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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Agreed. And a big part of that game changing heterogeneous network strategy is having small cells at home. Those small cells at home may eventually use licensed spectrum for LTE -- much as the Airave and similar do with CDMA1X/EV-DO today -- but Wi-Fi at home can already provide much of the same small cell benefit today. AJ
  2. When dozens or even hundreds of people in the same area all want to do the same thing simultaneously, yes, it may be "too much to ask" under our current system of wireless networks. Good grief, lynyrd, you really are stretching to justify your own desires and behaviors. It is not "matter of opinion" but a matter of fact when nova is obviously running into capacity problems with his streaming usage. Why in the hell would we be having this conversation about nova's problems if Sprint's wireless network could easily support this kind of incessant usage? AJ
  3. Maybe you ought to reconsider some of your intellectual priorities. The tragedy of the commons could just as aptly be called the tragedy of the commoners. AJ
  4. Yes, most LTE capable handsets are also SVDO capable. However, even SVDO capability may not necessarily enable an active CDMA1X to EV-DO handoff. I think that you and your streaming may be expecting too much of a wireless WAN. AJ
  5. If some of the profligate attitudes in this forum are any indication, Sprint may have little choice but to discontinue unlimited data. Otherwise, many will likely be stuck with very slow data yet again. That could mean the end of Sprint and would just serve to further VZW's and AT&T's positions that we need to let the wireless industry consolidate down to just the two of them and throw hundreds of megahertz of additional spectrum at them because only then can they satisfy our ridiculously insatiable appetite for data. AJ
  6. I believe I have stated this before in response to one of your posts. Regardless, I will state it again. Unless you have an SVDO capable handset, it will not handoff a CDMA1X active data session up to EV-DO. EV-DO can handoff down to CDMA1X but not vice versa. So, you will have to stop your streaming if you want your handset to reacquire EV-DO. AJ
  7. To some extent, MIMO relies upon Rayleigh fading. With a highly proximate, direct line of sight to the serving sector antennas, a MIMO connection may not be possible. With current 2x2 downlink MIMO devices, lack of MIMO connection halves potential data rates. Nope, just the opposite -- the higher the signal to noise ratio, the higher the potential data rates. AJ
  8. Craig Moffett. He has a pathological pessimism toward Sprint. Something is wrong with the guy. AJ
  9. We may have to start raising bail funds for when Robert is arrested for loitering outside the Albuquerque call center. AJ
  10. Anything done to excess is a menace. But how about this? For those of you who cannot exercise moderation when it comes to data usage, I will build a still in my backyard and make really cheap, poorly filtered alcohol. I will send you absolutely free an unlimited supply of booze so that you can proceed to drink yourselves to cirrhosis. AJ
  11. That is an exaggeration of my position, and you should know better. But many of you get rather defensive when I criticize constant, mindless use of cellular wireless data (streaming Pandora, etc.) because the shoe fits and, well, you are wearing it. AJ
  12. Not to mention, get rid of the FM band and every Joe Schmoe would have to stream wirelessly his fave former FM "station." The added network traffic for all of that streaming would likely more than offset any additional RF bandwidth. AJ
  13. Nope. FM band (87.7-108.0 MHz) is nearly a full decade lower than the Cellular 850 MHz band. FM band is only about 20 MHz bandwidth, wavelengths are too long, cellular reuse would be terrible, and noise at lower frequencies is a problem. AJ
  14. You want a list of towers? I got your list of towers right here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_towers_in_the_world AJ
  15. I would not give AT&T any extra credit in that regard. Sure, AT&T's LTE devices have supported AWS from the beginning. But that point is moot as long as AT&T has not deployed any LTE in AWS. And several of us surmise that AT&T never will deploy anything in AWS now because it had to divest so much AWS to T-Mobile as part of the merger break up. In many markets, AT&T gave up all of its AWS, and nationwide, AT&T lost much of its economy of scale to deploy AWS. But the next 6-12 months will likely tell the story. The iPhone 5 has unleashed the uneducated public's interest in LTE, and both AT&T and VZW have great numbers of iPhone 5 piling on to their LTE networks. Both AT&T and VZW are of similar size, but AT&T relies upon the iPhone as a sales tool far more than VZW does. Furthermore, AT&T has many current markets -- some examples include Los Angeles, Chicago, and Charlotte -- in which AT&T has deployed only an LTE 700 5 MHz x 5 MHz FDD carrier. AT&T lacks the second, adjacent Lower 700 MHz license in those markets to deploy 10 MHz x 10 MHz FDD. In other words, AT&T has to support roughly three times the number of subs as Sprint does in the same 5 MHz x 5 MHz FDD capacity that Sprint is initially deploying. In those LTE spectrum challenged markets, AT&T will use its AWS spectrum in the next several months or will never use it at all. AJ
  16. Yep, you can "use the hell out of it" right up to 2 GB or 6 GB when you pay an extra $19.99/mo or $49.99/mo, respectively, for a mobile hotspot plan. Otherwise, your use is clear abuse. AJ
  17. Spite. Judging by some of the juvenile posters in this this thread, the best use of LTE data, copious amounts of LTE data is for spite. AJ
  18. No Sprint. See the red light. VZW is the official telecommunications provider for the Borg. AJ
  19. So, the Southern Company may be losing money on SouthernLINC. I do not doubt that, as at least one analyst concurs. In that case, my question is this: could the Southern Company cost costs -- short term or long term -- but maintain QoS by outsourcing internal communications to an established wireless communications provider? AJ
  20. Hey, it happens to a lot of male wireless enthusiasts. It is called premature posticulation. AJ
  21. With Koch Industries smack dab in the middle of Wichita. Wait, the Koch brothers in the middle? No, that can't be right. AJ
  22. Moffett works for Sanford Bernstein. I worry less about his personal positions than those of his company and its clients. Moffett can use his bully pulpit to manipulate the market in their favor. On the other hand, Moffett does seem to hold a grudge against Sprint, so maybe it is personal. Sprint probably turned him away because he had bad credit. AJ
  23. Maybe the Southern Company and SouthernLINC are not as golden as they seem. See this Seeking Alpha comment: http://seekingalpha.com/article/880171-sprint-is-enjoying-strong-iphone-5-sales-and-sees-potential-wireless-consolidation?source=msn The comment comes from seispr, a technology and spectrum analyst whose comments have impressed me with their insight. AJ
  24. Hi, I'm a typical Engadget reader. I read that Sprint sold its towers and outsourced its network. So, I logically conclude that sucky Sprint is now an MVNO. AJ
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