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Mondays In Flames

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. Yeah I was looking for "Nexus 5" not "LG Nexus 5" -Luis
  2. NVM! Read incorrectly! Carry on -Luis
  3. Mondays In Flames


    Sounds interesting. Might just give this a go sometime in the future -Luis
  4. That happens with the Nexus 7 and it used to happen to my Asus Transformer Prime as well. -Luis
  5. Idk if this could be similar, but charging my Nexus 7 and having daydream on actually makes my Nexus waste battery instead of charge it. I've tried it with both the computer and a wall charger. -Luis
  6. Maybe they just want to get rid of inventory? -Luis P.S. I read the tile of the post as: "Slickdeal - 100% Free Nexus" I completely omitted the battery part lmao
  7. That's interesting. The EVO LTE used to give me great battery life. I would get near 16 hours or usage. It is a new phone and generally the batteries aren't the best when you first get them. -Luis
  8. Speaking of, does anyone know is Google Wallet will be supported by Sprint, T-mo and ATT with the Nexus 5? -Luis
  9. Jesus that's far. And yeah there's one up in Doral! I've never had a package come from homestead. Good luck with your new toy -Luis
  10. If I'm not mistaken, only GSM phones can be activated via SIM only. Sprint will have to authenticate the device through their systems first. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. -Luis
  12. 11:04 here (8:04 Pacific) Anything? Nope? Oh well, on to the next rumor -Luis
  13. Do they take these pictures with potatoes? Any decent smartphone would take clearer pictures. These are so grainy and horrible. But the phone does look nice. -Luis
  14. This thread is like watching a car crash. I just can't look away. -Luis
  15. Maybe if you throw your money at the screen something will happen. There's so much hype around this phone it's insane. -Luis
  16. Just saw this about 5 minutes ago. I like the cases, they look nice. Too bad the phone isn't out yet. IDK about buying cases before the phone comes out, what if it's not the same or one little thing is off? -Luis
  17. So it's past 7 and there's not even a livestream Disappointed. -Luis
  18. Wooooo, thanks! Means I'll be home to watch it -Luis
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