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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. So Sprint has officially launched two new WP8 devices, one of them being from HTC as the HTC 8XT. http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/26/htc-8xt-sprint/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget That's just a short article detailing some of the specs, but there's also a link to the full PR release. What do you guys think? -Luis
  2. I think I just found the case I want. It's the UAG one, I loved the white one and it's everything I'm looking for in a case. I love the industrial design. http://www.urbanarmorgear.com/collections/htc-one/products/navigator-1 (I'll actually be getting it off Amazon cause it's cheaper ) -Luis
  3. Who wants a Gold HTC ONE? http://www.ubergizmo.com/2013/06/htc-one-gets-24ct-gold-plated-treatment-starting-at-2909/ I think it actually looks nice, a bit flashy though. -Luis
  4. My thoughts exactly, to be honest, I would have bought a case on the spot at this point I just want something else to exchange every now and then. These retail stores are honestly losing out on some money... Oh well, amazon it is then -Luis
  5. I have the Double Dip Flip case from HTC, but I've been looking for a different case and it's nearly impossible to find in retail stores. I went to four different stores yesterday and they didn't have anything. It was ridiculous! -Luis
  6. Both phones were on the same PRL. I didn't mind, I was still able to use my phone, just an observation I made. -Luis
  7. Back to the HTC ONE topic, I've noticed the ONE will roam sooner than the EVO LTE. At my friends house yesterday I was on roaming while my friend was still on Sprint, but with only one bar that would come and go on his EVO LTE. Other times I have noticed that I will also go into roaming first when compared to other phones on Sprint. -Luis
  8. I read about that this morning, HTC is trying hard to get that phone into famous hands. They presume people will follow, let's hope they are right, considering how much the media influences our perception. -Luis
  9. From my experience selling used devices, at least here in MIA, the box can be the difference between $50 to maybe even $100 if it's a more popular device. -Luis
  10. So I'm having my classic dilemma when ever I have a new phone. I want to root this phone so badly. Has anyone rooted theirs? I've read online that it's been really simple to root. If you did what's your current ROM? -Luis
  11. Exactly, I've actually been able to watch youtube in HD on my phone on 3G when it's one of the faster towers. I'd rather have lower speeds, but a more reliable network where I don't have to worry about losing signal in buildings and what not. -Luis
  12. This rumor has been around since late May, early June. It was supposed to be released mid June (around now). Oh well, just gotta wait it out. -Luis
  13. I used to get a similar notification when I rooted my EVOLTE and installed CM10, unfortunately for me when that would happen my data wouldn't work, sometimes it wouldn't come back for hours. -Luis
  14. LOL, I had to google this. Never knew this was possible. Regardless I don't think a smartphone manufacturer would sabotage a phone by using cell phone signal blocking paint. I would love to see a black one in person though. -Luis
  15. The only thing color has to do is with the absorption and reflection of the visible color spectrum, so no, color has nothing to do with reception. -Luis
  16. I've actually seen this happen, but when it happens to me the phone connects to 4G a second after, but both bars will show signal strength.... Would it have anything to do with the phone switching to LTE? -Luis
  17. Wow, I work literally two minutes North East of you, on Miracle Mile. Anyway, 4G has actually been working pretty well near Coral Gables. Everyday on my drive back home, I take LeJeune south and then head west on Ponce de Leon, and I have 4G the whole time. I wouldn't doubt if by the school they finally started deploying it fully as well. Also one more thing, in my office I get 4G now too. -Luis
  18. $79 for this amazing phone is nothing on a new line. It's a steal, honestly. I wish they would make it the same price for upgrades -Luis
  19. You love posting articles don't you? If this is true, I would love to get one, I'm getting a little tired of my Asus Transformer Prime. I would love a Nexus 7. -Luis
  20. A WiMax LED? How strange xD -Luis
  21. Does anyone just skip to the comments immediately? I love reading the comments first sometimes... It was a good article, I liked reading it. -Luis
  22. So rumor has it that 4.2 is being released today to the international versions of the HTC ONE. Hopefully Sprint will be good to us, and get it out soon -Luis
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