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Will sprint release a new airave that support LTE

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The concept of femtocells is here to stay, and I welcome it. There are inbuilding coverage holes with every carrier, and offering a solution is doing the customer a service, not a disservice. The vast majority of users already have home internet access, so why not use a small fraction of it to VPN into Sprint's core network?

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I think the real crux of the issue here is why does a Sprint customer have to supply their own internet connection, share it with nearby sprint users in order to have a signal that is usable? Before Sprint gave me their Airave 2.5, I called and bitched about the signal quality at my apartment complex and mentioned that other Sprint subscribers were having the same issues with dropped calls, failed calls, delayed text messages, etc. They then proceeded to look at their "BIG BOARD" and tell me there were no signal issues in my area. Other posters have mentioned valid concerns about terms of use violations with ISPs. Besides, why should we have to shell out $ for an internet connection when Sprint charges the types of fees that they do? They should have plenty of operating capital for network improvements and modifications without resorting to this ridiculous jury-rigging to remedy the problem.

I agree with you. Airave is a band aid I have one and its so picky it works then it doesn't I now its not my internet because I am a cable tech. I run ping and packet loss tests and there excellent. In my side of the state sprint very tower limited. I have dead spots in a lot of areas. I know the 800mhz is suppose to help but that's not going to cut through mountains and valleys. My girlfriend has a Att and only once have I seen her phone roam. Att may be expensive but the have the best coverage. Not prices but coverage

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I have had an Airave for 4 years, one in my last house and another in my current house. Works great and I never mess with it.


Sent from my little Note2


I wish I could say that about mine. My wife's EVO 3D refuses to be able to place calls or text while connected to the new generation Airvana, but data works while connected. On the older Samsung airave, both of our phones worked fine, but there was a significant delay while talking and then it started to create a lot of static on voice calls.

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This thread was about to turn into SU for a second there


Not while I'm still alive and kicking. No way.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



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Question, according to Sprint's map I should have coverage where I live. Unfortunately I only have a weak signal when I'm in my front yard. In the house I have absolutely no reception even though their map says I do. I'm currently using an airave but was wondering if the improvement to the towers well mean the signal strength will increase. If like to have some semblance of service without having to rely on the airave

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Question, according to Sprint's map I should have coverage where I live. Unfortunately I only have a weak signal when I'm in my front yard. In the house I have absolutely no reception even though their map says I do. I'm currently using an airave but was wondering if the improvement to the towers well mean the signal strength will increase. If like to have some semblance of service without having to rely on the airave

There is a possibility that signal could improve with the new NV equipment since the radios are directly behind the panels and not down at the base stations although that can be negated by down tilt. However, with 800 1X CDMA soon and 800 LTE on the horizon, you should see improvement with those frequencies.


Anybody else feel free to chime in if I missed something.

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Question, according to Sprint's map I should have coverage where I live. Unfortunately I only have a weak signal when I'm in my front yard. In the house I have absolutely no reception even though their map says I do. I'm currently using an airave but was wondering if the improvement to the towers well mean the signal strength will increase. If like to have some semblance of service without having to rely on the airave


You'll see some improvements, but depending on your location, it may be a little longer before you'll see the 1x improvements. How's the signal once you leave the airave bubble?

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You'll see some improvements, but depending on your location, it may be a little longer before you'll see the 1x improvements. How's the signal once you leave the airave bubble?


Absolutely useless when the airave isn't working or if I'm too far. The absolute worst is when my cable internet is down so I try to call time Warner. The airave also stops working so I have to walk half a block to make the phone call.


"Please reset your router and modem"

Okay except I'm down the street.

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Absolutely useless when the airave isn't working or if I'm too far. The absolute worst is when my cable internet is down so I try to call time Warner. The airave also stops working so I have to walk half a block to make the phone call.


"Please reset your router and modem"

Okay except I'm down the street.


Oh jeez.


I hate to say it, but till they deploy 1x on 800mhz, you really won't see much improvement. Are you roaming when you're down the street? What part of the country are you located?

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