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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. So sad. EVO LTE really was a great phone, but now it's being neglected, and HTC doesn't want to recognize that it still exists. -Luis
  2. I do find their naming scheme very strange. Especially when they released the One X last year, and this years flagship is the ONE. It's just very strange, considering they wanted to undo their mistake with the One X and all it's variants. They should have gone with another name, helps differentiate the lines. It ultimately confuses people, the ONE, One X, One S, One V, etc,. Also I would like to see more Moto on other carriers too. -Luis
  3. If it's 2300 mah battery, I'm pretty sure it'll still be an amazing phone. My nexus 7, with a smaller battery, lasts me a couple of days in between charges. I'm not expecting something that amazing, but I do believe that the new Nexus 5 will be able to hold it's own against other phone with bigger batteries. -Luis
  4. No lag so far. One thing I have noticed is when I kill a task, like Messages, it takes about one second for it to refresh. Other than that, the phone has been performing like day one. -Luis
  5. So, still no updates on this? Anyone? He said he had a story, i wonder when it will come out. It's been over a year. -Luis
  6. That's practically all of Miami. All I can say is that I've been calling in almost everyday, at this point I just wanna leave because it's not getting better. -Luis
  7. Past week and a half, not data or voice at work. They keep saying it's fixed, but it's not fixed for me. This is extremely frustrating! -Luis
  8. I really hate tegra ever since I got my first tablet. It was always lagging. I honestly believe my transformer prime stopped being functional cause it had a tegra chip in it. -Luis
  9. Wow this article really hits the nail on the head. Thank you for posting it! -Luis
  10. I love the Phase Beam on my Nexus 7 though Never liked it for phones. -Luis
  11. I meant the cat o.o I have the new version. Its really nice. -Luis
  12. None, but by your logic since I don't know anyone that's had this happen to them, it's not possible at all. That's a very narrow minded way of thinking, everyone experiences things in a different manner. Although it's not the first time I've heard of moving images causing people nausea and headaches. -Luis
  13. In your experience. You can't generalize for everyone based on your experiences. -Luis
  14. No offense to what you're saying, but that sounds exactly how Apple responds to negative criticism. If the UI of a product is making people nauseous and having them experience vertigo, etc, you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. On top of having such certainty! Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it's not real. The fact that people are reporting feeling sick IS a problem. Like when users had the signal issues, that was a problem, to which apple blamed the users claiming they were holding the phone wrong. -Luis
  15. If it is, or if it's not, Apple will probably just tell users they are looking at the phone the wrong way and offer some BS solution. -Luis
  16. That just sounds dumb... How about WEGO is a NOGO? -Luis
  17. I thought this was a bad idea when they announced that iOS7 would do this. It also doesn't add anything to the UI, and now apparently it's making people sick. -Luis
  18. Isn't the company not doing well financially? Regardless, as much as I love the HTC ONE, this will probably be my last HTC phone. I'm moving over to Nexus, if and when the Nexus 5 gets released. -Luis
  19. At the risk of sounding dumb, I still don't understand what the hell WEGO stands for. -Luis
  20. I never said that Apple was going out of business, I don't see how this comment has any relevance to what i asked Regardless, I got my answer. -Luis
  21. If it's a 50/50 split, would it be fair to say that they broke their previous sales records based on a single device (5s), or the total amount? When the 5c was introduced they made it more accessible to many many people. This is what I was trying to get to before btw. -Luis
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