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Mondays In Flames

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Everything posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I think it's more of a pattern, and social status type of thing. When the RAZR came out, it was a luxury item and being able to have something that was tiny, and just as functional if not more, than it's bigger counterparts. Now it's about having the bigger screens and highest resolutions. It's perceived as better, and it's the constantly changing state of our society. Some things get bigger while others get smaller, or vice versa. You might never really know what might be the next big thing until you start seeing a pattern that technology has allowed us to follow... I hope this makes sense xD -Luis
  2. I don't believe HTC sees this as a make it or break it features... Would it be nice to have it? Sure. Can you still use the phone without it? Yeah. -Luis
  3. My thoughts exactly, people venerate Apple way too much to realize that Apple does take features from competitors. It's not a bad thing, it's good. Competition leads to innovation, and in the end it's all the better for the consumer. I like the new iOS7, I have a few qualms about it, but over all I think it's finally up to par with Android and it's functionality. -Luis
  4. From what I've read the S3 has better RF performance than the S4, but someone that actually has the phones should actually be able to tell you more. -Luis
  5. This. In the future I would say get one of those LifeProof cases for anyone under the age of 18. Just preventative measures, but they go a long way. I don't take my phone anywhere I know it can drop in water, call me paranoid, but it's better than losing my $200 investment. I hope you manage to get it fixed, and next time buy a good case that's EVERYTHING proof -Luis
  6. I actually find LED notification lights extremely annoying since when I'm reading something I choose to ignore the light, and on the ONE it's really bright to me. It feels like it assaults me. It was more subdued on the EVO LTE. -Luis
  7. It's not remotely close to a good change, this phone is leaps and bounds ahead of the EVOLTE. Everything is fast, snappy and lag free. Hope you like it! -Luis
  8. http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/07/htc-windows-phone-with-sprint-lte-surfaces-in-fcc-docs/ So this just got published about an hour ago... Idk how they can tell it's for Sprint just from those bar codes... But hey, could be a new WP8 for Sprint... Maybe? -Luis
  9. That reminds me of that video more the first tornado that passed through Moore, the car didn't move and inch, yet everything around it was going to shit and torn to shreds. -Luis
  10. Well that was fast. I should call in places and then post about how nice they were, maybe I'll get my stuff faster -Luis
  11. I have the HTC ONE, and I didn't need the passcode lol... Now what am I looking for in particular? -Luis
  12. How do you know if you're connected to 800SMR (just for future reference) -Luis
  13. Sprint has been pretty good in rolling out updates before any other carrier. So I agree that a month at the most is what we might be dealing with. -Luis
  14. Oh ok, that's probably why all I see in news updates is HTC ONE updated to 4.2 -Luis
  15. Someone please confirm if the 4.2 update is official or if it's only through the AndroidRevolution ROM. -Luis
  16. HTC ONE, it's just so simple to use, and simplicity with a skinned UI is a good thing. I'm not a big fan of Samsung to begin with, so I'm biased towards HTC. But everything about the ONE is just so much better to me. As far as gimmicks, the HTC ones that I can tell are the Boomsound, Zoes, Highlights, Blinkfeed, and the IR Blaster. They actually come in handy and I use them all the time. As for samsung, they packed so many gimmicky features that they just get lost in a sea of gestures and swipes and tilting... It's complicated, to me at least. -Luis
  17. Beyond the fact that this was a rumor, the author is correct in saying that 4.3 isn't even out yet. I treat these types of rumors with a grain of salt. What if google doesn't even announce a 4.3 this year? -Luis
  18. Hopefully not much. Maybe the reason HTC was holding out on Verizon, was so Verizoncould see how well the phone is doing, to try and convince them not to brand it as much. My reasoning only, but it might be true. -Luis
  19. The minimalist weather style has kind of grown on me, but I've been using Google Now to look up the weather for the day. -Luis
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