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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. S4GRU

    Nexus 7

    Really? I have 5GHz WiFi in my house and I thought I was using it. But I may be on my 2.4GHz. Now I want to go home and check. LOL Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. Not necessarily. Only if the site you're getting the signal from is your closest site. Which most likely it is not. Are you having 1-2 bars indoors or outdoors? Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. No one will give you that very specific info, even S4GRU. The whole market is being worked on as each site is ready. So even a site comes live in your area, it will likely only be one at first. And then more and more over the next 6-9 months. If that doesn't meet your needs, you may need to consider another carrier. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  4. EVDO ping is not required to be below 90ms from OEM's. Just LTE. An EVDO carrier at 50% capacity will not be able to maintain a 90ms ping, no matter the backhaul. The air link itself will start slowing down itself. Also, it is not likely that the 3G upgrades will go live with LTE after acceptance. Sprint prefers 3G upgrades to go live in clusters to minimize disruptions like dropped calls/connections. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  5. Since throughput and latency have been tested, it must mean that backhaul at this site is in place and functioning. So backhaul upgrades must have been there for awhile prior to work starting. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  6. Sprint uses the term 4G typically to mean WiMax and 4G LTE or just LTE to refer to their new network upgrades. However, it sounds like there was some confusion from your CSR in either comprehension or communication in this instance. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  7. This site seemed to go up very fast. It was only a few weeks ago that equipment was first delivered. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  8. Maintenance upgrades will always be ongoing. On old legacy sites and even new Network Vision sites. You will never be able to look at the maps the way they report data now and definitely know you are looking specifically at an NV upgrades. Sometimes additional T1's can take so long to get from an ILEC, they may just be installed a little while before NV starts on a site. And that will be shown as a speed upgrade too. Since they have so many spare 1x voice and EVDO data cards, they freely add them to legacy sites now when and where needed. So these pollute findings on the site from showing NV. Additionally, when an NV site is converted and brought online, if additional 1x and EVDO carriers are added at conversion, these will be shown on the site. And lastly, sometimes after NV conversion of a site, if there is more use than expected, they may have to come back and add some more capacity or add additional AAV backhaul. Also, do not forget that the Sprint site also shows ALL work in the past six months. So it is entirely possible that 4 or 5 months ago, a site received a legacy speed upgrade and just recently was upgraded to NV too. It would show all these upgrades. There are no clear things to deduct by looking at network.sprint.com upgrade maps to denote the items listed are only NV or only legacy related. At least not until 6 months after the last site is completed in a market. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  9. duck bill Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  10. No password is necessary after you're upgraded. You're good to go. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  11. Shentel did a good job because they cover a small geographic area of largely rural communities in which they are very closely connected and familiar. Shentel is a local telecom utility/cable company and also owns a lot of their own fiber directly to their sites. If Sprint was only doing 30 counties in Appalachia, they wouldn't have any issues either. Don't get me wrong, Shentel is doing a good job. But equating the two is not an apples to apples comparison. I'm sure if Chicago was an affiliate area, you would be congratulating them too for the speed of deployment there. Which is much more impressive than the Shentel deployment, all things considered. If we cherry pick markets, we can make any story we want about the deployment. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  12. The fiber could have been run a long time ago. It also could have AAV backhaul. It could also be ready for inspection, but still waiting for backhaul. We will have to see what happens. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  13. I'm not certain about AlcaLu, but I believe their RRU's can do LTE and CDMA on the same unit. I know Samsung can. And currently Ericsson cannot. However, I hear that Ericsson is working on a new RRU for deployment than can do both LTE and CDMA from the same RRU. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  14. Cool. Our source says it hasn't shown up in the system as accepted yet, so we are waiting in anticipation. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  15. In Ericsson markets it will require an RRU install too. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  16. Sounds like the site is having issues. However, the EVO LTE does not show LTE signal strength in bars. Only voice, even when 4G icon is showing: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2040-bars-lie-for-lte-signal-strength-how-to-determine-your-actual-lte-signal-strength/ Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  17. NV panels do not have three antennas, they have six. Two 800 antennas in the middle and two 1900 on each side. Each antenna can support several carriers. There may be some variability between OEM's. But that's generally the case. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  18. video feed Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Sometimes they will get started on work just before backhaul work is promised by the vendor. This allows for a faster install. However, sometimes the backhaul doesn't show up when promised. And the site sits and waits. You ever wait for the phone/internet or cable company before and they not show up? Yeah, me too. Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Those are definitely Tmo Ericsson AIR LTE panels up top. And definitely AlcaLu below. It's possible that the removal of Sprint legacy gave the site owner the opportunity to lease out the space to another carrier. A la T-mobile. Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
  21. In about 1/2 of Sprint markets, NetMonitor will be accurate for 1x site locations. But it doesn't ever show LTE locations, unless you just coincidentally are connected to the same 1x and LTE site. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  22. Dirty Girl Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  23. Up to 20% stronger signal on 1900MHz. In a site covering a small area and steep downtilt, there would be virtually no difference. NV work will only produce a noticeable difference on sites near the network edge and possibly at seams where there was insufficient overlap. But only if the downtilt does not negate it Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  24. I was driving when your donation came in. I handed my wife my phone to upgrade your account. She must have forgot to hit save. You're good to go now. Sorry for the delay. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  25. You aren't kidding. When I lived in Reno, where the air is considerably drier than the Central Valley, I would die down in the Fresno/Visalia area in the summer. Even though the humidity was only 30% - 40%, it felt humid to me. So, humid and 100°+ felt very uncomfortable. I liked the Northern Nevada 80° - 90° with 5% - 10% humidity. Beautiful summers. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
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