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WiFi Calling Experiences?


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I have an iPhone 5s, which of course doesn't support WiFi calling (until the iOS 8 update comes in the fall).


I'm interested to hear other's experiences with WiFi Calling on supported devices. Is it good enough to be able to dump your Airave? I live in an area with marginal Sprint coverage around my home, but everywhere else is perfect. Hoping that WiFi calling can pick up the slack, assuming that the iOS 8 update that allows WiFi calling will be supported on Sprint.

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I have an iPhone 5s, which of course doesn't support WiFi calling (until the iOS 8 update comes in the fall).


I'm interested to hear other's experiences with WiFi Calling on supported devices. Is it good enough to be able to dump your Airave? I live in an area with marginal Sprint coverage around my home, but everywhere else is perfect. Hoping that WiFi calling can pick up the slack, assuming that the iOS 8 update that allows WiFi calling will be supported on Sprint.

I can't comment on the iPhone's WiFi calling (for obvious reasons), but if it works anything like the WiFi calling on my G3, it is awesome and works perfectly.


The only issue I'm seeing occasionally is the handset taking a few minutes to become ready to use. 90% of the time it is instant. If and when it does hang, a simple airplane mode toggle fixes everything once WiFi is re-connected.


WiFi calling saves battery too, because the handset doesn't need to be connected to the macro network in any way, so it shuts down all of the radios (LTE, CDMA), minus the WiFi radio.


Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

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My Airave is unplugged (shh, don't tell Sprint, they'll want it back). WiFi calling has worked nearly perfectly since I got the GS5 upgrade about 3 weeks ago. Moreover, the Airave 1900 PCS signal was not able to carry as well throughout my house as my WiFi-AC router's signal, so I get better call quality with the WiFi.

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I'm running the M8 with WiFi calling on a custom ROM. It seems a little finnicky at times. Doesn't stay connected all the time. I'm chalking it up to still needing some kinks ironed out by the devs.


Call quality is fantastic, SMS/MMS are sent/recieved almost instantly.


Just need hangouts to fix it's APN issues and I'll be a happy camper.

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My Airave is unplugged (shh, don't tell Sprint, they'll want it back). WiFi calling has worked nearly perfectly since I got the GS5 upgrade about 3 weeks ago. Moreover, the Airave 1900 PCS signal was not able to carry as well throughout my house as my WiFi-AC router's signal, so I get better call quality with the WiFi.

If you leave it unplugged long enough they will send you something in the mail about not using it and to either return it or be charged the $130 equipment fee.
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If you leave it unplugged long enough they will send you something in the mail about not using it and to either return it or be charged the $130 equipment fee.

That didn't happen to me. Had it unplugged for 4 months. Is that not long enough?



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That didn't happen to me. Had it unplugged for 4 months. Is that not long enough?



I don't know. I had mine off for 4 or 5 weeks and got the notice in the mail just recently.
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Wifi calling works great on Galaxy S5.   Calls connect instantly, faster then when connected to the macro network.   Texts go thru instantly too.    Battery life is better on wifi calling too.   I made a 70 minute call on wifi and the battery only decreased by 5% during the call.    I guess I better plug my airave  back in for a while so I dont get a notice in the mail too...

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I use it at work all the time which is a life saver. Like others have said, it works perfectly for me. Phone calls are clear and texting is seamless. I have the S5, but have had previous iphones and messaging is comparable to the imessage system. Texts send and receive faster than using the mobile network. The only complaint I have is having to register the address with WiFi Calling due to the 911 availability. I live in a new house (1 year to the day since completion) and it keeps telling me that my address is invalid thus I can't use it at home.

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Uh...As soon as iOS 8 shows up and lets me do wifi calling at home....This AIRHELL is disappearing. Back to Sprint. I do not want it anymore. 

So far, Sprint hasn't announced whether they will support Wi-FI calling on the iPhone, only T-Mobile has.  It's a simple enouch announcement to make, even if they bury it in a press release about somehing else, but I guess they have more important things to foucs on or they're not going to support the feature at all.  Either way, it would make my decision so easy if they annouced it. 

Edited by Makkari
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So far, Sprint hasn't announced whether they will support Wi-FI calling on the iPhone, only T-Mobile has.  It's a simple enouch announcement to make, even if they bury it in a press release about somehing else, but I guess they have more important things to foucs on or they're not going to support the feature at all.  Either way, it would make my decision so easy if they annouced it. 


I don't know why they wouldn't support it. iOS 8 is still in beta, so there's no need to announce it now. Probably around the time we get a firm date of the OS release.

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It has it pro and it cons like any service.


Pros: clearer calls, less drop calls, instant connection.

Cons: mms. Can't send mms or receive mms. I have to turn off wifi calling to be able to send and receive mms. Another con is if you're in an area of your house that has a weak wifi connection, your call will drop or the other person won't be able to hear you.


Personally I turned it off.

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Well, people with iPhones won't have that issue because iMessage. Does wifi calling allow HD voice? Sorry if that is a stupid question.

Unless you message someone without an iPhone. *gasp*


Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

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. . .

Cons: mms. Can't send mms or receive mms. . .

My GS5 has no problem sending or receiving mms (and sms and voice) while on WiFi calling. As I noted in an earlier post, my experience has been nearly flawless, which leaves me puzzled as to why others seem to have so many problems.

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All my wifi calls seem to say Hd on my G3.

I've never seen an HD call on WiFi, despite my wife having an iPhone 5c. We are always on an HD voice call when I use the macro network. Not sure why it doesn't work as an HD Voice call. There is more than enough throughput.


Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

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My GS5 has no problem sending or receiving mms (and sms and voice) while on WiFi calling. As I noted in an earlier post, my experience has been nearly flawless, which leaves me puzzled as to why others seem to have so many problems.

I also have issues with MMS on my s5 on wifi calling.


Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

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