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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I find this to be true. Lower minutes and a lower bill. But unfortunately I feel like these companies keep these high minute plans to be able to charge more, since no one ever really uses them. IMO. -Luis
  2. I wonder if there are certain animals whose eyes are more sensitive to this... Just a random thought. But that was really colorful and flashy, it made my migraine worse -Luis
  3. BTW, white Nexus 7 was just released: https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_7_32GB_White?id=nexus_7_32gb_2013_white -Luis
  4. Also one more thing. I would love to see LG cut down on the bezels on this device. An edge to edge display would be AWESOME!! -Luis
  5. I see this competing more directly with the iPad Mini. Maybe the screen will not be in the 16:9 format, but rather much more like a square like the iPad Mini. -Luis P.S. Sorry if this made little sense. I haven't woken up completely yet xD P.P.S I really hate when they say that this will be based off of another tablet like the G-Pad 8.3 It's not like that tablet has anything really different from any other 8.3 slate. Just like the N5, it looks like almost every other 5 inch phone, yet they say it's based off of the G2... BS!
  6. I was promised wild swinging. This is mild.... It's a tad expensive, but if it's that good it might be a good investment in the future. -Luis
  7. I would love to see that. Link please? -Luis
  8. This sounds like a software issue, since you stated that you can play other files perfectly fine. Maybe the phone app is just being really buggy. -Luis
  9. Your bank doesn't have an app? Mobile banking is great, I love it personally. But if your bank does not have a dedicated app, I wouldn't even be using a mobile browser. Makes me feel a little unsafe. -Luis
  10. I don't suppose so. Google hasn't supported flash in Chrome for a couple of 4.0+ versions. HTC's stock browser includes support, so it has nothing to do with an older version of android. Personally I use Chrome, so flash is not missed, but it is mildly annoying when I come across a page and the embedded content says I'm missing the flash plug-in. But that only happens once in a blue moon. -Luis
  11. I have it in a sleeve, so normally I put it in correctly, so I can always take it out with the power button on the right. But when it's lying around I'm not used to ever actively looking for the power button. I always end up spinning it anyways -Luis
  12. I always end up spinning the Nexus 7 multiple times trying to find the power button. Although I love the device I wish I had more of a visual clue as to where the "top" of the device is other than the miniscule camera hole that practically disappears into the glass. I look like a fool spinning it around feeling the sides. When I tried using the nexus 5 the other day I couldn't find the power button. I kept confusing it as part of the volume rocker. But I'm sure with some time, it's all about getting accustomed to it. -Luis
  13. That's insane! I wouldn't know what to do with so much speed. I'd probably start foaming at the mouth LOL! -Luis
  14. Well you get what you pay for If you think about it, spending $25 bucks for a $600 phone is roughly equivalent to 4.5% of what you paid, BUT it will give you back more resell value in the end. If and when I get the phone and this protector, I'll let you know what's it's like -Luis
  15. I've been thinking of using this when I get the Nexus 5 next month. http://mimeusa.com/product/nexus-5-ghost-glass-tempered-glass-screen-protector/ -Luis
  16. I just got it about two days ago. It's nothing really new TBH, but the 2013 version has better screen responsiveness. -Luis
  17. What? This has nothing to do with the OP. But yeah people have complained that the EVO LTE bent, but I think that was mostly attributed to the weak spot behind the kick stand. As far as iPhones, first time I ever heard of it. -Luis
  18. Would be nice if they dropped it though... Just saying -Luis
  19. I've had the opposite experience with that app. For some reason it drained my battery much faster than without it. -Luis
  20. If you are actively testing the speed test then yes. But in everyday use its perceived the same. Honestly speeds above 3 Mbps there is very little noticeable performance improvement. -Luis
  21. Apparently you also can't modify or cancel any lines for 90 days after the student line has been activated! So no activating this to replace a current line. -Luis
  22. This would make more logical sense, but on the other hand, many people won't be able to differentiate when they are in a Spark location or not. People would just think they are receiving the same service as someone in an active market. The more you differentiate services the more you could potentially confuse, and frustrate customers. "Why does someone else have that spinning icon and not me? I have the same phone!" would be the mindset behind why they probably will just leave it on regardless of market. I hope that made sense. -Luis
  23. I just went to best buy to inquire about this, and I called sprint as well to clarify some doubts. It says that the fees are subject to taxes and surcharges. Presumably it's taxes on free service? Also the promo says $2.50 + $0.40 for admin charges. But Best Buy and Sprint have no idea what they are talking about and ended up confusing me some more. If you do this, how much should you be paying in the end? Let me give you a scenario. With my family plan I pay $147, if I get this by adding another line, then how much would be added on top of my current total?
  24. I just called best buy and apparently its not available for current plans. That sucks cause I'm a student ans I could use this. -Luis
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