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Hurricane Florence


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Hurricane Warnings out now for North and South Carolina. Models still showing a lot of wobbling as Florence gets close to the coast. Even if you aren't near the center of the cone, pay close attention to updates. Some indications that Florence may stall and/or loop just off shore, which could impact large swaths of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. 



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Looks like the huricane may follow the gfs model and track south after making land fall. The gfs showed it circling making land fall like 3 times as of yesterday I haven't checked today to see an update though. 


If sheltering in place be safe don't take many risks flooding likely. Flooded roads are dangerous couple feet and your car starts to float a little. Evac do save many lifes but aren't needed all the time. 

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Extreme rainfall may end up being the worst part of this storm. Winds will certainly do some damage along the coast, but the storm should be weaker than it currently is by the time it reaches shore. Very concerned about the slow movement, or possibly even a stall along the coast of N.C. or S.C. 


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PEA 154 checking in, so far so good on T-Mobile. I have a priority/preemption line w ATT for failover if it gets ugly, the signal is not as strong so it is number 2 in the network. 


The wind and rain have picked up a bit. Our cam got knocked a little sideways, sorry bout dat.


No problems staying connected so far on Sprint or T-mo handsets. We have battery backup and a generator or two. I talked to a couple contractor friends who are in cell site disaster/maintenance and all the site generators have been topped off locally and they are just waiting for a site that goes down to get to work.

Stay free and safe everyone. ??  ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????

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The eye has mostly passed inland a bit now. It is going a whole 2-3 mph. The rain is a bit lighter in our area. Gonna go hit the streets in a few and check out the scene. Some stores are reopening, the evacuation is still in effect so those in areas A, B and C will not be allowed to return to the coast yet. Flooding will begin mostly tomorrow as the rain collects, rivers and tributaries are no where near peak until tomorrow.

We lost power for an hour early in the storm, but it came online in an hour. Many north of us are without power. I will run SCPro and see what I can pick up as far as emergency sites or anything else, but that will be it for tracking. Focused on getting supplies to who needs em. The rain and wind will pick up again this afternoon.

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Today was lighter in rain and wind. Florence has moved on, but we now have several tornado watches. Networks have held up great so far. Since one just touched down in town(Conway) we will be in shelter soon. Others have been spotted or confirmed in Carolina Forest, a few in Conway and on in Myrtle. The SC National Guard is sandbagging along several highways to mitigate flooding as we speak. Stay safe and free folks, it is gonna be a wet week.

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Happy Wednesday everyone! Stay dry. The operation to secure Highway 501 will push water into other areas of Conway. If you saw flooding during Mathew here we go again x2. All roads are closed into the beach except areas of Hwy 22 on the North end. Hwy 701 collapsed south of us and many other roads have a guard unit blocking them. 

Sand can be secured in town at Sherwood Park until that floods, so you don't have to start off your hunt w 5 stars GTA V style.

The networks have been pretty solid for ATT and T-mo, Sprint has a couple sites out that share a tower so who knows if they prepped em. 

The hurricane was quick, waiting for the water to show up is the most difficult for us. If you are local and need help let us know.

Have a great or better week everyone.

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City of Conway just closed the street, we in for the long haul. Water has now surpassed Mathew's flood levels in every river or tributary. 

680i.jpg I am pulling 15x5 on AT&T on band 2 @15MHZ on my wg3526 pretty steady, going to add an antenna to try and pickup band 30 in a bit. Tmobile is steady at 25x15 on bands 4/5 for 20MHz each way. We have one Sprint phone line left that has been able to make calls on 1x800 from the site in town, 1x1900 from the closer GMO is functional sometimes. Band 25 is therish when you look for it. Lots of battery backups and not surprisingly, requests for parts lists for my ridiculously redundant system.

Since we are locked in we are out of volunteering efforts, this should give me some time to catch up and pull my SCP logs later and see if anything fun came up. 

Have a great or better week everyone, stay free out there 1f1fa_1f1f2.png1f1fa_1f1f2.png1f1fa_1f1f2.png

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Took the canoe out to rebeer the neighborhood boomers. We are an island now. Utilities are still swanky and I setup a couple yagi's blasting 2.4 out of my attic in case wired goes down, I will post those in my mods section when I make em pretty next week; today they just work. 



The national guard is still present along 501 and are making runs a couple times a day in here if folks want to go as the water rises or need medicine, at night they will come for medical issues if summoned. We will have a massive grill party tomorrow naturally. I took my spectrum analyzer along and seems like no new channels. Everything is still working underground and we can't argue w that.

Take care and stay free out there everyone.

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