChar tested his AWS spectrum ? Shouldnt he at least be testing it in conjunction with this? Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  3. Heavy history reference there... If anything, I'd call Ergen one... .in the worst way
  4. Sounds like Ergen is doing a little "let me make sure I really want this spectrum". "Decide to buy based on an idea.... worry about the actual value later"... seems like a trend with him.
  5. Absolutely, this isnt a "kick sprint in the face" situation. It needs to be assigned a case number in executive services and the OP needs to remain cool and calm. It is sprint's voluntary choice to help free of charge. They could easily ask for compensation to clear the ESN, either the value of the device or a portion of the loss associated with the hot account used to get the device. If thats not what u want , stay calm Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  6. This use to be the exec services hotline (866) 561-0035 Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  7. Dont take any crap off of them about ebay. There is nothing illegal or unethical about the resale of these devices. It actually sounds like an old issue with fraud has re-emerged. There is/was an issue in prior years with TEP and advanced replacement being used to illegally obtain devices without any customer knowledge. The only relevance ebay had here is that someone kept record of your ESN. This phone may have been used for the replacement, or it may have been the replacement. Sprint has in the last 12 months busted one 3rd party retailer in the kc area for scamming devices and ebay resale. This could have easily come from that bust. Someone with proper system clearance will be able to research the history, but thats neither ecare nor front line care Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  8. The governance objections Hesse raised have to be addressed. Ergen cant possibly believe he is just magically going to sail into ownership. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  9. It irritates me that they name drop wimax and its absence. It just baits people to complain. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  10. Id call the 3B absolutely reasonable, not a poison pill. The cost to undo the softbank deal together with the financial cost Sprint would incur if Dish ultimately walked away from them together with the lost opportunity caused by chasing softbank away is easily worth 3 billion Tmo got 4B from ATT and they are smaller than sprint. This is typical Ergen. Once he had softbank out of the picture, his scrooge ways would have set in. I officially retract my opinion about charlie wanting a wireless network. I believe the analysts who declared this a big bluff for Ergen to score a hosting deal were spot on Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  11. Softbank has the experience and seems confident that Clear's spectrum can be put to good use. The excess capacity provided by proper deployment of clear's assets will far exceed sprint's userbase. Regardless of what its called, we are going to see more mvno's and regional agreements than ever, possibly utilizing pcs in conjunction with brs/ebs , possibly a regional's native voice/data with brs/ebs only. And why not? There is money in this. Clear's financial burden has always been about network capex. There is no good reason any network should have to re-sell access as cheaply as clear has been meagerly able to do (free in some cases). Its lack of profitability directly correlates with its quality. A better deployed network with the same specteum WILL be more profitable. So excited to have Son in at the table!!!! Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  12. I would love to see clear become/remain a wholesale access messiah to mvno's and regionals... it goes against everything Ergen believes in and is good for the consumer Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  13. I would be shocked if we've heard the last out of the Cap'n. "The revised merger agreement creates a deadline of June 18, 2013 for DISH to provide its ‘best and final’ offer and for the completion of deliberations by the Special Committee and notice to SoftBank." He's furiously calling every executive friend he's got right now, desperately looking for a partner to help him fund an increased offer. Look for a loony press release and the Clearwire situation to become even more dire. If there is anything juicy in the confidential information Sprint released to Dish, don't be surprised if it leaks.
  14. I order to do that they actually have to make a tender offer not just a press release. True. Big bluffin CharChar Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  15. Strangely quiet today. With the shareholder vote scheduled for Wednesday, I was fully expecting some smack talk out of Dish, at least. Last we heard , they were still doing "due diligence" on Sprint's books. Surely Dish wouldn't let the softbank transaction go to a vote without at least saying "we're done, we definitely want Sprint"?
  16. I am neither a terrorist or spy and I dont do anything that the gov gives a rip about. If theyve been listening to me, what a boring lesson in profanity that has been..... I too believe in the principle of privacy, but am a little baffled about the furor given the obvious tracking capability anyone who carries a smartphone accepts not to mention the willful social media sharing that even grandmas gotten in on. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  17. Zero until Charlie finds the cash to fund NV 2.0. It would either be delayed until some of these claimed "Synergies" create additional cash flow or he will have to go create more debt. Want to incorporate Clear's spectrum as well as Dish's spectrum to create a geographic advantage? Debt. A Dish/Sprint merger would close no sooner than December 2013/ January 2014, so unless he also coerce's Sprint into pursuing the endeavors he wants before the merger is official, you can look for the next big expansion to start in mid/late 2014 and moreso in 2015. And needless to say, A Sprint that has been promised to Dish will be filled with a lame duck executive team. Ergen Wireless will show Hesse and everyone the door who has any kind of conviction about the direction of the company that could challenge Charlie's honor. Charlie isn't going to stand for anyone telling him any more than he wants to know and anything but what he wants to hear. Remember, this is the man who is willing to tell the majority shareholder of a company it has no say in the operations of its majority held company. How do you think he will treat the legacy sprint minority? Might as well pack up and leave, the bones would be Captain Howdy's whore to ride as he pleased.
  18. It makes sense to me that Son would explore what 20 billion will buy him elsewhere before considering raising his sprint bid. Thats smart shopping. Its also possible that he could expand their network and get 3g/4g on 100% of their network more cheaply than he can sew up all sprint's issues and be in the same place. And why not? If Ergen wants to be up to his eyeballs in debt, a messy merger of billing systems, layoffs , clashing cultures, and outrageous capital demands to build service "just about everywhere (as he so eloquently stated sprint needs) at some point u just gotta say "let em have it" and let the bastard bask in what hes done Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  19. Sick to my stomach. Cant someone just shoot Charlie Ergen in the face? Rat faced lunatic. I will not carry an "Ergen Wireless" device. I like to hope for the best, but history tells us to expect sprint to get the shaft. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  20. Impressed that Telstra has and uses that monitoring.... I assume US carriers take a far more defeatest reaction to interference. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  21. Delaying the softbank vote and lending charlie some faith he will get sprint deflates all hell breaking loose between the sprint vote and the clear vote. If he were to lose sprint, he would bet the farm and everything hes got on clear, in spite. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  22. The plans on that mvno are like a blast from the past. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  23. Its enough to thwart the clear board from recommending Dish's proposal in its current form. However, I expect a snarky response from Dish in the next 48 hours or less as well as another revised proposal. It wont, however, change the tune of any of thr rogue investors. Nor will increase the chances of sprint gaining approval. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  24. I read the whole thing. The last 4 paragraphs are pure magic. Proudest moment? The reveal of the author: Daniel R. HESSE. Hesse has stepped up and put his poker personally into the fire. LOVE! Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
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