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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. You want it dropped? I bet you can find that phone for a better price. AJ
  2. On a related note, several of the staff are changing the spelling of their names. Say hello to "Rawburt," "Dayvid," and "Ryeann." AJ
  3. The problem with Phone Scoop is that the comments there are basically the blind leading the blind. People who like phones frequently know little about actual wireless engineering or regulation. After my Howard Forums residency but prior to my current S4GRU tenure, I used to post lots of scathing corrections in the comments at Phone Scoop. Once S4GRU emerged, I left Phone Scoop comments as the intellectual wasteland it is. But I did today just post this snarky correction: http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/discuss.php?fm=m&ff=13241&fi=3270731 AJ
  4. It's not a habit, it's cool I feel alive If you don't have it you're on the other side I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie) AJ
  5. I cannot believe the writer spells his name "Anndrew." That is an affront to the name. AJ
  6. Good. It is always nice to see that the toggles in the general settings are connected to and just user friendly overlays for the hidden menu settings that we network nerds like to grok and tweak. AJ
  7. Right, for 99 percent of 3GPP handsets, only one airlink is active at a time. And to tie this in with our "Breaking Band" thread, T-Mobile and AT&T have always used e/CSFB to fall back from LTE to W-CDMA or GSM. Along those same lines, I am curious why the "GSM" section stays on screen while connected to LTE. Plus, you offer the option of a "GSM" secondary status bar icon. But my "GSM" readout, for example, stays fixed at -85 dBm because I am definitely not connected to GSM nor W-CDMA while connected to LTE. Thoughts? AJ
  8. And following this special episode of "Blossom," stay tuned for the premiere of a new Joey Lawrence music video... AJ
  9. Often, genius is mistaken for insanity. Or is it the other way around? AJ
  10. S4GRU staff is very sharp, has had its eye on the CNET article since it was published. We knew that a thread here would arise -- probably sooner rather than later. So, let this be a reminder. Intelligent discussion is welcome. Complaints are not. In the latter case, staff will take action. We decided long ago to leave the Sprint "shit" to other sites that already wear that stench well. AJ
  11. I would expect that high RSRP but low SINR halfway between two loaded sectors on the same site or on adjacent sites. AJ
  12. RSRP is essentially a measure of pure signal strength. It indicates nothing about loading or interference. I fully agree. In fact, I put forth the data usage "incentive" idea a year or so ago. But I doubt that marketplace realities will allow Sprint to implement such a plan anytime soon. AJ
  13. Eh, calling it a "wide-spread area" would be a stretch with T-Mobile. Basically, what you see now is what you are going to get for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, within about the next nine months, Sprint will have "modernized" (to use a T-Mobile term) its entire network with LTE. AJ
  14. I have followed some of the SINR concerns in this thread and will offer my honest assessment, which may or may not prove correct. I would like to buy the external explanation -- T-Mobile PCS C block adjacent interference -- but I do not. A 200 kHz FDD GSM channel at the upper edge of the PCS C block license should not cause sufficient interference to debilitate a 5 MHz FDD LTE carrier in the PCS G block. Plus, with GSM frequency reuse, that GSM channel would be present on only one out of every 9-12 sectors. Instead, I go with the "unlimited" data folly. Like it or not, the original band 25 5 MHz FDD carrier is probably already hitting its capacity. Only the additional band 26 5 MHz FDD single carrier and band 41 20 MHz TDD carrier(s) will fix this problem. I wish that Sprint would act responsibly and ditch "unlimited" data, but then many of you would ditch Sprint out of spite. So, we are stuck... AJ
  15. Mike, your snark is lacking -- especially for a New Englander. You are supposed to post this: http://lmgtfy.com AJ
  16. Why-yyy so many G Flex threads? Try-yyy a search first. These G Flex threads are getting merged... AJ
  17. You are forewarned, this is definitely NSFW. But this sums up the 'Murica attitude... 'Murica is basically a few hundred million ignorant consumers, even though the free market does not function properly without knowledge and research. And the second is a reflection on the state of Web comments in 'Murica... AJ
  18. Yes, I feel that either of those solutions -- dynamic headings or separate sections -- would be preferable to the current system. I say this not as a criticism but as a suggestion. I realize that SignalCheck started with a CDMA2000/LTE focus. But labeling multiple airlink technologies under the "GSM" heading is like labeling CDMA1X and EV-DO simply under "Qualcomm." "UMTS" is what the GSM fanboys wish were true. One, "UMTS" stands for "Universal Mobile Telecommunications System." But it is hardly "universal." Along with over half of the US -- the most important mobile market in the world -- I have not been using "UMTS" for the past decade. Two, "UMTS" is basically a euphemism. The GSM Euro folk do not like to admit openly that their 3G airlink is W-CDMA, based on the Qualcomm technology that they derided for years. So, I like to drive home the point that every "UMTS" technology -- HSDPA, HSPA, HSPA+, etc. -- is an enhancement of W-CDMA. I can help with development. For the past few weeks, I have run my Nexus 5 with an active T-Mobile SIM. That is the primary reason why I bring up the possible GSM/W-CDMA tweaks. I might even be willing to run an active AT&T SIM for a time if that would aid further development. But then I would probably need a complete colonic cleansing to restore my health. AJ
  19. Mike, could I offer some thoughts on reworking the GSM/W-CDMA reporting? Since we have separate sections for CDMA1X and EV-DO/eHRPD, I think it would be appropriate to stop lumping all levels of GSM and W-CDMA under the "GSM" heading. Plus, I would love to get rid of the "UMTS" status. It should be "W-CDMA." The GSM fanboys do not like it, but they need to be reminded that their 3G voice is W-CDMA, derived from Qualcomm's cdmaOne/CDMA2000. AJ
  20. Why did I read the CNET article comments? Pardon me while I now go have a stiff drink or shoot myself. AJ
  21. Current Sprint handsets are tri band CDMA2000 and tri band FDD/TDD LTE. Even previous Sprint handsets have been tri band CDMA2000 and single band FDD LTE. On the other hand, VZW handsets are, at best, dual band CDMA2000 and dual band FDD LTE. Most in the field are still dual band CDMA2000 and single band FDD LTE. For those reasons, VZW handsets -- including the HTC One max -- stick with SVLTE. AJ
  22. Yep, the first quote above is representative of the problem that will make "unlimited" data go away or become disappointingly slow again. But some people are too oblivious to realize that. AJ
  23. You should ask your wife where she caught the eHERPIES. But, wow, that has to be an unpleasant conversation... AJ
  24. Agreed. I debate hard, but that does not mean we cannot go out and have a virtual beer afterward. Well, you are a little "behind the times" with a response to a post that was itself in response to a situation in The Forums a month ago. But we can revisit that discussion, and I say, "processor schmocessor." SOCs have gotten so good that it hardly matters anymore -- A6, A7, Snapdragon 600, Snapdragon 800 -- they all get the job done and do it well. No, what matters now is RF. And Apple is "behind the times," sticking with a Cat 3 baseband this year, while the top Android handsets have gone Cat 4 with the MSM8974. Sprint wise, the situation is even worse. Ever since Apple made that deal with the devil aka AT&T, then later shacked up with VZW, it has been giving Sprint short shrift. With Apple devices, Sprint gets its network specific capabilities a generation late. Anyone who gives Apple a free pass on that and instead blames Sprint, well, should probably find a different wireless provider. Go to oh holy 3GPP pure T-Mobile... AJ
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