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National Association of Broadcasters sue the FCC over spectrum auction


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On Monday the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) filed a petition asking a federal court to object to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) rules for an upcoming auction of TV airwaves to cellular providers. Although lawsuits challenging FCC actions are relatively common, if the court sides with the NAB, the 2015 spectrum auction could be delayed and promises of improvements to cellular networks could prove illusory.

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Just as I have been saying all along, if or when the 600 MHz auction ever happens...



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Even if it does go through, it's not like we're talking about a nationwide 20x20, it's going to be a mess.


Yep, it's gonna be a problem.  It's just gonna be a big nightmare.  Something about hell on Earth.




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Just as I have been saying all along, if or when the 600 MHz auction ever happens...




Hence why TMUS is in such a hurry to buy up 700A. At least Sprint has that ESMR spectrum.


Frankly, the FCC should just decide to clear everything ABOVE channel 38 and pay relocation costs to the broadcasters that have to move. Broadcasters who were given the spectrum for free shouldn't be able to turn around and "sell" it back to the FCC. The FCC should pay for relocation costs only.


We'd get a uniform nationwide block of spectrum instead of being stuck with almost nothing in some markets and way more than we need in others, and we wouldn't have any issues with trying to develop a band plan around channel 37. That should give us AT LEAST 30x30 of useable spectrum. Frankly VZW and ATT don't need it in markets where they hold both a celluar license and 700Mhz spectrum. Sprint really need about 10Mhz everywhere (5x5) and other 10Mhz in places where they don't have a full 7x7 or more or 800 that they can actually use (SOLINK areas and the IBEZ mostly).

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Hence why TMUS is in such a hurry to buy up 700A. At least Sprint has that ESMR spectrum.


I understand and sympathize with the rest of your point.  I just do not have the time and energy to address it tonight.  Besides, broadcast TV is a public good.


Now, for the Lower 700 MHz A block, its usage is largely predicated on the 600 MHz auction -- since it will clear UHF channel 51, regardless.  But as long as John Legere continues to be a slimy asshole, many of us will be happy the more difficult the auction becomes, the longer it gets postponed.



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I understand and sympathize with the rest of your point.  I just do not have the time and energy to address it tonight.  Besides, broadcast TV is a public good.

 I look forward to your well informed response oh wireless oracle... :)


Now, for the Lower 700 MHz A block, its usage is largely predicated on the 600 MHz auction -- since it will clear UHF channel 51, regardless.  But as long as John Legere continues to be a slimy asshole, many of us will be happy the more difficult the auction becomes, the longer it gets postponed.


While I don't mind watching Legere squirm, lots of other CCA members also have block A spectrum that is impaired. So my shadenfreude is somewhat lessened by this realization.

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Time for Sprint to accelerate the arrangement with the CCA members. or start buying some. USCC and C Spire come to mind. Roll them and any other rural coverage into a subsidiary that does only rural/exurban coverage. Offer them fixed broadband as well in conjunction with Dish.

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My industry fought for a decade to get this spectrum and then someone decided that maybe the mobile guys should have it. While repacking would make it easier for us, repacking only happens if it is sold at auction. I'd rather none of it happened, then. Just leave it as is so the fixed industry can proceed.

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I look forward to your well informed response oh wireless oracle... :)


While I don't mind watching Legere squirm, lots of other CCA members also have block A spectrum that is impaired. So my shadenfreude is somewhat lessened by this realization.

CCA members impaired by CH 51 can join the Sprint RRPP and have access to Sprint spectrum.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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While I don't mind watching Legere squirm, lots of other CCA members also have block A spectrum that is impaired. So my shadenfreude is somewhat lessened by this realization.


The UHF channel 51 protected contour issue affects T-Mobile far greater than it does CCA members -- because channel 51 is operational mostly in large media markets where T-Mobile has native network but CCA members do not.  In other words, as long as the band 12 economy of scale is sufficient for them, CCA members in rural areas can and are already using the Lower 700 MHz A block.



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The UHF channel 51 protected contour issue affects T-Mobile far greater than it does CCA members -- because channel 51 is operational mostly in large media markets where T-Mobile has native network but CCA members do not. In other words, as long as the band 12 economy of scale is sufficient for them, CCA members in rural areas can and are already using the Lower 700 MHz A block.



And T-Mobile fools can't wait for 700 MHz to become active. Haha. I hope the 600MHz auction is stopped for a long time so the trolls get mad at their freak of a leader.

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And T-Mobile fools can't wait for 700 MHz to become active. Haha. I hope the 600MHz auction is stopped for a long time so the trolls get mad at their freak of a leader.

I hope it doesn't come anytime soon as I use it for TV in my household. Many people use OTA and don't realize it. Cable companies, satellite company feeds, etc. Some areas are too packed already and have co-channel interference issues. The Northeast US comes to mind. And you can't start sharing spectrum until they adopt MPEG4 as the standard.
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