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1 ring and then silence?


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I've been having a weird issue with both phones on my account. About half the time when people call, they will hear just one ring and then just silence until I eventually pick up. My phone rings normally, it's only the person calling that has the issue.


I haven't been able to pin down exactly what is causing the issue, but it doesn't seem to correlate with being on a WiFi-calling-enabled network, 3G/4G, or being connected to my airave, not does it seem to matter if the person calling is on Sprint or not. However, since it occurs on both lines on my account I'm assuming it's a Sprint problem.


Anyone else have anything like this happen?

Edited by ahecht
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Yeah I had that a lot when I call out to other Sprint lines. It was like that for maybe a month or two and then went away. No idea what the cause was...


I had it most often when I would call my parents (also on Sprint). They live in Florida now so I have no idea if it was something with the network on their end or my end.

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Yes I am having the same problem here when I have a friend that is on GhetoPCS and when he calls me here at the house when I am using the Airave he hears it ring once then silent but I hear it ring my phone normally. I have WiFi calling not turned on here.

Maybe it is on Sprint's side done everything I can think of to track it down and it comes up on Sprint's side.

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That must seem very bizarre, just to hear nothing for awhile and then the voice just comes out of the darkness and say hello.


Sent from my Z30 using Tapatalk

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Experiencing the same since the beginning of September. Sprint wont help unless it happens 3 times in a 24hr period. They also require you to note the number you are calling and time so it can be traced. Make sure if you have an airave that it is off or they wont even investigate and just blame that.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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  • 3 months later...

I've had it where it just doesn't ring, and then someone answers. on AT&T VoLTE my phone will usually start ringing before ringback tone is heard on the callers end. Sometimes when someone I call who has a line that does that will answer so quickly that I freak when I hit call, hear silence and then "hello?". 

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I've had it where it just doesn't ring, and then someone answers. on AT&T VoLTE my phone will usually start ringing before ringback tone is heard on the callers end. Sometimes when someone I call who has a line that does that will answer so quickly that I freak when I hit call, hear silence and then "hello?".

This seems to happen when its an AT&T to AT&T VoLTE call.
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