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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I should have added that I don't like leaving my phone without a pin or pattern. So if the scanner makes it easier, I would welcome it. That's what I meant to say. -Luis
  2. I despise lock screens, I honestly hate putting passwords in, or lock patterns. If this makes it easier for me I'd welcome it. I still think it butchers the design of the One line though. -Luis
  3. I had a friend slice of the tips of his index and middle finger a couple years back with a folding chair. It completely collapsed while he was trying to shuffle forward a bit. Severed fingers give me the creeps. -Luis
  4. This whale agrees with you: http://www.fugly.com/media/IMAGES/Random/brilliant_whale.jpg -Luis
  5. IMO if a fingerprint scanner is done right, then it's a pretty nifty feature to have. Just an added level of security. -Luis
  6. I have to agree, it's just one of those things where you can't have both. A large screen and easy one-handed use. It's the trade off that people SHOULD be expecting when they buy a device this big. -Luis
  7. Ah, lol nvm! I didn't see that -Luis
  8. What in the world is up with that square under the camera? -Luis Nvm I just looked it up, it's supposed to be a fingerprint scanner. It's hideous!
  9. Supposedly HTC is skipping the 4.2.2 update in favor of the 4.3 update. http://www.phonedog.com/2013/08/18/htc-one-developer-edition-to-jump-to-android-4-3-htc-aiming-to-update-u-s-models-by-end-of-september/ I'm not too bothered by this TBH, the phone still performs well. No lag, no glitches or weird things. I can be patient -luis
  10. I'm not sure if you are referring to me. If so, I'm in school and I still worry about work and bills. Everything is subject to your own experiences. Honestly I can't wait to be done with school and have my degree and all of this behind me. It's too much for just one person to deal with, IMO. -Luis
  11. God do I make myself sound THAT old? Jesus! No, not 30's -Luis
  12. I do miss that from my Transformer Prime Maybe one days they will make MicroUSB flash drives? -Luis
  13. He's right though, i've seen 5 inch floppies, they are huge, but the 3 inch ones are the ones I used. -Luis
  14. Oh ok, I was confused cause this thread is for the 8XT. I would have bought an 8X had I stayed with T-mo, but I'm not so sure how I'd feel going back to WP8. It's not as vibrant as Android to me. -Luis
  15. You're a baby compared to these dinosaurs XD -Luis
  16. The 8X, or 8XT? Speaking of 8X I went to the Microsoft store and saw it again, it really is such a nice phone with an amazing design. I love the curved back. -Luis
  17. It's funny how we know more about space, than our own planet But that planets looks mighty tasty -Luis
  18. oh wow thanks. I installed it on my nexus 7, I wanna see how I works on an LCD panel. -Luis
  19. AJ has a peculiar way of wording his opinions and facts. Learn to live with it cause he's pretty damn smart. Also your last question wasn't needed. If you don't like his comments, don't reply in the same manner. Treat others how you wanna be treated, right? Regardless, I'm interested in the Active Display, it sounds really nice. Kind of reminds me of some of the Nokia N9 (I think?) features. -Luis
  20. I'm going to start blaiming all my cell phone problems, from here on forward, on the upcoming solar flip. "Can't hear me? Sorry it's this damn sun getting in the way, you know. Solar flips and what not." -Luis
  21. So, I think this phone looks great, but I'm not buying into LG's UI, it looks so cluttered. After using Sense 5, and looking at the notification bar on the LG I really do appreciate how much better it is to have the Notification Bar, rather clean (minus the power saver, bleh). Not a big fan of the unlock screen, the icons and everything look dated, they remind me of the GS2, instead of the GS3/4. Plus I've been spoiled by the ONE with it's great sound, camera, and construction. Other than that, I think the power button placement is genius, honestly. I have never minded power button placements, they have to go somewhere, but having it in the back makes them much more easily accessible. -Luis
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